
Nezha S assisted driving function specific information exposure is expected to be listed at the end of this year

Recently, the information of Nezha S's driving assistance function has been exposed, and it is reported that the new car can realize the functions of urban pilot assistance, high-speed pilot assistance, and last kilometer parking/driving. Previously, the real car and interior trailer of the new car have been exposed, and according to previous news, the new car may be officially listed at the end of 2022.

Nezha S assisted driving function specific information exposure is expected to be listed at the end of this year
Nezha S assisted driving function specific information exposure is expected to be listed at the end of this year
Nezha S assisted driving function specific information exposure is expected to be listed at the end of this year

Specifically, 1, the city pilot assist can achieve obstacle recognition and avoidance, automatic omnidirectional intersection traffic, automatic U-shaped U-turn, etc.; 2, high-speed pilot assistance can achieve autonomous overtaking and automatic entry and exit in high-speed scenarios; 3, after reaching the end of the car can also achieve one-click parking, after success will notify the owner through the App and SMS, in addition to a key summoning. In addition, the Nezha S application can realize the 200T high-computing power Huawei MDC computing platform, using 2 lidar, 5 millimeter wave radar, 12 ultrasonic radar, 13 cameras, high-precision positioning units and high-precision maps and other perception units.

Nezha S assisted driving function specific information exposure is expected to be listed at the end of this year
Nezha S assisted driving function specific information exposure is expected to be listed at the end of this year

The appearance part, the front face of Nezha S adopts a closed grille design, and its headlight group part adopts a very personalized split design, and its shape is quite eye-catching. In addition, the air intake part under the front surround is not small in size, with a more sporty honeycomb shape inside.

Nezha S assisted driving function specific information exposure is expected to be listed at the end of this year
Nezha S assisted driving function specific information exposure is expected to be listed at the end of this year

The side shape of the new car is similar to the previous concept version, but the shape of the rearview mirrors has been adjusted for mass production and become more conventional. In addition, it can be seen from behind the B-pillar that the new car has a smooth downward line of the coupe model, and the overall sense of sport is more prominent. The design of the rear part of the car is relatively simple, using the popular through-type tail light group design, and the shape is sharp while the INTERIOR also uses LED light sources.

Nezha S assisted driving function specific information exposure is expected to be listed at the end of this year

In terms of interior, the design of Nezha S is full of scientific and technological sense, which will be equipped with LCD instruments and large-size central control longitudinal screens, while also equipped with an entertainment screen on the passenger side, under the combination of three screens, bringing a strong visual impact. In addition, the interior part of the new car is designed with details through a variety of color ambience lights to create a good atmosphere.

Official news shows that the future of the Nega S will provide two kinds of power, namely the extended range and pure electric power, of which the extended range version has a cruising range of 1100 kilometers, while the pure electric version has a cruising range of up to 800 kilometers.

【The picture of this article comes from the network】

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