
When I met you, the rest of my life was full of joy

When I met you, the rest of my life was full of joy

The best thing in the world is to meet someone who really understands himself.

Understanding is the acquaintance of the soul; understanding is the ultimate romance.

Everyone longs to meet understanding, to meet love, to meet warmth. However, the encounter between people can never escape the word "fate".

People who have a relationship, even if they are separated by thousands of rivers and mountains, can meet and know each other; people who have no luck, even if they pass each other, are still strangers.

Whenever a person walks on a bustling street and looks at the passers-by who come and go, they will always inexplicably think, where are they going, what are they going to do, and what kind of story do they have?

All the questions eventually dissipated in the wind, and there would never be an answer, because I was just a passerby with them, and there was no fate of acquaintance.

Acquaintance requires fate. When fate arrives, there will be unexpected surprises.

When I met you, the rest of my life was full of joy

All the good words are not enough to describe the feeling when I first met you. All I can think of is one sentence: "Knowing Junchu is like returning from the past." ”

The sense of familiarity, intimacy, and trust that comes from nowhere makes the two hearts come close naturally. Since then, we have accompanied each other all the way, walked together in wind and rain, and never abandoned.

The most difficult thing in the world is the meeting at the right time, no step earlier, no step later, when you came, I happened to be there; when you looked at me, I just happened to be looking at you...

I didn't believe that the so-called heart had a spirit. I always feel that it is people's fantasy of beautiful love, which does not exist in reality.

Later, when I met you, I truly understood the meaning of "no color phoenix with two wings, and a sharp mind".

You often say that we are the other half of the souls scattered around each other, destined to meet and know each other.

I often wonder, if I hadn't met you, what kind of loneliness would I have spent the rest of my life? Fortunately, God has given me the opportunity to meet you.

Meeting you is the best thing in this life.

When I met you, the rest of my life was full of joy

Winter to spring, flowers blossom, time flows quietly like water, unconsciously, we have been with each other for several years.

It is said that companionship is the longest confession of affection. So, we will spend our whole lives proving our sincerity to each other.

The roads we have traveled together and the time we have spent are the beautiful memories that belong to us. When it comes to the twilight years, look back on the past together, how happy it should be, how warm it should be...

No one really likes to be alone, no one doesn't want to be loved and understood. It's just that it's hard to meet the person who really loves and understands himself, so he tries to adapt to loneliness and get used to loneliness.

How lucky it is to meet you in this life.

It's how lucky it is to have you along the way.

How lucky it is to have your infinite tenderness.

Perhaps, there was a covenant in the past life, and the reunion in this life is only to continue to write the unfinished love.

The word "cherish" is always kept in mind. No matter how the world changes, the original intention does not change, this feeling is unswerving.

When I met you, the rest of my life was full of joy

Someone said: "In the vast world, there are many people I meet, but there are very few people who are devoted, friendship is like this, love is also, and in the end, they are like strangers, disappearing into the vast sea of people, and the song is finally scattered." ”

Yes, most people are like this, accompanied by a journey, and then dispersed, the rest of their lives will not intersect. There are only a very few people, and when they meet, they are once in a lifetime.

It's like I met you.

When I meet you, the soul is no longer lonely.

When I met you, the rest of my life was full of joy.

If there is reincarnation in life, in the next life, I hope to meet you again.

You don't have to ask if you want to meet me in the next life, because I know that your heart is like mine, and you will not fail in this life and in the next life.

Another spring, another blossom, everything is so beautiful, just because you are by my side.

The rest of your life is long, the years are long, as long as you are there, it is the best time.

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