
Spring ploughing preparations began, and fertilizer prices became a hot spot for farmers

author:Yangtze River three rural areas

Preparation for farming has begun, and the middleman called after the Spring Festival to say that the price per ton of urea is 2850 yuan, which is 50 yuan a ton higher than that of Layue, and 1000 yuan a ton more expensive than the end of 2019, and farmers say that they cannot accept this price. In 2021, the farmers on our side have no agricultural income, and a few people have lost money, so they are very cautious and careful about preparing for farming, afraid that they will lose money again this year. The farmers on our side buy agricultural materials are "group purchases", that is, everyone buys together at an agricultural material dealer, the dealer delivers to the door, usually the dealer takes the initiative to call and negotiate business with us. But dealers have called several times this year, all because the price of fertilizer is ridiculously high, and farmers can't accept it. Farmers all say, how will this land be planted this year? Is there still income? Such a high fertilizer price has doubled compared with 2019, but the price of agricultural products cannot rise, or the price level of 20 years ago.

Spring ploughing preparations began, and fertilizer prices became a hot spot for farmers

First, the price of urea in the wholesale market is declining, and the coal chemical production capacity is being eliminated

These days, the price of urea in the wholesale market is 2600 yuan / ton - 2800 yuan / ton, and the online quotation in many places has dropped by 40 yuan - 100 yuan / ton, which is the same as last year's price. The reason for the current high urea prices may be that the cost of production has increased, and last year the price of coal rose, and international oil prices are also rising, which has increased the cost of fertilizer production. Although the wholesale price of urea has been reduced, the retail market price has not fallen. In the short term, urea prices are difficult to fall sharply, and the state is resolutely eliminating backward coal chemical production capacity, coal prices may fall sharply in the future, but urea production capacity may decline. This year, the price of urea will not fall back to the price level at the end of 2019, farmers buy fertilizer, or buy as much as they want, how much to use, how much to buy, when the price falls, can not be used in the past, the use of fertilizer once a year to buy back to store. It is expected that by the summer when fertilizer enters the consumption off-season, the price will fall a little.

Spring ploughing preparations began, and fertilizer prices became a hot spot for farmers

Second, the mainland urea overcapacity, the price of normal years is not rising, urea prices remain high, may be caused by coal prices

The use of chemical fertilizers in mainland agricultural production has achieved zero growth for many years, the domestic market for urea has been saturated, overcapacity has been overcapacity, enterprise production has been turned to foreign markets, and the export share has gradually increased. The price of urea in normal years will only fall, not increase. However, last year,200, coal prices soared, coupled with rising international oil prices and inflation, the cost of fertilizer production enterprises increased significantly, and fertilizer prices had to rise a little. The current coal price is slowly falling, but the production cost to digest the time, the current wholesale market urea may still be high cost production, so the price remains high, with the elimination of coal chemical enterprises, coal prices will fall back to the normal price level, urea prices will also return to the price acceptable to farmers.

Spring ploughing preparations began, and fertilizer prices became a hot spot for farmers

Third, spring plowing has opened the curtain, farmers should pay close attention to the fertilizer market, nitrogen fertilizer can choose ammonium bicarbonate, reduce costs

Wheat is about to be fertilized, and rice fields must be fertilized, so how can farmers prepare for farming? This year, the fertilizer ammonium bicarbonate, which was snubbed, has once again attracted the attention of farmers, and many people choose to buy a part of the ammonium bicarbonate to use to reduce production costs. Ammonium bicarbonate has a low nitrogen content, strong volatility, low utilization rate, and burning seedlings, but it is still good to do hole application or bottom fertilizer. Can be used in conjunction with urea to reduce costs. In addition, organic fertilizers can be used, and you can also go to the farm to buy farm organic fertilizers. The cost of agricultural production this year is definitely high, and the prices of agricultural products should also be adjusted accordingly, and the minimum purchase price and the purchase price of the market should be raised by a big step. As a farmer preparing for farming, we should pay attention to the price market, buy a small amount of fertilizer at a low price, and cannot buy a large amount at a high price. Fertilizers have become a hot spot for farmers in rural areas, and fertilizer prices have entered the off-season in the summer, and prices will not rise.

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