
The symptoms of sinusitis in children are hidden, and it is necessary to pay attention to observation and timely diagnosis and treatment

The sinuses are some air-containing hollows adjacent to the nasal cavity, open to the nasal cavity. It can help the nasal cavity to heat and humidify the inhaled air, resonate with the sound emitted by the larynx, and can also be used as a buffer structure to protect brain tissue and intraorbital tissue.

The symptoms of sinusitis in children are hidden, and it is necessary to pay attention to observation and timely diagnosis and treatment

Sinusitis can occur all year round, but is more common in winter. Due to the sudden drop in temperature in winter, the body's immunity declines, resulting in the invasion of viruses and bacteria from the respiratory tract. Coupled with the heating season, the smog is relatively heavy, the nasal mucosa is under great pressure, and the nasal mucosa and the sinus mucosa are continuous, often mucosal congestion, swelling, resulting in poor drainage of the sinus mouth, our nose is overwhelmed, sinusitis also follows.

Rhinitis is a disease that does not distinguish between men and women, young and old, and people of any age can get the disease. Patients with sinusitis have different symptoms from individual to individual. Such as runny nose, nocturnal cough, nasal congestion, snoring, bad breath, increased eye secretions, fever, repeated respiratory infections, etc.

Many children suffer from rhinitis and do not have any coughing symptoms, but the nasal secretions are so much that it affects sleep at night, and when your child has a situation like this, it may be sinusitis.

Once a child suffers from acute sinusitis, it will affect his sleep, daily life, learning situation, emotional mentality, etc., and early detection and diagnosis of children's acute rhinitis and sinusitis are conducive to the healthy growth of children. However, many parents do not fully understand this disease and do not pay enough attention to it.

Rhinitis in children can cause the child to run out of a clear watery nose. In acute rhinitis, the clear watery nasal discharge will transform into a thick consistency. Secondary infections can also cause rhinitis in children, and sticky purulent discharge will appear in the nasal cavity of the child. Fever, cough, listlessness and other phenomena may occur, and some children may have nosebleeds.

If not treated promptly and effectively, it can turn into chronic rhinitis, which can lead to the formation of occlusive nasal sounds and difficulty opening the mouth in children. More seriously, it will cause damage to the child's face and affect the child's chest development.

Although children's sinusitis is relatively hidden, if careful attention can still be found, parents should pay enough attention to the child's physical health in order to find the disease in time, so as to achieve a good treatment effect.

Because children are still in the stage of growth and development, so the resilience is relatively strong, the treatment of rhinitis is much better than the effect of adults, the cure rate is still relatively high, parents find that children have relevant symptoms, they must take their children for treatment in time.

The symptoms of sinusitis in children are hidden, and it is necessary to pay attention to observation and timely diagnosis and treatment

There are many ways and means to treat rhinitis in children, and the best choice is to go to a regular hospital for treatment. And the medical treatment should be timely, so as not to cause delays to the child's condition.

Oral drugs: The types of rhinitis suffered by children are different, which requires the selection of drugs according to the symptoms, and the use of drugs after examination by doctors should be prescribed, not blindly.

Nasal drops: There are many types of nasal drops on the market. There are many symptom relief, but there are also many treatment drugs, and the use of nasal drops is the treatment of choice for many rhinitis patients.

Proprietary Chinese medicine can also be used, because the effect is slower and is not suitable for the treatment of acute rhinitis, but for chronic rhinitis, it has a good therapeutic effect. For children, laser, microwave and surgical methods are not recommended for the treatment of rhinitis.

Sinusitis is very harmful, not only the nose is affected, but also affects the surrounding tissues, causing infections of adjacent lesions, such as the brain, eyes, etc., causing complications. For sinusitis, be sure to be vigilant, do a good job of nursing, and do not let this disease affect the child's life.

The symptoms of sinusitis in children are hidden, and it is necessary to pay attention to observation and timely diagnosis and treatment

In daily life, try to give children to drink more warm boiled water, which has the effect of softening the secretions that appear in the nasal cavity, usually pay attention to nasal hygiene, and develop good hygiene habits of morning and evening nasal washing. The face can be washed with cold water every morning, which can effectively enhance the disease resistance of the nasal mucosa. Nasal massage is also often done. Pay attention to the method of blowing the nose, it is advisable to press the nostril on one side, blow it slightly, and then blow it alternately. If the nose is too thick, wash the nose with salt water to avoid injuring the nasal mucosa.

When an acute attack occurs, it is necessary to rest more, maintain indoor air circulation, avoid direct wind and direct sunlight, and follow the doctor's instructions to take medication in time. Patients with chronic sinusitis should have confidence and perseverance in treatment, and pay attention to strengthening exercise to enhance physical fitness. Stay cheerful, avoid mental irritation, and be careful not to overwork.

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