
Safe and effective? The only approved diet pill in China, it may make your ass "leak oil"

Safe and effective? The only approved diet pill in China, it may make your ass "leak oil"

Just as we have shed the age of hunger, obesity has become our greater sorrow.

Nowadays, weight loss has become a common topic of modern human beings, whether it is 80 pounds, or 180 pounds, they are nagging about weight loss and weight loss.

But the problem is that the ubiquity of food temptation, coupled with inertia, has put an end to many people's fantasies, so some people have begun to take shortcuts---- diet pills.

Safe and effective? The only approved diet pill in China, it may make your ass "leak oil"

The only approved diet pill in China may only make people fart and urine flow oil

Most diet pills are actually unreliable, either by adding laxative ingredients to make your diarrhea lessen, or by adding ingredients containing illegal drugs in an attempt to control the central nervous system and reduce your appetite.

However, there is indeed a only approved diet pill in China, called "orlistat", which is a long-acting and useful specific gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor, which simply makes the fat hydrolysis in the gastrointestinal tract inactive.

Safe and effective? The only approved diet pill in China, it may make your ass "leak oil"

What does it have to do with weight loss?

Know that the lipolytic enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract can make your fat more easily absorbed. If it loses its activity, the fat in the digestive tract is not absorbed and eventually passes through the feces.

In simple terms, it is to reduce fat absorption in the intestines and avoid excessive fat intake, so as to achieve the effect of weight loss.

Doesn't that sound a little exciting? After losing weight, simply buy this medicine and eat it.

Safe and effective? The only approved diet pill in China, it may make your ass "leak oil"

By taking this medicine to lose weight, the effect is actually very limited

In fact, the purpose of weight loss is not to reduce weight, but more importantly, to reduce body fat. But orlix, on the other hand, only restricts calorie intake from fat by 25-30%.

This means that even if you eat more orlistat, people can limit fat intake there, no increase or decrease.

According to the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, the total energy provided by fat needs to be less than 30% in a healthy daily diet.

But the calories we consume every day are not only fat calories, but also the carbohydrate calories brought by starchy staple foods.

If the calories of such compounds are not consumed in time, they will also be converted into fat accumulated in the body for storage, so in order to achieve fat loss, limiting the calorie intake of the diet is the basis.

Safe and effective? The only approved diet pill in China, it may make your ass "leak oil"

To lose weight correctly, it is necessary to combine exercise and diet control

Some people think that if they do more exercise every day, they will be able to lose weight.

But in fact, as long as you can't help but eat a little more and drink more after exercise, the hard work of half a day will be in vain. After each exercise, pay attention to controlling the amount of diet, and avoid eating and drinking violently.

Others believe that jogging for half an hour at a time can achieve weight loss. Studies have shown that if each exercise is shorter than 40 minutes, it is difficult to see the fat consumption regardless of the intensity of the exercise.

Another point is that the more intense the exercise, the better the weight loss effect, in fact, only by carrying out appropriate small intensity aerobic exercise and being able to stick to it for a long time can we better lose fat.

Therefore, every time we exercise, we may as well speed up the pace, turn slow walking into a fast run, turn a fast walk into a bobby jump, and so on. By increasing strength training, you can increase muscle mass, thereby promoting the body's metabolism, and automatically consuming more calories every day.

Safe and effective? The only approved diet pill in China, it may make your ass "leak oil"

Orlistat, too, has some health risks

At present, for orlistat as a diet pill, it is generally defined by Chinese guidelines (the definition of overweight is BMI ≥ 24 kg / m, obesity is defined as BMI ≥ 28 kg / m) of obese patients and associated risk factors (such as hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia, etc.) of long-term treatment, and need to be combined with a micro-low-caloric diet.

Therefore, orlistat is not everyone can eat, must meet a certain standard, and the use of comprehensive life intervention still failed to reduce the weight loss target, with the help of doctors to decide whether to take it according to individual conditions.

At the same time, it should not be taken for pregnant women, patients with chronic malabsorption, patients with bile accumulation, organic obesity, children under 18 years of age, and lactating women.

In addition, this diet pill can also cause adverse reactions in the gastrointestinal tract, and there will be increased gastrointestinal exhaust, a sense of urgency in the stool, steatic diarrhea, and an increase in the number of stools.

Safe and effective? The only approved diet pill in China, it may make your ass "leak oil"

As a result, we have yet to find a drug that can make people slim once and for all.

Therefore, the correct way to lose weight is to choose a weight loss lifestyle that suits you and can stick to it for a long time. Usually, we should reasonably control our diet, try to eat less high-calorie foods, and eat more low-fat foods.

Pay attention to eating three meals a day on time, and avoid irregular eating and hunger.

In addition, do not sit still for a long time, you can exercise moderately every day, maintain a regular schedule, etc.

Safe and effective? The only approved diet pill in China, it may make your ass "leak oil"

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