
The man was increased in the price of the car in full, waited in front of the store for a night, and cried the next day when the sales collapsed

With the continuous development of the automobile industry, the price of cars is getting cheaper and cheaper, and you can buy a car for only a hundred thousand yuan. When everyone buys a car, they are more willing to choose to buy a car in full, and the owner can take the car home after paying the full amount and completing the formalities, saving a lot of trouble. A man in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, planned to buy a car in full, but when he wanted to pick up the car, he suddenly encountered a price increase, which made the man very angry.

The man was increased in the price of the car in full, waited in front of the store for a night, and cried the next day when the sales collapsed

Before buying a car, everyone must shop around and choose the one with the most favorable price. Mr. Luo also looked at many stores, one of which offered 122,000 yuan, which is the lowest price among the 4S stores mr. Luo has seen. If you buy another full insurance, the maximum is 130,000 yuan, completely within his budget, Mr. Luo is very satisfied with this price.

The man was increased in the price of the car in full, waited in front of the store for a night, and cried the next day when the sales collapsed

After learning about the price of the vehicle, Mr. Luo said that he would come to check out the car on the second day. However, on the second day, when he came to the store with full payment to pick up the car, he was refused. Sales said that 122,000 is the price of buying a car in installments, if Mr. Luo wants to buy a car at this price, he can only handle installments, if you buy a car in full, it is not this price.

Mr. Luo was very angry, saying that he had the full money to buy a car and did not need to go through the installment at all. And when I came to see the car that day, the sales did not say that this was the price of the car purchased in installments. Mr. Luo insisted on buying the car in full, but the sales staff refused to give in, and Mr. Luo felt that he had been deceived, so he carried a stool and sat in front of the store for a night.

The man was increased in the price of the car in full, waited in front of the store for a night, and cried the next day when the sales collapsed

On the second day of work in the store, Mr. Luo found the sales and person in charge of the store, but the salesman still said that this was the cost of buying a car in installments. In the process of the dispute between the two sides, the sales that received Mr. Luo suddenly collapsed and cried, saying that Mr. Luo was embarrassed by himself and did not want to sell this car.

The man was increased in the price of the car in full, waited in front of the store for a night, and cried the next day when the sales collapsed

The person in charge who stood on the sidelines immediately stepped forward to coordinate, and she said that they did not prevent Mr. Luo from buying the car in full, but there were some differences in the price of the car. Mr. Luo immediately refuted the other party, saying that there was no problem in the price, and also took out the recording of his communication with the sales staff that day.

Seeing that the owner of the car had evidence in hand, the person in charge of the store changed a set of words, they said that Mr. Luo could take the car away at this price in full, but he had to pick up the car according to the normal process. When everyone asked what the normal process was, the person in charge was overwhelmed and could not say why.

The man was increased in the price of the car in full, waited in front of the store for a night, and cried the next day when the sales collapsed

Finally, under the questioning of the reporter and Mr. Luo, the person in charge said that if Mr. Luo wanted to pick up the car in full, he would add another 2,000 yuan on the basis of the original price. Just said that you can pick up the car at the original price, and now you have to increase it by 2,000 yuan, where does this come from? The person in charge could not explain clearly, only that this was the process in the store.

In the face of the merchant's rebellion, Mr. Luo also lost confidence in the store, saying that he did not want to buy a car in the store. But he was angry at the merchants for deceiving themselves. Finally, after communication, the merchant reimbursed Mr. Luo for the round-trip travel expenses.


It has to be said that Mr. Luo is a very intelligent person who knows that the recording retains evidence when communicating with the sales. If Mr. Luo had not had this recording at the time, he might not have found evidence that the salesperson had gone against the grain.

The man was increased in the price of the car in full, waited in front of the store for a night, and cried the next day when the sales collapsed

Compared with the installment purchase of the car, the profit of the full purchase of the car is very small, so many merchants now encourage consumers to buy the car in installments. But if the owner has enough financial strength, there is no need to buy the car in installments, and the sale should not be forced.

【The picture in this article is from the network, the infringement contact is deleted】

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