
note! There will be three celestial wonders next week

note! There will be three celestial wonders next week

The planets that will appear next week include the Kakujuku Monogak on February 21, the Heart-Suku Monolith on February 24, and the Venus and Mars Moon on February 27. In addition, the next quarter of the month will appear at 6:32 on February 24.

We know that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth and the closest celestial body to the Earth, and it orbits the sky almost once a month. The trajectory of the moon in the sky is called the white channel, and the white path and the ecliptic of the sun's trajectory are very close, only one angle of more than 5 degrees. The five bright planets all orbit along the ecliptic belt. During the process of the moon's celestial movement, it will pass through some bright planets or stars near the ecliptic in turn, forming a planetary moon and a star full moon. When the Moon and a planet or star meet, it means that they have the same equatorial meridian, which is called equatorial meridian. Because the equatorial coordinates of celestial bodies are most commonly used in astronomical observations, what we call union generally refers to equatorial meridian combination. The equatorial coordinate is a coordinate system on the celestial sphere, and in order to accurately represent the position of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere, several coordinate systems have been established in the sky. According to different needs, there are horizon coordinate systems, equatorial coordinate systems, ecliptic coordinate systems and silver coordinate systems. The most commonly used is the equatorial coordinate system, and when studying the motion of various celestial bodies in the solar system, the ecliptic coordinate system is used. Therefore, there will also be yellow warp. Due to the inclination between the ecliptic and the celestial equator, the position and time of the ecliptic and equatorial meridians are slightly different, but the difference will not be too large. Whether it is the equatorial or yellow meridian, it seems that these two celestial bodies are very close to each other on the celestial sphere, but this is only the effect that we see from the earth, in fact, in the cosmic space they are very far away from each other.

Kakujuku Ichiai Month

At 3:34 a.m. on February 21, Kakujuku Ichizuki. The moon passes more than 5 degrees north of Kakujuku. Horned Celes is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo, one of the representative constellations of spring, and its brightness is about 1st magnitude. In ancient Chinese astronomy, the horns belong to the horns of the twenty-eight stars, representing a horn of the eastern dragon. Together with the brightest star in the constellation Ofor, Arcturus, and the second brightest star in the constellation Leo, the Five Emperors, together form the Spring Triangle, the symbol of the starry sky on the night of spring.

note! There will be three celestial wonders next week

February 21, 3:34 a.m. Schematic diagram of the kakujutsu moon Image source: Star Map Software

If you want to observe the Kakuju Ichi moon, start on the evening of February 20. Soon after dark, Leo rises from the eastern horizon, and then, in the sky to the north of the east, the constellation Ofos below the Big Dipper also rises. The Virgo below Leo rises the latest, and by the time the Moon and Horns rise, it is already after 10:30 p.m. After midnight, the moon has risen higher, and the horn is located not far from the lower right of the moon, more than 5 degrees apart.

Shinjuku Niaitsuki

At 13:50 on February 24th, the second month of the heart. Both The Two Hearts and the Moon have only recently been more than three degrees. Since it happens during the day, we can't see it. The red Heart Ii is the brightest α star in the constellation Scorpio, with a brightness of around magnitude 1. Also known as the Great Fire in ancient China, Xin su 2 belongs to the heart of the Seven Houses of the Eastern Canglong Dragon, representing the heart of the dragon. It is the iconic star in the starry sky on summer nights. Currently, Scorpio doesn't make an appearance on the horizon to the far south of the east until after two a.m. Before dawn on the morning of February 24, the upper quarter moon appeared in the sky near the south, and the second heart was located in the lower left of the moon, less than 6 degrees apart. By the morning of February 25, the moon will run to the left of The Second Heart, and the distance will be close to 10 degrees.

note! There will be three celestial wonders next week

Schematic diagram of the relative position of The Center 2nd to the Moon before dawn on the morning of February 24 Source: Star Map Software

Venus and Mars with the Moon

During this time, a particularly bright star can be seen in the low south-easterly low before dawn, which is Venus, now also known as the Daystar. Below Venus, there is Mars with a brightness of 1 or more. Recently the two planets have been very close. On February 27, the moon will merge with them in turn.

The Venus conjunction occurs at 14:28 and the Martian conjunction occurs at 16:59. Like the two moons of the heart, it also appears during the day and cannot be seen. However, on the morning of February 27, before they close the moon, and after the full moon on the morning of February 28, we can see the scene of Venus and Mars with the moon. Two planets and a moon gather in a small area of the sky. It's a great opportunity to observe and take a group photo of them.

note! There will be three celestial wonders next week

Schematic diagram of the relative positions of Venus, Mars, and the Moon before sunrise on February 27 Source: Star Mapping Software

February 27 is the twenty-seventh day of the first lunar month, and the moon phase is a round of curved moon. The Moon rises only about two hours earlier than the Sun, and the observation time is shorter. Low in the southeast before dawn, we can see bright Venus above and Mars to the right below Venus, more than 5 degrees apart. A remnant moon is on the right side of Mars, more than 7 degrees from Mars. By the 28th, the moon runs to the lower left of Mars, about 9 degrees away from Mars, the crescent is thinner, the moon rises later, and the horizon height can be observed before dawn is only a few degrees, which is very difficult.

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