
Yaoshuang legend optimization, Luna's lifelong love and Wang Zhaojun limited return, guaranteed 6888 coupons

Dumb little note

1. Yao Double Legend Skin Optimization

2. Luna and Wang Zhaojun are limited to returning to the scene

3. Glory Crystal price reduction

Foreword: The Glory of the King this year's Valentine's Day limited skin has been online for a period of time, that is, the new skin of Princess Yaoyao and Yun Zhongjun, after the launch, the official should also receive a lot of opinions from players, so this time the update official decided to optimize the double legend of Princess Yaoyao, and the skin of Yun Zhongjun is temporarily no problem, so there is no optimization.

Yaoshuang legend optimization, Luna's lifelong love and Wang Zhaojun limited return, guaranteed 6888 coupons

In addition, because the Lantern Festival is coming, so the official also updated the Lantern Festival version, this time in addition to daily activities, the official also returned to the scene of two limited skins, namely Luna's lifelong love and Wang Zhaojun's limited skin, the guaranteed price needs two skins of 6888 points coupons, because there is a lottery return, so the price is more expensive.

In addition, the discount event of the Glory Crystal is coming again, which requires the small partners who need to prepare the Glory Crystal to be ready.

Well, without further ado, let's take a look.

Yao Double Legend Skin Optimization

After Princess Yaoyao's new skin was launched, many players had some views on this face shape, so this optimization is mainly to optimize the face model.

Yaoshuang legend optimization, Luna's lifelong love and Wang Zhaojun limited return, guaranteed 6888 coupons

There is not much content to optimize, you can first refer to the effect shown in the picture.

On the whole, it did not adjust the face shape too much, but optimized the model of the nose part, and looked at the facial features more beautifully.

The optimization of both skins is like this, in fact, it is impossible to see it without looking carefully, because in the game, who will always observe the model of this skin, and after entering the game game, they will not care about the external model.

Luna and Wang Zhaojun restricted the skin to return

After understanding the skin optimization, let's talk about the return news of the two limited skins.

Yaoshuang legend optimization, Luna's lifelong love and Wang Zhaojun limited return, guaranteed 6888 coupons

The first is Luna's lifelong love, as one of the Valentine's Day limited skins, I did not expect her to usher in the return.

This return is indeed very surprising to many players, because at present, the Valentine's Day limited skin belongs to the return in turn, before returning to the scene like a dream order two-piece set, and then returned to the pure white flower marriage and true love supreme, and this life's love is the 5th Valentine's Day limited return.

Many players ask why the monkey's great sage did not return to the scene? Because this skin has announced that it will no longer be sold directly after the last return, and Luna's skin will no longer be sold directly after this return, that is to say, the subsequent Valentine's Day limited skin can only return through a limited-time lottery.

The return price is 888 bonds.

Yaoshuang legend optimization, Luna's lifelong love and Wang Zhaojun limited return, guaranteed 6888 coupons

Then let's take a look at Wang Zhaojun's limited skin return content, first of all, the idol singer's skin will join the points to seize the treasure, and players who do not have this skin can seize this opportunity.

Then there is the idol singer's Xingyuan skin Night Quiet Fragrance, which is Wang Zhaojun's Xingyuan limited skin, which can only be obtained through a limited-time gift package, and this time the official also returned to this exclusive gift package, which requires 50 coupons to buy one, up to 120, and open 120 treasure chests to get a full set of Night Quiet Fragrance Star Yuan skins.

Calculated that the guarantee requires 6000 bonds, plus Luna's lifelong love, then the return price of the two skins needs 6888 bonds.

Glory Crystal discount

Then let's take a look at the Honor Crystal discount campaign, which is what we call the Points Treasure Discount Campaign.

Yaoshuang legend optimization, Luna's lifelong love and Wang Zhaojun limited return, guaranteed 6888 coupons

The event runs from February 18th to February 24th, and players who need to draw crystals can take advantage of this opportunity.

In addition, the official also launched a double recharge benefit at this time, you can use the principle of recharge maximization to receive more glory points, such as planning to buy Luna's lifelong love, then you can calculate how much you need to recharge every day through the recharge benefits, and then charge up 888 coupons and buy new skins and receive a large wave of glory points.

To sum up the view: the King of Glory Lantern Festival version is coming, this time the official in addition to optimizing the double legend of Princess Yaoyao, but also returned to the field of two skins, especially the love of a lifetime of this skin is also needed by many players, at this time the return can be purchased through the original price, the follow-up can only return through the lottery, the overall price is certainly not now cost-effective, it is recommended that players who like it should start now.

Well, the above is the entire content of this issue of the article, I don't know if you have any other views? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to communicate together.

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