
From Tokyo to Beijing, the champions in the small screen

Before Gu Ailing won the gold medal in the freestyle ski women's big jump, the Douyin master "Ski Research Institute" released a short popular science video, hoping to reduce the pressure on the much-anticipated Gu Ailing, but unexpectedly, he got a reply from the "Frog Princess" herself: "Why don't you have confidence in me?" ”

After winning the championship, this content quickly became popular on the Internet, and the "young and vigorous" Gu Ailing was loved by more people.

Such an interesting little story is often staged on TikTok throughout the ice and snow event cycle. Including Gu Ailing, more than 100 ice and snow athletes have settled in Douyin, forming a powerful champion group, sharing their training, competitions and lives with 600 million netizens in the form of short videos.

Because of the pandemic, coverage of the event has been severely restricted. In the past, athletes could sit in the "living room" set up by the broadcasting unit to be interviewed, but from Tokyo to Beijing, athletes talked more on a small screen in the live broadcast of mobile phones.

From Tokyo to Beijing, the champions in the small screen

During the event, Douyin invited frontline athletes, retired champions, and cross-border celebrities to create a series of live broadcasts such as "The Champion Arrives" and "The Lord is Coming", allowing the audience to experience the most real ice and snow atmosphere at close range.

The change in the way we watch the game has made the ice and snow events at our doorstep truly within reach, and in the subtle way, it has affected our cognition of athletes and even improved our understanding of ice and snow sports.

It is an arena and a stage of personality

With the perfect end of the ice and snow event, Beijing has become a veritable city of the Two Olympics. Although they are all held at home, compared with 2008, the ice and snow event in 2022 has become more "light".

From the stark contrast of the opening ceremony, it can be seen that China no longer needs to "recommend" itself with the help of a sports event, and after 14 years of development, we are more confident and calm to look at the world.

At this year's ice and snow event, China has made breakthrough achievements in many projects, and even broke the pattern of strong ice and snow in the medal table. From another point of view, it is precisely because athletes first get rid of the burden of achievements, light up, enjoy the game, and achieve leapfrog development.

From Tokyo to Beijing, the champions in the small screen

Therefore, the 2022 ice and snow event is not only a sports arena, but also a stage for athletes to show their personalities.

Gu Ailing on the field embraces fear and challenges the limit, she is a talented girl, and the "Frog Princess Gu Ailing" outside the arena is a treasure girl with sunshine and confidence.

"Hello everyone, I'm a freestyle skier Gu Ailing", this is the standard beginning of Gu Ailing's short video on Douyin, she joked that she would unconsciously raise her tone when she said Chinese, but Gu Ailing still confidently expressed herself with Chinese.

In addition to athletes, Gu Ailing is also a fashion model – young people don't set limits on themselves, which is an important value she hopes to pass on. When he first entered the Winter Olympic Village, Gu Ailing opened a mini fashion show with sports equipment, filmed a video and posted it on Douyin: Fashion competition is the first project, and I am a big hit to win gold.

In the comment area of Gu Ailing's douyin video, there are often similar praises: "Ailing is too real, plain face, the more there is traffic, the average person is eager to show the best side, she is so unobtrusive." ”

In Gu Ailing's view, Xiutu is a manifestation of unconfidence, and the deeper reason for loving Su Face to the sky is her understanding of "beauty": "Beauty is not thin, beauty is power." I don't look at my legs and I don't think they're so thick, but I see if they make me jump so high in the air and do things that women haven't done before, or anyone else. ”

Through Douyin, we see a more vivid and three-dimensional Gu Ailing. After Gu Ailing won the big jump gold medal, her Douyin account rose to more than 5 million fans in 24 hours, and 94 topics related to her landed on the Douyin hot list, and the related videos were played more than 4 billion! No one can deny the huge influence of the gold medal, but compared to the achievements on the field, the positive energy transmitted by Gu Ailing is the more important reason why she can burst so much.

There is both accuracy and temperature

If Gu Ailing is the ice and snow princess of the new generation, then Wang Meng is the ice queen of the older generation. The Beijing Winter Olympics won the red of Gu Ailing, and also made Wang Meng burst into flames again.

Just like the "overbearing" on the track, Wang Meng is also very domineering in the commentary seat, and "my eyes are rulers" once became a hot word on the whole network.

In addition to the commentary, during the entire ice and snow event, Wang Meng also launched a series of live broadcasts on Douyin, "The Lord is Coming", inviting guests to chat together every game day. Topics are hard-core enough, such as "can naturalized athletes really lead Chinese sports to take off", and there are enough gossip, such as "Valentine's Day to see 'ice couples' dancing", of course, indispensable to this profession - short track speed skating.

From Tokyo to Beijing, the champions in the small screen

In the live broadcast, Wang Meng continued to show his spontaneous side.

When talking about athlete injuries, Wang Meng lamented that "everyone's foot has a story", and she took off her socks during the live broadcast to show the scars on her ankles.

Short track speed skating men's 1500 meters, China's Ren Ziwei stopped the semifinals because of his arm blocking foul, in the subsequent Douyin live broadcast, Wang Meng cooperated with the host, and the two demonstrated the process of fouls on the spot. In the face of frequent controversies, Wang Meng said bluntly: "Short track speed skating is like this, there will be a penalty if there is physical contact, no matter who is sentenced, there are relevant rules and explicit provisions." ”

On February 16, the short track speed skating ended, and the Men's 5000m Relay China team made a mistake. Wang Meng expressed regret at this and analyzed it rationally. She said: "Whether it is the official appearance, or the coaches review tactics, the key is not to expand this topic again, let the athletes unload the burden, we have contributed 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze to the Chinese delegation, and won the first gold, has done a good job." ”

Compared with ordinary live TV programs, the environment created by Douyin live broadcast makes the dialogue no longer confined to the framework of "you ask me and answer". The athletes participated like chatting, which not only exported the professional interpretation of the ice and snow project, but also made the dialogue more warm and more humane, and excavated the sportsmanship and humanistic care behind the results.

Champions lead the way and fall in love with snow and ice

Ice and snow sports are different from those sports that have a deep mass base in themselves, and many people like sports stars first, and then go to the ice rink or snow field.

Gu Ailing has this self-awareness, she once said: "The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, where my mother was born, I have the opportunity to help and inspire millions of young people, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help promote the sport I love." ”

From Tokyo to Beijing, the champions in the small screen

In the final round of the freestyle ski women's big jump final, Gu Ailing successfully completed the left deflection of the right skate 1620 and flipped against the wind. After winning the gold, she posted a short video on Douyin to explain how difficult the action was, and the number of likes in this video alone exceeded 2.575 million.

From Tokyo to Beijing, the champions in the small screen

Gu Ailing emphasizes that he is deflecting to the left, so it is more difficult than his usual right deflection – like holding chopsticks with his left hand.

Many popular science texts only focus on the number of rotations and ignore the steering, which can't help but sigh: it is more reliable for insiders to look at the doorway or listen to the champion's own interpretation.

In the summer of 2021, Douyin launched the "Champion Driving" series of live broadcasts, and going to Douyin to "squat the champion" after the game has become a new viewing habit for sports fans.

During the ice and snow event, the live broadcast of "Champion Driving" continued, where you can not only see the freshly baked champions, but also see the champions of various projects, including the amount of "gold" exceeding the standard.

On the first day of the ice and snow event, China won the first gold medal in the short track speed skating mixed team 2000m relay event, and Yang Qian, who also won the first gold in 2021, landed on "Champion Driving" to share her first gold experience. Then the topic returned to ice and snow, Yang Qian said that she is a fan of Yusheng Knot, if you choose a project to participate, you will choose the winter biathlon, because shooting has been light and familiar with the road, learn to ski can participate.

In the men's 500 meters of speed skating, China's Gao Tingyu won the first gold medal in men's speed skating in Chinese history in a record-breaking manner. In the live broadcast of "Champion Driving", Gao Tingyu showed his cold and humorous side to the fullest. What was your first thought after winning the championship? "It's too slow to slide." What is a "grid"? "It's a road away." Why slap the podium? "It's mine, and I'm not happy to pat it?"

From Tokyo to Beijing, the champions in the small screen

Some champions take the comedian style, and some champions show their true feelings. After xu Mengtao, the elder of the Four Dynasties, won the gold medal in aerial skills, he participated in the live broadcast of "Champion Driving" for the first time, 12 years of long-distance running, Xu Mengtao not only always looked forward to success, but also learned how to look at failure: "Although I harvested a relatively complete blooming moment, but life does not have to win, as long as I do not give up, I will not lose." ”

In fact, not only during the event, before the opening, Douyin launched a number of activities to warm up for the competition, among them, the "Super Winter Road Lord" is full of creativity, cross-border with performing arts stars by ice and snow champion athletes, launching challenge topics every day during the event, and live streaming Lianmai the next night. Topics such as "Jia Ling performed the duo to cheer for the Chinese team", "Guan Xiaotong was played by Zhang Hong versailles all night", "Song Qian's balance ability is comparable to the figure skating champion" and other topics frequently appeared on the douyin hot list and sports list, helping ice and snow sports to break the circle and enhance the attention of ice and snow events.

From Tokyo to Beijing, the champions in the small screen

Run to a better life

The Beijing Winter Olympics have come to a perfect end, we may wish to go back and think about it, why did China host the Winter Olympics?

In President Xi Jinping's remarks, there should be the answer we are looking for: "I don't care that Chinese athletes take a few gold medals this time, I care more about the motivation and vitality it injects into us in the future." The popularity of ice and snow sports is actually an improvement for sports powers. ”

The ultimate purpose of building a sports power is to continuously meet the needs of the people for a better life and promote the health of the whole people and the all-round development of the people.

Hosting the Winter Olympic Games to promote the development of ice and snow sports for the whole people to build a better life.

On this path, vibrato is targeted. After all, the premise of "recording a good life" is to run to a better life.

Douyin gathered the champion Tiantuan to promote the national dissemination of ice and snow sports through live broadcasting, challenges and other means, and enhance the enthusiasm of the public to participate in ice and snow sports. In addition, there are many sports experts represented by professional athletes on Douyin, and there are professional answers to problems such as equipment selection, sports skills, and injury protection.

From pastry chef to snowboarder, Zhang Jiahao, who chased "one's winter Olympic dream" alone, ultimately failed to stand on the grandest stage in Beijing, and on Douyin, he participated in another way. Through short videos, live broadcasts and other forms, Zhang Jiahao brought professional science popularization and commentary on the snow project, and the most commented comments in the comment area were: This commentary allowed him to finally understand the game.

From Tokyo to Beijing, the champions in the small screen

After Su Yiming won the silver medal in the slope obstacle course, Zhang Jiahao sent a blessing to Douyin, a sentence of "fulfilling my dreams", which showed the sportsmanship and ice and snow charm to the fullest, touching and inspiring thousands of netizens.

Douyin master Tiedou is an extreme sports enthusiast, surfing, diving, rock climbing all-powerful, with the holding of ice and snow events, she will also shift the focus of creation to skiing, cooperate with Wang Meng to live broadcast, expand the influence of ice and snow sports, shoot many ski-themed short videos, such as "how to open the first time with zero foundation on skis", "how to choose ski goggles", encouraging fans to really embark on the snow.

From the palm-sized mobile phone screen to the vast expanse of ice and snow, what Douyin is doing is building a bridge between the two for 600 million users. Users understand and love ice and snow sports on Douyin, participate in ice and snow sports, and then record their sports life through Douyin, and finally form a positive cycle of spiraling, promote national fitness, and achieve a better life.

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