
Today's Lantern Festival: Keep the lights of ten thousand homes, waiting for the spring to bloom!

The sky is full

The world is clear

Today is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month

We usher in the Lantern Festival

Saying goes

Fifteen moons sixteen round

But the Lantern Festival in the Year of the Tiger

The moon is not "fifteen rounds"

Nor is it "sixteen circles"

It's "seventeen circles."

The roundest moment appears

17 February, 00:56

Today's Lantern Festival: Keep the lights of ten thousand homes, waiting for the spring to bloom!

In continental antiquity

On this day, the streets are full of lights

People flocked to the masses

Visit temple fairs, enjoy flower lanterns, guess lantern riddles, and eat Lanterns

Brightly lit and entertained

We use brilliant flower lanterns

Welcome to the new year

Sincerely wish the new year a smooth season

Lantern Festival, Enjoy the Moon

"Looking at the Moon and Huaiyuan"

Don Zhang Jiuling

The sea is born with a bright moon, and the end of the world is at this time.

The lover complained about the night, and even thought of each other at night.

Extinguish the candle and fill the light, and the cloak feel dewy.

Can't afford to give away, but also sleep in the dream of a good period.

A full moon crept up into the sky

People call on friends and talk about the moon

Such customs have been passed down for thousands of years

The Lantern Festival was originally a reunion festival

But now

There are always people who can't be reunited for various reasons

Distance can't get us to meet

But it can't stop us from passing on our love

At this time, enjoy a round of the moon

The bright moon sends lovesickness, and the blessings are passed on for thousands of miles

Today's Lantern Festival: Keep the lights of ten thousand homes, waiting for the spring to bloom!

Lantern Festival, lighting lanterns

《New Year's 15-Night Light》

Don Zhang Hu

A thousand doors are unlocked and ten thousand lights are bright, and the imperial capital is moved in the middle of the first month.

Three hundred people danced with their sleeves, and for a moment there was a sound of words in the sky.

I don't want to envy the stars in the sky

Chinese moved the galaxy to the human world

The long street is as bright as the moon

Miles of fireworks shine brighter than the stars

Today's Lantern Festival: Keep the lights of ten thousand homes, waiting for the spring to bloom!

Lantern Festival, eat Lantern Festival

《Lantern Boiled Floating Balls》

Song Zhou Bida

This night knows what night, and the reunion is the same.

Tang Guan looked for the old taste, and the stove maid was surprised by the new skill.

In the dark clouds, the beads float in the turbid water.

When he was young, he made up a miscellaneous chant, with this saying family style.

Eating the Lantern on the fifteenth day of the first month is a long-standing custom

North "roll" Lantern, south "wrap" Tangyuan

The production method is different

But they all carry the hope of reunion and happiness

Today's Lantern Festival: Keep the lights of ten thousand homes, waiting for the spring to bloom!

After the Lantern Festival

The year is over

Many will return to their jobs

Are you ready

Get ready for a brand new attempt

Go all out for the new year

May you live up to the time, not to live up to the effort, not to live up to yourself

People are at ease, things are round, and good things are continuous!

Shenzhou (China) New Rural Editorial Office

New Rural Media Network

Happy Lantern Festival!

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