
Excessive! South Korean netizens complained about the Winter Olympics food: dumplings are Korean and should be steamed and eaten

The Beijing Winter Olympics are still in progress, and the current competition has passed more than half of the time and has come to the stage of nearing the end. Looking at all the competitions in the early stage of the Winter Olympics this time, it was carried out very smoothly, and the athletes all performed well in the competition, which made the majority of sports fans addicted, and also let the spirit of the Winter Olympics get the best transmission. It can be said that as long as the sports fans who pay attention to the Beijing Winter Olympics will give a thumbs up to the success of this event.

Excessive! South Korean netizens complained about the Winter Olympics food: dumplings are Korean and should be steamed and eaten

This proves that as the organizer, the Winter Olympic Games hosted by Beijing are quite successful. And also behind such results, under this achievement, we also have to see the effort behind the Winter Olympics. It can be said that the athletes of these countries can compete in the competition and the status and results, more because they have been treated well off the field, and the life in the competition area has allowed them to be satisfied, so that the athletes can maintain a good attitude, participate in the competition, and contribute the best performance to everyone. Therefore, in terms of logistical support, the Beijing Winter Olympics really did their best, did not let go of any detail, and also received praise from the majority of athletes. Among them, it is especially worth mentioning that in terms of diet, many athletes are full of praise for the food of the competition area, and foreign athletes have also fallen in love with the food of the competition area. During the interval between competitions, you can also see many foreign athletes, through their social networking to post the food in the competition area, giving a high evaluation. Among them, especially for Chinese food, many foreign athletes are very fond of it, and our Chinese food has also received more publicity in this Winter Olympics.

Excessive! South Korean netizens complained about the Winter Olympics food: dumplings are Korean and should be steamed and eaten

However, as the organizer of the last Winter Olympics, South Korea has given different opinions on the diet of our Winter Olympics this time. Soon after entering the division, the Korean team said that the food in the division was very difficult to eat, and they did not want to eat it when they saw it, and even asked for kimchi to be transported by air from Korea. Then such an opinion was obviously out of place, and at that time it was also opposed by many athletes in the division. Everyone also proved the Korean team's statement wrong through practical actions, because other athletes were enjoying the food in the competition area. Not long ago, an American athlete posted a video in the competition area, eating 200 dumplings by himself, so it can be seen that they are quite fond of the Winter Olympics area for our Chinese food. So these athletes' performance is undoubtedly a punch in the face, the South Korean team has punched the face, their views on the catering of this Winter Olympics.

Excessive! South Korean netizens complained about the Winter Olympics food: dumplings are Korean and should be steamed and eaten

However, for such a performance of foreign athletes, South Korean netizens expressed their personal dissatisfaction. Then, after the American players posted the video of them eating dumplings, South Korean netizens also commented on the Internet, saying that Chinese dumplings were stolen from South Korea, and he also thought that we Chinese in the Winter Olympic Village did not know how to make dumplings should be steamed instead of boiled. So this is undoubtedly a kind of smear on the cuisine of our region, but also a strong word, it can be said that such a statement is also very excessive. First of all, from the history of dumplings, it is certain that We China first invented such a diet, which is not controversial, and it can be verified from history. Secondly, we said that other athletes can enjoy the food in the competition area and eat 200 dumplings at a time, which proves that the food of the Winter Olympics is very delicious, otherwise how can American athletes eat 200 dumplings.

Excessive! South Korean netizens complained about the Winter Olympics food: dumplings are Korean and should be steamed and eaten

So this time, the remarks of Korean netizens really made us have some anger, and also made everyone sit still. But facts are always facts, and they can't be changed by your nonsense.

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