
My family lives in Baqiao Huokou Village, and recently mobilized for demolition, saying that it was to allocate 640,000 yuan to another pile foundation

author:Extreme speed stream h

I was born on the bank of Baqiao and grew up in Huokou Village, where every inch of land carries my memories and emotions. Baqiao, the ancient name, seems to be a flowing poem, telling the prosperity and vicissitudes of the past. Now, I am standing at this crossroads of change, facing the mobilization of the demolition of the West Extension Expressway, and an indescribable emotion swells in my heart.

The old locust tree in the village is still tall, and its branches seem to whisper, telling of the changes that are about to happen. Sunlight shines through the gaps between the leaves, dappled onto the ground, as if painting the last portrait of the land. I stood in front of the courtyard gate of my house, stroking the already mottled wooden door, and an inexplicable melancholy welled up in my heart.

My family lives in Baqiao Huokou Village, and recently mobilized for demolition, saying that it was to allocate 640,000 yuan to another pile foundation

The news of the demolition spread quickly throughout the village like a spring breeze, and the villagers discussed it one after another, calculating their own gains and losses. My family also received a notice that it was 640,000 yuan to allocate another yard pile foundation. This number is constantly mentioned in the mouths of the villagers, and everyone is weighing the pros and cons.

I was deep in thought. Is the 640,000 yuan a compensation for one person or one household? If it is 640,000 yuan per household, it is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for a big family like ours. Land and houses in rural areas are not only a material wealth, but also carry our roots and soul. A village base is our home for generations and the home of our soul. Even if I am given another 800,000, I am not willing to give up this land easily.

I think back to those years when my family worked hard under my father's leadership to build the current house on the land. Every inch of land embodies our sweat and hard work. Now, if we are asked to give up all this and accept an unknown future, how can we not feel regret in our hearts?

My family lives in Baqiao Huokou Village, and recently mobilized for demolition, saying that it was to allocate 640,000 yuan to another pile foundation

However, I also understand that the wheels of the times are rolling forward, and the torrent of history is unstoppable. The construction of the West Extension Expressway is for the prosperity and development of the country and the happy life of our generation. And I, as a member of this land, should also contribute my own strength to this great cause.

I stood at the entrance of the village, looking out at the highway that was about to rise in the distance. Like a giant dragon, it winds its way forward, connecting our village to the outside world. I imagine what will happen to our village in the future when this highway is completed and opened to traffic. Perhaps, we will lose something, but we will also gain more.

I began to think about how to deal with the changes that were coming. Perhaps, I can use this compensation to invest or start a business to create better living conditions for my family. Perhaps, I can take advantage of this opportunity to learn some new knowledge and skills and lay a solid foundation for my future development.

In the process of thinking, I felt unprecedented firmness and courage. I know that no matter what the future holds, I will face it with a calm heart. Because this land has given me life and strength, and it has also taught me how to face the challenges and difficulties of life.

As night fell, I returned home. My mother was busy with dinner in the kitchen, while my father was sitting in the yard smoking a dry tobacco. I walked over to them and sat down and told them what I had in mind and what I had planned. They all expressed support and understanding.

My family lives in Baqiao Huokou Village, and recently mobilized for demolition, saying that it was to allocate 640,000 yuan to another pile foundation

"Child, although this land is important, your future is even more important." My father took a deep puff of dry tobacco and said, "You have grown up and have your own ideas and plans. We are confident that you will be able to make the right choice. ”

The mother also nodded in agreement: "Yes, child, no matter what path you choose, we will support you." ”

Listening to my parents' words, my heart was filled with gratitude and warmth. I know that they are the people who know me best, and they are also my strongest backing. No matter what changes lie ahead, I will always keep their teachings in mind and never forget my original intention.

Baqiao is still flowing with its story, and I continue to write my life. I believe that in this land of hope and opportunity, I will find my own piece of sky.