
The men's football team is suspected that the monthly salary of 160,000 is too small, who pays attention to the women's football team's moves, and Zhang Linyan who loses her job is distressing

It is not common for Chinese men's and women's football teams to compete in the World Series at the same time, and because of this, the criticism of the Chinese men's football team is even more fierce.

The men's football team is suspected that the monthly salary of 160,000 is too small, who pays attention to the women's football team's moves, and Zhang Linyan who loses her job is distressing

Five-star hotels, luxury planes, chef teams and Shanghai ginseng guarantees, the Chinese men's football team in exchange for two losses, one of which was lost to the Vietnamese men's football team that we have not lost in 62 years.

The men's football team is suspected that the monthly salary of 160,000 is too small, who pays attention to the women's football team's moves, and Zhang Linyan who loses her job is distressing

These male footballers who lost to the Vietnamese men's football team should have been scolded, but they are still fighting against the Pre-tax 3 million salary limit order of the Chinese Football Association, because these men's football players believe that the salary of 160,000 yuan is not enough to pay the luxury house property fee and the maintenance cost of the luxury car, which also makes it difficult for them to estimate other things, and even they return to China many days earlier than the women's football team, but after returning home, the men's football players have always chosen to touch the fish.

The men's football team is suspected that the monthly salary of 160,000 is too small, who pays attention to the women's football team's moves, and Zhang Linyan who loses her job is distressing

And what about the Chinese women's football team? After returning to China for more than ten hours, due to the restrictions on the conditions can not appear on the football field, the Chinese women's football team girls appeared neatly in the gym, under the leadership of the women's football coaching team began to train in an orderly manner. And after a few days, when the girls of the women's football team can come to the venue to train, there are fans who shoot the women's football girls coming to the venue early in the morning to start hard training, why should they be early in the morning? In fact, the reason is also very simple, women's football and men's football live in the same isolation hotel, they use the same venue, so women's football girls should train early to avoid conflicts with men's football training time, so that they can also practice a little more time.

The men's football team is suspected that the monthly salary of 160,000 is too small, who pays attention to the women's football team's moves, and Zhang Linyan who loses her job is distressing

A women's soccer team that is still calculating a monthly salary of 160,000 is too small, and a women's football team with a distressing salary is already training. How much does the women's football team pay? Previously, the women's football captain Wang Shanshan said in an interview that her annual salary in Tianjin women's football team is 100,000, and this is still good, because the team's young players are paid two or three thousand a month.

The men's football team is suspected that the monthly salary of 160,000 is too small, who pays attention to the women's football team's moves, and Zhang Linyan who loses her job is distressing

The number of two or three thousand is already painful, but what is even more painful is that Zhang Linyan, a post-01 youngster who made a penalty in the final against the Korean women's football team and scored a header. As we all know, because of economic problems, Guangzhou men's football team has issued the strictest salary limit of 600,000 yuan, and only 3 players can get this quota, because there is no money, Guangzhou Evergrande has also suspended the investment of Guangzhou women's football team that was previously playing in the women's league one, because of the lack of funds, the work of guangzhou women's football team has entered a standstill, they will not be able to get the middle league next season, which also means that Zhang Linyan, who is still in isolation after 01, has lost her job.

The men's football team is suspected that the monthly salary of 160,000 is too small, who pays attention to the women's football team's moves, and Zhang Linyan who loses her job is distressing

But even if you lose your job, in training, this post-01 young player is still as hard as ever, this scene is enough to make the male footballers who take 160,000 monthly salaries and don't want to train well blush, but we also hope that the Football Association and Sun Wen can take a shot and find a good home for Zhang Linyan after 01, after all, this good seedling cannot be delayed like this.

The men's football team is suspected that the monthly salary of 160,000 is too small, who pays attention to the women's football team's moves, and Zhang Linyan who loses her job is distressing

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