
Experience: Is it good to buy a mobile phone with a curved screen or a straight screen?

Since the birth of the curved screen mobile phone, the mobile phone industry has always had a very hot topic, in the end is the direct screen mobile phone good? Or is the curved screen phone good? The most standard answer is that each has its own advantages, and in fact, it is directly related to the price of mobile phones!

Experience: Is it good to buy a mobile phone with a curved screen or a straight screen?

The first is the price above, the same mobile phone, if you use a curved screen, the natural cost will be higher, but the high-quality direct screen is also higher than the low-quality curved screen cost, such as Apple's flagship OLED screen, the direct screen but it is very expensive.

Experience: Is it good to buy a mobile phone with a curved screen or a straight screen?

In terms of experience, each has its own advantages and varies from person to person! Some people feel that it is convenient to face the screen but the grip is not good, and some people feel that the curved screen is easy to touch by mistake, and sometimes the touch is not strong and not strong.

But Honan's personal idea is that the direct screen will be more practical, but the curved screen will look better!

The straight-faced screen is first easier to hand the film, and the cost of the tempered film will be relatively low, and the probability of falling underground to break the screen is lower than that of the curved screen, and the edges are rarely touched by mistake.

Experience: Is it good to buy a mobile phone with a curved screen or a straight screen?

The front of the curved screen looks very good, the mobile phone is like a bezel-less, especially the mobile phone of the waterfall screen, the value is high, the grip is good, but the practicality is general, the wrong touch is more common, and sometimes there will be distortions on the edge of the chase.

Experience: Is it good to buy a mobile phone with a curved screen or a straight screen?

Now the mainstream micro-curved screen will be more perfect, reducing the false touch rate, while taking into account the beauty, playing the game is also easy.

So about the choice of curved screen or straight screen completely depends on their own use of the use of the fixed, there is no perfect design, only suitable for their own design, so if it is you, will choose the straight screen or curved screen mobile phone?

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