
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

I just want an "ice pier"!

But "ice pier" and "pier" are difficult to find!

Recently, this BGM song has spread all over the Internet

It not only expresses everyone's love for the mascot of the Winter Olympics " Ice Pier "

It also reflects the eagerness of everyone to buy

Due to the official online store and offline store of the Olympic Committee, it has been out of stock

It has greatly stimulated everyone's enthusiasm for creation

There are so many "ice piers" around us all of a sudden.

Today, Xiaobian will take you to "plate a plate"

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

A heavy snow has wrapped our city in silver

The yeti version of the "ice pier" "comes to us first"

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

Immediately after "coming" to us was a paper-cut version of the "ice pier"

Teacher Zhao Weidi, the inheritor of the city's intangible cultural heritage traditional skill "silk paper-cutting"

And her size trainees are presented to everyone

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

Among them

The most eye-catching is the silk chromatic version of the "ice pier"

The process is complex but lifelike

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

Next, in the Lingwu City Museum Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Area

Children and parents learn about the Autonomous Region-level Intangible Cultural Heritage Projects

Lingwu ancient ceramics making techniques

I used the mud in my hand to pinch out the cute "ice pier"

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

In the Shuofang Road community

Kids with paintbrushes in their hands

Painted "ice piers" and "snow melting"

Cheer for the Beijing Winter Olympics together

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

Residents of Xiejiajing Community and Xichang Street Community

Make cute "ice piers" with handmade clay

And paste 56 "ice piers" on the pomegranate seed background plate

Jointly forge a solid sense of the Chinese national community

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

Craftsmen of the Shuofang Road community and the Xiping Road community

Through crochet, embroidery, lantern making and other techniques

Made the "Ice Pier"

Lead the community residents to cheer for the Winter Olympic athletes

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

Xiaobian also warmly reminds everyone here

The "ice pier" is cute and cute

However, its image is protected by the Copyright Law

If it is only used for non-commercial purposes such as personal learning and appreciation

It is generally not considered to constitute infringement

However, if it is used for business and sales, it is an infringement and illegal act

Corresponding legal liabilities may be assumed

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

Overall: we all love "ice piers"

Let's cheer for the Beijing Winter Olympics together

"Running together to the future"

Reporter: Wang Yu

Editor of this issue: Song Wenhe

Editor-in-charge: Tang Chunyan

Review: Zhao Guijiang

【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us
【Beijing Winter Olympics】It turns out that there are so many "ice piers" around us

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