
Deeply cultivate the "New Year culture", how to "go out of the circle" of the Gujing tribute wine brand

In recent years, major wine companies have placed cultural strategies in an important position. Some people believe that the cultural expression of liquor is also the key to identity, the most basic material about belonging, identity and status, and if you want to resonate with consumers, it must be composed of the most appropriate and fascinating cultural content.

Gujing Tribute Wine starts from the unique "Nian Culture" of Chinese. In 2022, Gujing Tribute Wine was once again named CCTV Spring Festival Gala, sending New Year greetings to Chinese people around the world in the name of fine wine, and spending the Spring Festival with thousands of Chinese people.

Create a "new year culture" in various forms

In 2022, in addition to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Gujing Tribute Wine also named the Spring Festival Gala of Anhui Satellite TV and the Spring Festival Gala of Jiangsu Satellite TV. It is understood that Gujing Tribute Wine also specially broadcast the CCTV Lantern Party, named the Anhui Satellite TV Lantern Party and sponsored the Jiangsu Satellite TV Lantern Party. In addition, Gujing Tribute Wine also named the CCTV 2022 Chinese Poetry Conference and the CCTV Spring Festival Opera Spring Festival Gala.

Chinese New Year's Eve a good bottle of wine on the dinner table is just the beginning, And Gujing Tribute Wine has also enhanced its brand influence through a series of activities. It is understood that in addition to naming a number of TV stations Spring Festival Gala and variety shows, Gujing Tribute Wine has also launched a social interactive activity with the theme of New Year's culture - "Light up the Chinese New Year's Eve", participants can participate through the "Gujing to Home" mini program, people in the interesting social interaction, pass on blessings to each other, feel the festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

Deeply cultivate the "New Year culture", how to "go out of the circle" of the Gujing tribute wine brand

It is worth mentioning that in recent years, how to "circle fans" young people is an important issue facing many liquor companies, and Gujing Tribute Wine has not forgotten this in the culture of the new year. In the Spring Festival of 2022, Gujing Tribute Wine also held the "Chinese New Year, Chinese Taste, Light up Chinese New Year's Eve" Anhui Youth New Year Theme Cultural and Creative Competition, driving young people in Anhui Province to feel the Chinese New Year taste from the perspective of Chinese culture.

In order to deepen the "New Year culture", at the end of 2020, Gujing Tribute Liquor launched a high-end product vintage pulp Chinese New Year's Eve ancient aromatic liquor. Some analysts said that the integration of Chinese wine with Traditional Chinese festivals, coupled with the breadth of memory covering the whole country, makes "Vintage Pulp • Chinese New Year's Eve" more advantageous in dissemination, at the same time, Gujing Tribute Wine also said that it will use the "Vintage Pulp Chinese New Year's Eve" to promote Traditional Chinese culture and promote Chinese products with Chinese elements and Chinese symbols to the world.

More than 1,800 years of cultural heritage

From naming the Spring Festival Gala of many TV stations to launching an ultra-high-end product named after the Chinese New Year's Eve scene , vintage pulp and Chinese New Year's Eve , from brand to product, Gujing Tribute Wine tries to bind the marketing strategy of Nian culture, and the architecture has gradually improved.

Some analysts said that the marketing strategy of Gujing's "New Year Culture" skillfully combines the consumption scene with the brand culture, which not only enriches the cultural connotation of the brand, but also specifically lands in the Spring Festival consumption scene. The brand strategy of "Nian Culture" is an important cultural support for the nationalization process of Gujing Tribute Wine.

Cai Xuefei, an analyst in the liquor industry, pointed out that Chinese liquor is the carrier of China's social culture and the representative product of local ecology and folk culture, which requires the brand to have a strong degree of recognition and provide support for the brand price. Then there is no doubt that digging deep into the history and culture of the brand, grafting more high-end events and platforms can effectively establish the value association of consumers, and have positive value for establishing a brand image and enhancing the brand topic.

Deeply cultivate the "New Year culture", how to "go out of the circle" of the Gujing tribute wine brand

Cai Xuefei also said that especially for brands such as Gujing Gongjiu, which are undergoing nationwide and product structure upgrades, they need to upgrade their brand image within a more high-end and high-value range, match the corresponding high-net-worth people, and differentiated brand culture shaping is the core competitiveness of future wine companies, especially sub-high-end and high-end market enterprises.

Some analysts believe that the reason why Gujing Tribute Wine has not been deeply cultivated in the field of "Nian Culture" can be traced back to the cultural marketing strategy it has always adhered to. From the Peach Blossom Spring Festival, the Autumn Brewing Ceremony, to the cultural tour, and then to the positioning around the Huaxia Wine City, Gujing Gong has carefully built the Gujing Wine Culture Museum, the Chinese Liquor Science Popularization Hall, and the Wuji Wine Cellar. Through a variety of carriers, Gujing Tribute Wine makes the culture more three-dimensional and perceptible. On the basis of the foundation of the millennium culture, it will give more vitality and development power.

From the naming of the series of "Gujing Tribute Wine" and "Vintage Pulp", the historical origin and cultural heritage of Gujing Tribute Wine can be seen. More than 1800 years ago, Cao Cao presented the "Nine Plume Spring Wine" to emperor xiandi of the Han Dynasty, and during the Ming Dynasty, Anhui's "wine reduction" once again became a royal tribute. In June 2021, the traditional brewing techniques of distilled spirits declared by Bozhou City, Anhui Province, were approved to be included in the list of representative items of intangible cultural heritage.

From the ancient well "year culture" to see the national enterprise culture responsibility

"Chinese liquor brewing technology" applied for the world intangible cultural heritage, launched the "global reading" and "reading bo prize" activities at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, held a global wine culture tour, and successively entered the United States, France, Italy, etc. Inheriting and protecting traditional skills, promoting hometown culture, and introducing Chinese liquor culture to the world, as a national brand enterprise, Gujing Gongjiu is practicing its corporate values of "being a real person, brewing fine wine, being good to the world".

In "The Things Of Man and Wine", the author argues that wine is not only a material existence, but also a cultural symbol. Chinese sacrifice drinking, poetry drinking, festival drinking... As a cultural symbol, Chinese liquor inevitably participates in all aspects of Chinese cultural life.

Deeply cultivate the "New Year culture", how to "go out of the circle" of the Gujing tribute wine brand

The Chinese New Year represents the good wishes of the Chinese to resign the old and welcome the new, auspicious wishes and reunion and peace, and is an important carrier of Chinese cultural traditions, containing the wisdom and crystallization of Chinese national culture. The Spring Festival embodies the emotional sustenance of Chinese and carries a rich historical and cultural heritage.

Gujing Tribute Wine strives to create a "New Year culture", skillfully connects the liquor culture and the New Year culture, injects a new era of vitality into the traditional culture, and also reflects its cultural responsibility as a famous liquor enterprise. Liang Jinhui, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Gujing Group, once spoke in public, "Liquor is a product with Chinese characteristics that is rich in traditional Chinese culture and inherits the Chinese spirit, and it is the obligation and responsibility of Chinese liquor enterprises to shape the brand image of Chinese liquor in a big country." ”

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