
Please set the alarm clock, kakujutsu is coming with a month! Just at the end of this month

The next quarter of the moon and the corner of the house one

Please set the alarm clock, kakujutsu is coming with a month! Just at the end of this month

Moon and Horned One: On the morning of January 24-25, 2022, the lower quarter moon will pass near the bright Corner One.

Early morning kakujuichi and the moon

In the early mornings of January 24 and 25, early birds and insomniacs have the opportunity to see the moon next to the bright Virgo horns. In western constellations, Virgo represents the goddess of harvest, while Kakujuichi is the bouquet of wheat in the hands of the goddess of harvest.

When the sun rises on January 24 or 25, the moon will remain above the horizon. Before the sun rises, the dawn rosy sky will obscure the glow of Kakujuichi, and the moon will become dim but not disappear, only no longer noticeable in the sun's brilliance.

Please set the alarm clock, kakujutsu is coming with a month! Just at the end of this month

Visit Heavens-Above to find the Moon's current position relative to the zodiac sign.

Horned One, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo

Kakujuichi, the sapphire-white gem, is the 15th brightest star in the night sky. While you're still thinking about this star 262 light-years away in the solar system, it's already shining tremendously in Earth's sky

Please set the alarm clock, kakujutsu is coming with a month! Just at the end of this month

The blue-white color of The Horned One reflects the star's extremely high surface temperature (22,400 Kelvin, 39,860 degrees Fahrenheit, or 22,127 degrees Celsius). Our Sun is yellow with a surface temperature of nearly 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit (10,340 degrees Fahrenheit or 5,727 degrees Celsius), and the surface temperature of the red Sun is mild, at 3,500 degrees Celsius (5,840 degrees Fahrenheit or 3,227 degrees Celsius).

Please set the alarm clock, kakujutsu is coming with a month! Just at the end of this month

The ESO's Hertzsprung diagram shows that when a star is blue or blue-white, its surface temperature is high, like that of The Horned Jupiter in the upper left corner, while a red star has a lower surface temperature, such as Cephalodo and Betelgeuse in the upper right corner.

Like all stars, Kakujuichi rises four minutes early every day, half an hour a week, and two hours a month. Therefore, in the north-central latitudes, Kakujukuichi does not rise at midnight as in Early April, as in January, but at sunset. Because April's Kakujuku is bright from dusk to dawn, we in the Northern Hemisphere often associate it with a beautiful spring.

Please set the alarm clock, kakujutsu is coming with a month! Just at the end of this month

Another: In January, Kakujuichi comes out from late at night until dawn. Before dawn on January 24 and 25, 2021, use the moonlight to guide your eyes to find Kakujuichi, which will appear all night in April.

Related knowledge

Spica /spa k/, also known as α α Virginis (Latinized as Alpha Virginis, abbreviated alpha Vir, α Vir), is the brightest object in the constellation Virlia and one of the 20 brightest stars in the night sky. Parallax analysis shows that it is 250±10 light-years from the Sun. It is a spectral binary and a rotating elliptical variable; two stars in a system are close together, egg-shaped rather than spherical, and can only be distinguished by spectra. It consists mainly of a blue giant star and a Beta Cephei-type variable star.

Please set the alarm clock, kakujutsu is coming with a month! Just at the end of this month

Horned One, along with BigHorn (α Of the Constellation), One Inc. (β Leo), or Regulus XIV (α Leo, depending on the source), forms the Spring Triangle Galaxy (nearly an equilateral triangle, visible southeast of the Northern Hemisphere from March to May), and by extension, these stars, together with Chang Chen I (α, Canis), form part of a larger spring constellation, the Great Diamond.


In 2016, the International Astronomical Union organized a Working Group on Star Names (WGSN) to catalog and standardize the proper nouns of stars. In its first announcement in July 2016, the WGSN approved the first two batches of names, including Kakujuku "Spica". Now, it enters the IAU's star name directory under this name. The name comes from the Latin spīca virginis "virgin's [wheat] grain spike", also translated into English as Virgin's Spike.

Please set the alarm clock, kakujutsu is coming with a month! Just at the end of this month

α Virginis (Latinized as Alpha Virginis) is the system's Name for Beyer. John-Beyer quotes the name Arista. Other traditional names are: Azimech / z m k/, from arabic al-simāk, al-a zal' meaning unarmed, simāk (meaning unknown, see Eta Bo tis); Alarph, Arabic "grape gatherer" or "gleaner", and Sumbalet (Sombalet, Sembalet extreme variant), derived from the Arabic sunbulah "grain ear".

In Chinese, jiǎo Xiù refers to the constellations of Spica and ζ Virgo. Thus, Spica's Chinese name is jiǎo Xiù yī (English: the First Star of Horn). In Indian astronomy, Uranus corresponds to Nakshatra Chitrā.

Please set the alarm clock, kakujutsu is coming with a month! Just at the end of this month

Virgo is a constellation in the zodiac of the zodiac. Its name means virgin in Latin, and its ancient astronomical symbol is (). Located between Leo in the west and Libra in the east, it is the second largest constellation in the sky (after Serpentosaurus) and the largest constellation in the zodiac. The ecliptic intersects the celestial equator in this constellation and Pisces. Based on these two technical definitions, at the autumnal equinox in the constellation of Virgo, the sun passes directly over the equator. With its brightest star, The Horned One, we can easily find the constellation Virgo.

BY:Bruce McClure

FY:Astronomical volunteer team

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