
After the Tesla Model 3 flew over a 10-meter-wide river, the passenger was only slightly injured?

Recently, a domestic Tesla Model 3 flew over a 10-meter-wide river and protected its occupants from serious injuries caused by hard landings. Tesla has also once again demonstrated its safety and ability to protect occupants' lives in unforeseen circumstances.

After the Tesla Model 3 flew over a 10-meter-wide river, the passenger was only slightly injured?

According to the news agency, in Kaifeng, Henan, a Tesla car was found parked on the road, the front and rear bodies, wheels were obviously damaged, the airbags had been fully deployed, according to the surrounding observers at the time, the driver was only slightly injured (traffic police later said that the driver was not a big problem).

After the Tesla Model 3 flew over a 10-meter-wide river, the passenger was only slightly injured?

The reason why it happened was that the driver who was not familiar with the roads in the area accelerated the speed to about 100km/h, and when she suddenly noticed that there was a river in front of her, she had lost control of the vehicle, considering the speed of the vehicle and the slope of the road, the Tesla was equivalent to flying over a river about 10 meters wide, then landing heavily on the other side, then driving for about 30 meters before stopping completely.

After the Tesla Model 3 flew over a 10-meter-wide river, the passenger was only slightly injured?

The impact of this landing was large and severely damaged the car, the front end of the car crashed into a large curb, seriously damaged the front bumper, but the Tesla Model 3 design also did a very good job of protecting the occupants from injury, although compared to conventional fuel vehicles, the front of the electric car does not have an engine, but this fact also allows the area to absorb the impact of the curb impact, and ultimately provides important protection for the occupants.

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