
8 people scored in double figures! Warriors lightly took the Blazers to end a 2-game losing streak Curry 18+14 Klay 18 points

On February 25, the NBA regular season ended a focus battle, with the Warriors beating the Blazers 132-95 on the road, ending a two-game losing streak and ending the Blazers' four-game winning streak. In the second quarter, the Warriors opened the gap 24-3 and led by 13 points in the first half. The third quarter extended the advantage to 27 points, and the Warriors scored in double figures with eight members of the team, easily winning.


Warriors: Wiggins 10 points and 3 boards, Payton 10 points, Looney 10 points and 6 boards, Klay 18 points, 5 boards and 2 assists, Curry 18 points, 5 boards and 14 assists, Cuminga 17 points and 8 boards, Poole 15 points, Porter 10 points and 7 boards;

Trail Blazers: Ellerby 5 points and 4 boards, Winslow 14 points, Hart 12 points, 6 boards and 4 assists, Simmons 24 points, 3 boards and 3 assists, Brown 8 points;

8 people scored in double figures! Warriors lightly took the Blazers to end a 2-game losing streak Curry 18+14 Klay 18 points

Focus Lens:

Curry hit 180 consecutive three-pointers, the first in history;

8 people scored in double figures! Warriors lightly took the Blazers to end a 2-game losing streak Curry 18+14 Klay 18 points

Contest Review:

In the first quarter, Looney scored the first point, Hart threw consecutive shots, and Payton scored three points. Looney scored on a layup, Simmons scored with a high cut, Clay scored on a layup, and Hart also scored in color. Simmons chased the three points, and the Blazers rebounded the score. Looney assisted on Payton dunk, Winslow scored on a layup, Clay hit a three-pointer and Simmons responded from the outside. Hart counter-attacked with a dragon, Winslow hit one of two free throws, Elbee broke the ball and counter-attacked, and Curry picked a basket to score. Curry hit a three-pointer, Simmons hit a jumper, Watford hit two free throws and Brown hit a three-pointer. Porter scored four consecutive points on the board and the layup, Klay and Porter hit both free throws, Brown hit the air, and Clay hit another three-pointer. Cumminga made one of two free throws to give the Warriors 31-32 Blazers in the first quarter.

8 people scored in double figures! Warriors lightly took the Blazers to end a 2-game losing streak Curry 18+14 Klay 18 points

In the second quarter, Curry assisted cumming, Williams hit a three-pointer from the back, and Porter won the pie. Clay hit a three-pointer, Porter made a successful layup, Curry hit all three free throws, and Simmons' pursuit of three points was also colored. Curry and Lee scored consecutive points, Poole hit a three-pointer, and the Warriors pulled the gap 50-38. Kuminga hit two free throws, Poole's three-pointer and free throws cut consecutively, and the Warriors opened the gap 24-3. Simmons and Cumminga hit two free throws and Elbee hit all two free throws. Curry scored on technical free throws, and after Cumminga hit two free throws, the Warriors led by 20 points. Winslow scored on a throw, Ubanks made a one-handed dunk, curry and Simmons hit three-pointers. Curry picked a basket to score, Winslow hit a three-pointer, Curry and Simmons hit both free throws, and the first half ended with the Warriors 70-57 Blazers.

8 people scored in double figures! Warriors lightly took the Blazers to end a 2-game losing streak Curry 18+14 Klay 18 points

In the third quarter, Looney scored a basket, Winslow hit a three-pointer, and Payton and Hart scored against each other. Wiggins made a successful layup, Curry assisted Looney to score, Brown scored on a jumper, and Curry assisted clay to hit a three-pointer. Hart broke the ball and countered the dunk, Poole scored a layup, Ellby hit one of two free throws, and Wiggins hit a three-pointer. Curry assisted looney to release the basket, Simmons pulled the bar forward, Wiggins hit a jumper, Brown hit one of two free throws, Cumminga hit an empty three-pointer, and then he scored consecutive points. Klay scored on a jumper, Williams picked a basket, and the third quarter ended, and the Warriors were 100-73 Blazers.

8 people scored in double figures! Warriors lightly took the Blazers to end a 2-game losing streak Curry 18+14 Klay 18 points

In the fourth quarter, the Warriors and Blazers both sent more substitutes, Watford threw in, Cumminga made two free throws, Poole made 2+1, Watford made two free throws, and Lee assisted Poole in front of the court to score with a dunk. The Warriors stayed ahead of the curve and managed to win.

8 people scored in double figures! Warriors lightly took the Blazers to end a 2-game losing streak Curry 18+14 Klay 18 points

Two teams starting lineup:

Warriors: Curry, Klay, Wiggins, Payton, Looney;

Trail Blazers: Simmons, Elbey, Hart, Winslow, Eubanks;

8 people scored in double figures! Warriors lightly took the Blazers to end a 2-game losing streak Curry 18+14 Klay 18 points

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