
Sally wins the hemp and successfully "kills" the fourteen swordsmen! Netizen: Fourteen is still too young

Recently, the infighting of DYU and the rhythm of Huya anchor Sally and Fourteen Swords Ji can be described as the hottest event in the League of Legends anchor circle, and even many people have called the whole thing the "Anchor Spring Festival Gala" of the League of Legends anchor circle. However, from the current point of view, the League of Legends anchors involved in this event have almost all lost badly, but it is Sally, who has proved her innocence and become the biggest winner.

Sally wins the hemp and successfully "kills" the fourteen swordsmen! Netizen: Fourteen is still too young

So, what is the whole story? At first, it was still necessary to talk about the infighting in DYU, because Sally herself knew the people of DYU, and in order to help her friends, Sally, who was angry, took the initiative to help her friends speak during the live broadcast. But what I didn't expect was that because the rhythm of the thing itself was very large, Sally was also unconsciously lying on the gun. However, what is even more unexpected is that just after Sally fell into the rhythm, fourteen sword ji, the anchor of the League of Legends on the same platform, suddenly opened a group to Sally.

Sally wins the hemp and successfully "kills" the fourteen swordsmen! Netizen: Fourteen is still too young

The reason why Fourteen Swords Ji opened a group with Sally was very simple, there were two main things. The first thing is the former "actor incident", when Sally said that there were actors in the process of a round of ranking, and Fourteen Jian Ji thought that Sally was hinting at herself; and the second thing was that Sally and her ex-girlfriend, that is, the matter of Sally's list. However, for these two things, Sally did not respond directly at the first time, but spent the night sorting out the previous chat records and evidence. After sufficient evidence, Sally completed the perfect "counter-killing" in less than an hour.

Sally wins the hemp and successfully "kills" the fourteen swordsmen! Netizen: Fourteen is still too young

First of all, it is the "actor incident", Sally directly said that there were actors in that game, and finally this actor was really officially banned, and he did not allude to fourteen swords at that time, because who was officially banned, who is the actor, this is a very simple thing.

Secondly, it's about Sally and her ex-girlfriend. In this self-testimony, Sally took out a large number of chat records and evidence, and at the same time, the existence of voice can be said to be ironclad evidence. And, underneath this evidence, Sally also proves that "giving Sally gifts together" and "cheating minors" are fictitious. Because from the evidence, Sally made it clear at 18 years that she asked her ex-girlfriend not to brush gifts again. Moreover, when Sally was with her ex-girlfriend, his ex-girlfriend was already 19 years old, and there was no such thing as cheating on minors. Of course, in the end, Sally admitted her inadequacies. He said he was only 18 years old at the time, because his ex-girlfriend was very proactive and did not resist the temptation.

Sally wins the hemp and successfully "kills" the fourteen swordsmen! Netizen: Fourteen is still too young

I have to say that from the perspective of this incident, Sally is quite good in terms of logic, emotional intelligence and pattern. Instead, it was Fourteen Sword Ji, perhaps because he was too young and seduced, which led to a conflict with Sally. However, for the Fourteen Swords, Sally did not delve deeply. After all, the two people are still the anchors of the same live broadcast platform, and they usually look down and don't look up. Also because of Sally's move, many people have said, "Sally this person can be treated." At the same time, to the Fourteen Sword Ji, many people said, "Still too young." ”

Dear friends, how do you evaluate this matter?

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