
The real desperate look of a woman is not pestering and disturbing, but doing this to you

Text/Ye Feifei yff

Figure/Originated from the network

I am Ye Feifei yff, a non-famous emotional teacher, writing emotional texts that take the heart, hoping to use warm words to bring you some spiritual comfort.

In the relationship, if a woman pays sincerely, she hopes to be treated gently by a man for a lifetime, and if you do not cherish it, one day she will be disappointed and eventually become cold.

When women don't expect anything from you, love falls apart and can never be recovered.

When a woman loves you with all her heart, she will give everything, even if she suffers with you willingly.

However, once you have failed her and let her see no hope for the future, she will force herself to let go of you and become strangers to you from now on.

Women are desperate, really will be very determined, will not have a trace of entanglement with you, how affectionate they were for you before, and how cruel and ignoring you will be later.

Because, a woman once gave you a true heart, you don't want it, she will take it back, and then strip you from her world.

Therefore, the real desperate appearance of women is not entangled and disturbed, but this way for you, generally there are three manifestations:

The real desperate look of a woman is not pestering and disturbing, but doing this to you

First, do not pester, do not disturb

If a woman is let down by you, she will let you go and will not invest any more feelings in you.

Once, she poured out her heart and lungs for you and gave you everything, but if you didn't cherish it, she wouldn't consume herself anymore, because it wasn't worth it.

In love, women will be very blind, but without your care, she will gradually become very sober and will not always consume time and energy on you.

Today's women, very independent, do not live dependent on men, they have their own opinions and thoughts, and they can live the life they want.

Therefore, when you don't love her enough, she won't waste time on you, she won't pestering you, and she won't bother you.

At this time, she will live her life with her heart, draw a line with you, and never have anything to do with you.

The real desperate look of a woman is not pestering and disturbing, but doing this to you

In life, some men always do not cherish the women around them, and they have always been insincere about their feelings, and they are not worth paying for women at all.

Women can lose everything they originally have for you, just to be with you and get your love.

In order to enter the future with you, they will not hesitate to lose the original circle, if her obsession is exchanged for your lack of cherishing, why should she spend her life for you?

So, when a woman is truly desperate, she will give up everything about you and will never invest in you again.

After their hearts are cold, they will become very silent, will not have any communication with you, and their attitude towards you will be particularly indifferent.

What you do, who you associate with, she will no longer care, because she will no longer love you and will not waste energy on you.

This requires a man to cherish the woman who loves you, if you fail her, one day she will be desperate for you, and it will be too late to save it.

After all, after a woman is truly desperate, she will quietly leave your sight, will not have any intersection with you, she will start her own life, and from then on she will cut you off.

The real desperate look of a woman is not pestering and disturbing, but doing this to you

Second, become excellent, so that you can not climb high

If a woman is disappointed in you, she will plan her life and will not consume herself on you, which is not worth it.

At this time, they will become independent, and they will also have the ability to make money, and they will become more excellent, so that you can no longer climb high.

When you don't love her, she won't pestering you at all, but will ignore everything about you and start a new life of your own, living the way you want to be.

She will work hard to make money, she will also actively study, to participate in various social networks, to make herself more capable, when her heart is strong, become independent, that is, completely break with you.

You are hardly worth mentioning in her eyes, and she will no longer care about you, and even looking at you more does not feel necessary.

She refuses to communicate with you, and then focuses on living her life well, improving herself in all aspects, and becoming a woman who makes you unable to climb high.

The real desperate look of a woman is not pestering and disturbing, but doing this to you

Yishu once wrote: "One day, you will smile at the pain of the past." You will thank the man who left you, who is not worthy of your love, your goodness, your obsession. After all, he was not the one who was destined. Fortunately he wasn't. ”

Women who have been hurt by love will eventually have this kind of consciousness, and when she recognizes your true face, she will not have a trace of expectation for you.

They will not wronged themselves, nor will they humble themselves to please you, but completely disappear from your sight, and then strengthen themselves and live their own lives.

At this time, women, very independent, will not be attached to anyone, they work hard to move forward, and eventually they will become more and more excellent.

Therefore, a woman's true desperation is actually not entangled, let alone humble and flattering, but to become particularly excellent, so that you can not climb high from now on.

This reminds men that they must cherish the woman who loves you deeply, so that they can have happiness.

The real desperate look of a woman is not pestering and disturbing, but doing this to you

Third, let go of you completely and break with you

When a woman loves you, she will treat you as if you were the whole world and willing to pay for you.

However, when you fail to live up to her affection, she will completely let go of you, decide with you, and there will be no trace of nostalgia.

In fact, women are really desperate, far more cruel than men, if you don't love, she won't have a little expectation of you.

Because, women know, for a man who is not worthy, there is no need to pay, even if you do more, there is no point.

Instead of consuming yourself in unworthy feelings, it is better to stop the loss in time, live the life you want, and meet better men.

No matter what kind of women are like this, when they see the essence of men and are disappointed, they will become particularly sober.

At this time, they will plan for themselves, and completely break with you, will not cling to love, because it is not worth it, they will not be sad, and leaving early is the best choice.

The real desperate look of a woman is not pestering and disturbing, but doing this to you

As the writer Suzen said: "Once an infatuated woman wakes up, nothing can keep her, and in the end, women tend to be more determined than men." A woman leaves without looking back, not necessarily because she is not loved, perhaps because it is not worth it. ”

In fact, no woman consumes her feelings on an unworthy man, and if you don't cherish it, she won't force it.

Today's women, simply do not humble and flatter, they are fully capable of living better, why pay for men who do not love?

She is disappointed in you, can't see future happiness, and has no reason to be with you again.

Therefore, no matter how much they love you, they will force themselves to put it down, stop the loss of feelings in time, and will not ask you everything again.

This requires men to cherish the women around them, she is so affectionate to you, let go of everything to follow you, how can you bear to let her lose?

In this world, there is never a reason to leave, the reason why a woman is desperate for you, is nothing more than being disappointed by you, hurt by you, so that she can't see the future.

The real desperate look of a woman is not pestering and disturbing, but doing this to you

Ye Feifei yff emotional message:

Someone said: "Desperate women, it is difficult to put into love again, because they have been hurt, they have long been awakened." ”

Indeed, women can't get the affection of men in their feelings, and they will gradually recognize the reality and will not have too many expectations for men.

Even if they meet the right person later, they will become more cautious because they are afraid of being hurt again.

Therefore, men must cherish and treat the women around them well, and never wait until they lose it and regret it.

To sum up, a woman's true desperation is not pestering you, but the above performance:

Don't pester, don't bother with you, become excellent, make you unable to climb high, completely let go of you, and decide with you.

Women are like this, how affectionate they once were for you, how desperate they will be for you later, and when she decides to let go, there will be no going back in this life.

I hope that men cherish the women around them who love you, be gentle with them, and live happily.


Author: Ye Feifei yff, focus on the field of emotion creation and sharing, with emotions to communicate with you and my heart, but I hope you and I know each other here, like please pay attention to me.

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