
Jin Canrong can't understand that the United States exposes the inherent defects of mainstream scholarship, and the century-old changes are giving birth to an academic revolution

Jin Canrong can't understand that the United States exposes the inherent defects of mainstream scholarship, and the century-old changes are giving birth to an academic revolution

Jin Canrong said on the program a few days ago that he has studied international politics for 40 years, but he also cannot understand the operation of the United States in the situation between Russia and Ukraine. As the dean of the School of International Relations of Renmin University and as an expert who eats by studying the United States, he dared to be so frank in the television program, indicating that it was not his personal knowledge level that was wrong, but that the mainstream academic system was wrong, not that Jin Canrong personally could not understand the United States, but that all scholars in the mainstream academic system could not understand it. In other words, the current American style of doing things is a departure from the mainstream academic cognition and the logical setting of mainstream scholarship.

In short, it is a departure from scholarship and practice, and practice. Scholarship should be able to reflect and explain practice, and once there is a divergence between scholarship and practice, it is not practice that is wrong, but academic error.

True scholarship should be based on historical practice, a summary and refinement of historical practice, from the practice of history, to explain and guide the practice of the present. In the words of Wang Yangming, it is "the unity of knowledge and action", knowledge is academic, and practice is practice. However, the cornerstone of modern Western scholarship is precisely not historical practice, but the belief in presuppositions and fictions, the concepts and assumptions of presuppositions and fictions as the basic premise, which is actually a tower in the sand.

The artificial and fictional features of modern Western scholarship, characterized by detachment from practice, are rooted in religion, specifically Christianity. The cornerstone of the modern academic system is science, that is, the scientific system, divided into science, liberal arts, science is a natural science, the liberal arts is a social science, and the emphasis on theory and light on the text, that science is true and the liberal arts is false, science is real and liberal arts is virtual. In fact, the fictionality of modern scholarship comes from the scientific concept itself, and this is true of both liberal arts and sciences.

In fact, modern scholarship, like religion, is a set of knowledge systems, and the source of these knowledge systems is not historical practice, but artificial presuppositions and artificial assumptions. The premise and assumption of religion is God, God is the source of all knowledge, God is knowledge itself, and if people want to acquire knowledge, they must believe in God. Thus, faith in God is a means of acquiring knowledge, not empirical learning.

Modern scholarship, as a set of knowledge systems, is the result of western deregilization and secularization, more precisely, the result of incomplete derelictization and incomplete secularization, which is anti-religious in form, but in essence there is a connection and inheritance with religion.

The biggest hypothesis and fiction of religion is God, a god of the same sex as man, and after de-religionization, this god has been overthrown, but not only the presupposition and fiction of the religious knowledge system have been well inherited by modern Western scholarship, but also the core of God has also been inherited by modern Western scholarship. God is a fictional, presupposed concept, and modern scholarship is also based on a number of fictional, presuppositional concepts, which are called "philosophical ontology." From God to philosophical ontology, it is unchanged and unchanged.

The most basic and core concept of science is "truth," which is the direct inheritance of theological truth. In Christianity, truth is God, God, and God and God are truth. From theological truth to the philosophical truth, the part of God and the same sex of man is removed, that is, the personified part of God is removed, and what remains is the impersonal ontology, that is, the truth. From philosophical truth to scientific truth, it is added to the empirical part, that truth exists in the natural world, and later extended to society, through empirical research, scientific experiments, can find truth.

Note that scientific truth exists before the birth and development of science, before there is scientific truth, and then there is scientific practice, and scientific practice is the discovery of truths that exist a priori and innately in the natural world. Truth is the cornerstone of modern Western scholarship, of the modern Western system of knowledge, but this cornerstone is not based on practice, but on presuppositions, inherited from the presuppositions of Christian theology.

This presupposition makes the modern Western academic system, the modern Western knowledge system, the scientific system, naturally divorced from practice and deviated from practice. At the same time, this system also retains many of the characteristics of religion, has a belief factor, and is dogmatic.

The contradiction in the natural sciences is that in practice truth does not exist, because what was previously thought to be true, which was later often proven to be wrong, is constantly falsified. On the one hand, the cornerstone of the entire scientific system is the premise of scientific truth, and on the other hand, in practice, science is constantly being falsified. The explanation then given is that science approaches the truth through constant falsification, and each falsification is a step closer to the truth.

Since in practice it is constantly falsified, where does the concept of truth come from? Obviously fictional and presupposed. The greatest hypocrisy is not falsification in practice, but the premise of scientific truth itself, and truth itself is false.

The sanctity and truth of science come precisely from the premise of scientific truth, how to remove the premise of truth, its sacredness and truth will collapse violently, science is actually empirical technology, that is, the law of experience. Empirical technology and empirical laws are real, while truth is fictional, and modern science is true and imaginary, giving empirical technology and empirical laws the cloak of truth, and making empirical technology truthful and sacred. This is the hypocritical and fictional side of science, as well as the side of its beliefs and superstitions, which leads to the separation of science from practice and reality.

In the Chinese tradition, economic technology is called "instrument", and those who specialize in these jobs are "craftsmen". The scientists on the modern tall are actually the "instrument people" and "craftsmen" of "gentlemen who do not have instruments".

In the social sciences, it is to truthfully and sacralize the system, and more specifically, to the system that the West now recognizes in the process of deregcration and secularization, to describe the system based on its limited cognition as the general law of human society, and to describe its value based on limited cognition as universal value. The most typical is the idea of freedom and democracy.

From the level of technical usefulness, science does have value, there is a technical level, and democracy also has value, but to raise the usefulness of technology and system to the level of truth is superstition and dogma.

Since modern Western scholarship is premised on fictional, hypothetical basic concepts, then it is divorced from practice and social reality, why does such a form of scholarship appear and exist in the modern West? The reasons for this are also the same as religion.

In Christianity, it is believed that God is an absolutely transcendent being, that God is the source of goodness, justice, and knowledge, that human beings themselves have no goodness, no justice, and no knowledge, that man is born sinful, and that it is only through faith in God that goodness, justice, or knowledge can be obtained.

Similarly, in modern Western scholarship, people are inherently ignorant and need enlightenment, and the emergence of modern Western society is the result of the "Enlightenment Movement". Modern scholarship and modern knowledge are the enlighteners, turning people from ignorance and superstition into knowledge and rationality.

That is to say, the Western knowledge system does not respect people, ignores the real human nature, assumes that human nature is naturally evil or foolish, and is based on the basic premise of transforming people and changing people.

Based on fictional concepts, it will inevitably lead to the dogmatization, superstition, and hypocrisy of the Western knowledge system; disrespect for people and the use of people as evil will inevitably lead to the use of people as tools, leading to detachment from the people and from practice, leading to authoritarianization and instrumentalization. Eventually, the system will be manipulated by a few elites and reduced to a tool for the few to exploit the majority. There was so much religious corruption during the Christian period that the clergy developed a religious product: the indulgence, saying that the purchase of such indulgence would eliminate sin and go directly to heaven after death.

In fact, the emergence of modern academic systems is only 160 or 170 years ago. At first, as an advanced idea, people were willing to choose to believe, and follow it, accepting change. This is true of the West, and so is China, and after the Xinhai Revolution, China and the Xinhai Revolution have officially introduced modern Western scholarship in an all-round way, and it has been more than 110 years, and the gap between the two is not large. China is willing to accept modern Western scholarship, not in Western scholarship itself, and believes that Western scholarship is the support of modern economy and science and technology, in order to catch up with the West in economy and science and technology.

Modern Western scholarship has been implemented in the West for more than 160 years, its drawbacks have been increasingly exposed, its leading attributes have gradually disappeared, the dogmatic, instrumental, and authoritarian side is being highlighted, and its detached from the people, from reality and practice is being highlighted.

For China, the successful rise of economy and technology, as well as its rapid development and development model that surpassed that of the West, has also re-ignited China's re-understanding of its own culture. At the same time, the focus of attention on the West has also shifted from envying and catching up with the economy to examining its culture itself, triggering a re-understanding of Western culture. In summary, when China achieved economic rise, the contradiction between the mainstream Western-style academic system and China's practice and practice quickly became prominent.

In short, the young, fictional assumption-based modern Western academic system is essentially divorced from the people and from practice, not only from Chinese and Chinese practice, but also from Western people and Western practice. With the advent of a century of changes, this contradiction between scholarship and practice and practice has quickly become prominent.

Why do these elites in the mainstream academic system suddenly and absolutely can't understand the United States? The reason is that the United States is more real, and the current Trump and Biden ways of doing things are the reactions of the real society and real culture of the United States and the West, but in the past, Jin Canrong mistakenly equated Western scholarship with the truth of Western society and culture, without knowing that its scholarship and its practice are actually divergent.

What does the 100-year upheaval mean? The most important of these is the exposure of the falsehood and hypocrisy of modern Western scholarship, which is collapsing and needs to be replaced by a new academic system rooted in historical practice and the humanity of the real human heart. Only China can provide and create this academic system, which is the unshirkable responsibility of China's current true scholars.

The true scholars in China today must exist outside the mainstream academic system, and must exist outside the universities and mainstream research mechanisms. Because the creation of this new academic system is actually a revolution against the old Westernized academic system, the new academic system will take the Chinese study of righteousness as the core, forming a new "Chinese body for Western use" system of "righteousness as the body, science as the use".

There is an old Chinese saying that "courtesy is lost and the wilderness is sought" At present, China's mainstream academic system is Westernized and also "disrespectful", and to correct this "courtesy failure", it is necessary to "seek the academic wilderness". Scholars in universities and research institutions are all holding the state and are academic dynasties. Outside of universities and research institutes, folk scholars who do not take the state are academic wilderness.

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