
How can the fall pillow in the morning relieve the pain? Doctor: These 3 methods can effectively save your neck

Falling pillows, also known as lost pillows, are a very common and common disease, usually due to inappropriate pillows or incorrect sleeping postures.

Once the phenomenon of falling pillow occurs, after the patient wakes up in the morning, there will be acute pain in the shoulder and neck position, and there will also be a phenomenon that the neck cannot rotate freely, or the phenomenon of activities such as not being able to look up and bowing the head is restricted, which will affect the patient's life and health to a certain extent.

Therefore, many people want to know what to do when the phenomenon of falling pillows occurs, so as to effectively alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms.

How can the fall pillow in the morning relieve the pain? Doctor: These 3 methods can effectively save your neck

What should I do if I drop the pillow?

1. Local hot compresses with massage

When the phenomenon of falling pillow occurs, the neck should be warmly applied at the first time, especially in places where the pain is more obvious, such as the neck, shoulders and upper limbs. Hot water bottles can generally be placed in these painful areas for about 20 to 30 minutes each time.

Warm compresses can speed up local blood circulation and promote the relaxation of muscles that are too spasmodic, which can effectively improve the pain caused by falling pillows.

How can the fall pillow in the morning relieve the pain? Doctor: These 3 methods can effectively save your neck

While applying local heat, massage and massage can be combined to quickly improve local blood circulation and promote rapid repair of diseased tissues.

However, it is worth noting that when performing massages and massages, it must be performed by a professional. Once the massage and massage method is not large, it will not only aggravate the phenomenon of falling pillows, but also most likely cause some other problems.

How can the fall pillow in the morning relieve the pain? Doctor: These 3 methods can effectively save your neck

Second, appropriate local exercise

If the phenomenon of long-term pillow drop is not treated in time, the patient's shoulder and neck position is very likely to have muscle stiffness, or tissue adhesion, then it will develop into chronic neck pain.

Therefore, when the phenomenon of falling pillows occurs, it is necessary to exercise the neck under the guidance of a doctor.

For example, patients can sit in a chair and then perform movements such as looking up, swinging their heads from side to side, swinging their jaws, and rotating their necks and stretching their necks. It can speed up local blood circulation and relieve muscles that are too spasmodic and tense, which has a certain improvement effect on the phenomenon of falling pillows.

However, it is important to note that you cannot take too tough a way of exercising. Otherwise, it will not only aggravate the phenomenon of falling pillows, but also most likely damage to the cervical spine and other parts.

How can the fall pillow in the morning relieve the pain? Doctor: These 3 methods can effectively save your neck

Third, the use of drugs

For patients with obvious pillow drops, some drugs can be used appropriately for treatment, such as oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

For patients with particularly severe pain, local or pain points can be anesthetic blocking, which can relieve spasms and relieve pain, and can also reduce local aseptic inflammation.

In addition, some topical plasters can be applied locally, which can play a very good role in activating blood circulation and relieving cold and pain. It can also be combined with some medicinal liquor to massage the painful area, which can play a role in alleviating the symptoms of discomfort. However, for pregnant women, plasters have the effect of activating blood circulation, so they are not suitable for pregnant women.

How can the fall pillow in the morning relieve the pain? Doctor: These 3 methods can effectively save your neck

All in all, when the phenomenon of falling pillows occurs, the above three methods can be referred to for treatment, which can alleviate pain and promote rapid healing of discomfort.

And patients must pay attention to the fact that when going out, they must do a good job of keeping the neck warm and cold, adjust the height of the pillow, and adopt the correct sleeping position. It can not only prevent the aggravation of the symptoms of pillow discomfort, but also effectively prevent the recurrence of pillow drop phenomenon.

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