
Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

E-commerce newspaper Pro

2024-05-23 11:03Posted on the official account of Guangdong E-commerce News

Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

Guo Youcai announced that he would stop broadcasting for 3 days

What's wrong with Guo Youcai, who suddenly announced that he would stop broadcasting for three days?

On May 22, Guo Youcai announced in the live broadcast that he would stop broadcasting for two or three days to study.

Guo Youcai said: "No matter what kind of storm you face, you can be yourself, simply sing to everyone, and simply be yourself." Bring more happiness to everyone. In these two or three days, let Youcai take a good rest, and after these two or three days, I will present the best talent to everyone. ”

It is worth mentioning that Heze South Station, which was brought to fire by Guo Youcai, also issued an announcement announcing the suspension of live broadcast activities.

One person leads a city, Guo Youcai's song "Promise" has made Heze, Shandong a new top city, and Heze South Railway Station has become a check-in place for Internet celebrities across the country. However, it didn't take long for Heze South Station to issue an "eviction order" for the live broadcast of Internet celebrities.

On May 20, Heze South Railway Station issued an announcement saying, "In view of the concentration of exams such as the spring college entrance examination, summer college entrance examination, and high school entrance examination from May to July 2024, and the school near Heze South Station has a test center." In order to create a good learning, living and examination environment for the majority of candidates, Heze South Station will no longer hold all kinds of cultural and recreational activities. ”

Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

Source: Announcement of Heze South Railway Station

To briefly recap, during this year's May Day, Guo Youcai's cover of "Promise" became popular all over the Internet, causing a wave of retro nostalgia on the Internet. Heze South Station, the background of Guo Youcai's live broadcast, has also re-entered the public eye, and in a few days, this old railway station has become bustling and lively from abandonment.

On May 10, Guo Youcai's Douyin account only had 190,000 followers, and since then, his related video likes and the number of followers have begun to skyrocket, and the speed is amazing. According to Chan's mother's data, the number of viewers of Guo Youcai's live broadcast has also increased dramatically since May 10, and the number of viewers exceeded 10 million on May 11, heading for the peak of traffic.

Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

Guo Youcai's live broadcast was watched by the number of people Source: Chan's mother

After Guo Youcai became popular, Heze Cultural Tourism provided strong support for the live broadcast event, working overtime overnight to pave the way, the three major operators drove signal cars to provide on-site support, and volunteers served the crowd. In order to catch the flow of the sky, Heze Cultural Tourism has made a lot of efforts.

So, on May 20, the 10th day of Guo Youcai's explosion, why did Heze South Station stop the live broadcast?

Judging from the announcement, it is to create a good learning, living and examination environment for candidates. It is worth mentioning that from May 17th to 19th, due to the fact that there are test centers in schools near Heze South Station for the 2024 spring college entrance examination, in order to create a good examination and living environment for the majority of candidates, the square of Heze South Station has also announced the cessation of all cultural and recreational activities. At that time, the announcement said that the live broadcast event would be moved to the South Square of the National Flower Expo Park and would return to normal on May 20.

May 20th arrived, and Heze South Station continued to suspend live broadcasts. According to market analysts, in addition to serving candidates, perhaps the reason is that the Internet celebrity broadcast live at Heze South Station, which has caused a lot of public opinion controversy.

In the Internet era, traffic is paramount, and where there is popularity, there are Internet celebrities. Guo Youcai's traffic is large, and Internet celebrities have rushed up and started live broadcasts at Heze South Station. At the scene, there were even many Internet celebrities who started queuing up at three o'clock in the morning, just to grab a live broadcast C position.

Heze South Station has become a huge traffic field, and some Internet celebrities are dressed in strange costumes, racking their brains to rub traffic, which is described by netizens as "a group of demons dancing". The gathering of Internet celebrities at Heze South Station has also had an impact on the lives of local residents. According to media reports, Heze South Station has been reported by citizens to disturb the people, affecting the normal life of nearby residents.

According to reports, the local government has responded that a special team has been set up to rectify the chaos of live broadcasting, and the surrounding environment has been improved.

Traffic itself is not good or bad, but it can't be extreme.

For the local cultural tourism, the explosion of Guo Youcai and Heze South Station is an opportunity, and how to continue to attract tourists to Heze, Shandong Province is more important to drive local economic development. Find the problem, solve the problem, Heze South Station suspended the live broadcast, and there are other more suitable places in Heze, Shandong to undertake this wave of traffic.

It is understood that as soon as the announcement of Heze South Station came out, the scene had almost returned to calm, and most of the anchors went to another live broadcast location.

Two months later, it is unknown whether Heze South Station will still be open for live broadcasting. However, the sudden explosion went quickly, and it was probably a little difficult for Heze South Station at that time to return to the peak of traffic.

The Internet does not have a permanent top stream, for the time being, Shandong Heze seized the opportunity to be seen by the whole country, and try to continue the popularity and influence to attract tourists from all over the world, how is it not an attempt.

Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

Guo Youcai exploded, and controversy followed

The suspension of live broadcast at Heze South Station has become an established fact. However, Guo Youcai's explosion is still ongoing. Up to now, Guo Youcai has 12.329 million fans, 6.219 million likes, and 10 million fans in 10 days.

Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

Guo Youcai's account Source: Douyin

While the number of fans continues to grow, Guo Youcai's personal commercial value is also rising. Recently, there was market news that Guo Youcai was signed by a local MCN agency, and the signing fee was as high as 50 million. However, Guo Youcai did not respond to this.

On May 17, the official account of the Heze Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism released a video saying that Guo Youcai had been hired as a cultural tourism recommendation officer in Heze City. In the video, Guo Youcai held the letter of appointment of "Heze City Cultural Tourism Recommendation Officer" and said: "Thank you Heze Cultural Tourism for your support, I feel very happy and honored to be hired as Heze City Cultural Tourism Recommendation Officer today." ”

Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

Guo Youcai was hired as the cultural tourism recommendation officer of Heze City Source: Heze Cultural Tourism

Guo Youcai, who became a recommendation officer, can be said to be deeply bound to Heze Cultural Tourism and has become the spokesperson of his hometown. Guo Youcai seems to have ushered in the highlight moment of his life.

However, there are many popular people, and while Guo Youcai is sought after, controversy also follows.

After Guo Youcai's cover of "Promise" at Heze South Station became popular, many people pointed out that there may be copyright issues in the cover of the song, and questioned whether Guo Youcai "has authorization to cover old songs". Guo Youcai himself is not an original singer, his cover of "Promise" was released in 1995, the original song is Taiwanese female singer Li Yijun, and the lyricist is Ding Xiaowen, a famous lyricist from Taiwan.

It is understood that a cover song may not necessarily be found to be infringing, but if it is covered and disseminated for the purpose of commercial profit, it is likely to involve infringement. Guo Youcai ordered songs by fans during the live broadcast, he sang, and the carnival in the live broadcast room continued, he covered the song and accepted the reward from the live broadcast room, which may be infringing.

After Guo Youcai became popular, he received great attention from the whole network, and his words and deeds may become the focus of others' discussions. On May 20, Guo Youcai was reported by a well-known blogger Li Yuchan with his real name, saying that he had made bad remarks.

It is understood that in a live broadcast on May 19, Guo Youcai said when singing the song, "It's okay if you don't go to work, you support me if you don't go to work?" I'll raise you! Li Yuchan believed that there was a problem with Guo Youcai's remarks, and reported them to the Heze Cultural and Tourism Bureau and Beijing 12315 in his real name. The follow-up of the reported incident is still subject to official results.

In addition, Guo Youcai's grassroots identity has also been questioned by netizens.

In the past, there were many examples of Internet celebrities overturning, and after Guo Youcai became popular, he had to pay more attention to his words and deeds. How long Guo Youcai can be popular, time will tell us the answer, how far he can go, he has to rely on his true skills.

Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

Cultural tourism can't just rely on Internet celebrities

Guo Youcai and Heze South Station, the story of one person leading a city with fire was staged again. In fact, in addition to Guo Youcai, there are many examples of Internet celebrities helping the development of local cultural tourism.

In March this year, Kaifeng Wang Po brought fire to the Kaifeng Long Live Mountain Scenic Area in Henan Province, which also drove the upsurge of "Wang Po Says Media" programs across the country. Earlier, like the little sister tumbler in Xi'an Datang Sleepless City, "Litang Ding Zhen", and the "Snow Cake Monkey" in Changchun Zoological and Botanical Garden......

The explosion of these people has led to the development of local cultural tourism. Taking Guo Youcai as an example, Douyin life service data shows that from May 10 to May 12, Heze's Douyin life service orders increased by 215% year-on-year. Among them, the orders for wine and tourism increased by 80% from May 7 to 9, a year-on-year increase of more than 6 times, and the orders for catering and leisure and entertainment increased by more than 2 times year-on-year.

Internet celebrities can indeed enhance local visibility and boost the local economy in the short term. However, it should be seen that there are many examples of Internet celebrities overturning, and traffic can not only bring dividends, but also get backlash. If the cultural tourism market blindly relies on Internet celebrity traffic to attract attention, it will not go far. Judging from past examples, when the popularity of Internet celebrities decreases, the attention and discussion of the corresponding cities will also decrease.

For cultural tourism in various places, traffic means attention, and being seen is only the first step. Internet celebrity popularity is sometimes just a gimmick, based on local culture, with traffic marketing, in order to make cultural tourism distinctive and popular for a long time.

In general, how to achieve stability and long-term development in the future and turn traffic into retention is an important topic that cultural tourism in various places needs to think about.

Author | Pandora

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  • Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting
  • Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting
  • Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting
  • Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting
  • Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting
  • Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting
  • Internet celebrity Guo Youcai quit and announced that he would stop broadcasting

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