
Remembering comrades-in-arms - tribute to the hero Lin Jianrong

author:Let love go home and find your loved ones

Whenever I see my classmates reading and studying, singing and dancing in a peaceful and happy environment, and seeing my classmates' parents, grandparents, and in-laws happily returning to your warm and happy home, I think of the martyr Lin Jianrong, the comrade-in-arms who sacrificed. My comrade-in-arms Martyr Lin Jianrong failed to see today's happy and beautiful days, let alone the grand celebration day of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the motherland that is prosperous, prosperous, strong, and great. The martyr Lin Jianrong was about the same age and working experience as me, and he had two years of service in the factory and then joined the army. We were in the same company, different squads. In the first year of Lin Jianrong's recruits, his father died, and the company was training at the Luhun Reservoir, but at that time he was not allowed to go home to visit his relatives and handle the aftermath. This incident had some impact on his emotions, and the comrades-in-arms talked together and cared about Lin Jianrong, so that he could understand the reason and cheer up his spirit. Under everyone's care and encouragement, Lin Jianrong survived this heavy sadness.

Remembering comrades-in-arms - tribute to the hero Lin Jianrong

Martyr Lin Jianrong

During the days of the self-defense counterattack, I went to the regiment to carry out tasks, and I rarely saw Lin Jianrong and the two of them. At that time, the distribution of the platoons was different, the troops continued to advance, and there was less opportunity for everyone to meet, until March 3, the company assembled to carry out the mission, our scouts generally set off for a combat group of 3 people, that morning set off for the mission, I came back to the evening and did not see him, I was anxious, I should have returned long ago, but I never saw him, at night I was nervous in the cat ear hole with Liang Ganbo, Lin Jianrong did not come back for a night, worried that he would have an accident. The next afternoon, the company informed our squad of its mission, to carry the martyrs, and we received reports from the Divisional Observatory that the day before our company had lost contact with a tricycle that had run over enemy anti-tank mines and had been killed. Hearing this news, I learned that Lin Jianrong had died.

Remembering comrades-in-arms - tribute to the hero Lin Jianrong

With a heavy heart, our four squads set out to carry the martyrs, searched and advanced on the road according to the terrain and enemy situation, and along the way the smoke was filled with gunfire, and we constantly heard the charging horns issued by our army, saw the enemy use light bullets, and when they came out, they saw the light "whizzing" through the front and back of our side, and they could see it very clearly. Regardless of the danger, he was born and died many times in the rain of bullets and bullets, endured the baptism of blood and fire, and had already put his own life and death aside, bent on finding the remains of his comrades as soon as possible.

On the road we saw piles of cow dung, with anti-tank mines buried under the cow dung and anti-tank mines camouflaged with bamboo leaves. These mines are difficult to identify for a while, and on the way you can see the large pits that have exploded, and the buffalo have been blown apart by the trigger mines, and the heads of the bulls are hanging from the trees, but the feet of the cattle are hung far away on the high-pressure line. Not far ahead I found the three-wheeled motorcycle I had been on, which had now become a pile of unrecognizable scrap iron. We looked around separately for the remains of our comrades-in-arms, and found that Lin Jianrong's body was blown apart, and little by little, he picked up the remains from trees, bamboo forests, and grasses, piece by piece, one by one. Holding back tears, I opened the stretcher, spread out my raincoat, and put the neatly assembled body on the stretcher. While collecting Lin Jianrong's body, I saw him for the last time. When sorting out Lin Jianrong's belongings, I found that a pair of nylon socks given to him were still brand new, and they were not worn in the hanging bag, so I picked up Lin Jianrong's legs and put them on my thighs to put nylon socks on him and let him go all the way in heaven; there was also a monthly allowance fee of 8 yuan (one month's salary) in the hanging bag, which helped Lin Jianrong pay as the last party fee. There was also an unsent letter in the hanging bag, which I have kept to this day, and whenever I see this letter, the scene always comes to my mind.

The comrades-in-arms present were all heartbroken when they saw it. The wrapped remains were unbalanced on top, dangling around, and in order to give peace to the martyrs, the comrades along the way were carefully carrying stretchers. The body had been two days old, and there had been no embalming, the body had decayed, especially when the blood flowed to us on the slope, it was sticky and emitted a heavy odor. We were not wearing masks, the smell of the wind blowing the remains did not feel uncomfortable and disgusting, and a group of flies followed the buzz, carrying six kilometers along the way to bury the remains of comrades-in-arms in the cemetery and bring his soul back to his hometown.

Remembering comrades-in-arms - tribute to the hero Lin Jianrong

Lin Jianrong relic

There was still smoke and smoke around me, and there were still potholes and mud under my feet, but I didn't seem to hear anything, I didn't feel anything. His face was full of tears, and his heart was full of this comrade-in-arms who was lying behind him. The body that had stood tall and muscular in front of his eyes a few days before had been blown to pieces; the life that had been bouncing around in front of his eyes a few days ago was now still and cold. It was hard to believe the facts in front of me, and several times I turned my head to say hello, hoping to see the familiar smile, to hear the familiar country voice, to hope that myth would replace reality; I kept calling out the name of this comrade-in-arms in my heart.

Those who have not gone through the war do not know the fierceness of the war, nor do they know that today's peaceful and happy life is not easy to come by, how many martyrs like Lin Jianrong, in order to defend the territorial integrity of the motherland, defend the frontiers, for the interests of the Chinese people, for the cause of the revolution, they threw their heads and spilled their blood, in the brutal torture of imperialism, they did not reveal the slightest news, they would rather die than keep the secrets of the party, they would rather be heroes of glorious sacrifice than traitors who have secretly sacrificed their lives, and they will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives. In exchange for the happy life we have today. We must cherish it well, study hard, work hard, and become people who have made achievements for the motherland, the people, and society. 【Author: First Class Meritorious Hero, Tang Chaorong】

Remembering comrades-in-arms - tribute to the hero Lin Jianrong

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