
The designer of the World of Warcraft rewards system has left Blizzard

On Friday, World of Warcraft chief game designer Russ Petersen (nicknamed Nita Moogle online) announced that he had left Blizzard. Russ has been with Blizzard for ten years. On social media, Petersen said, "I hope to bring something fun to World of Warcraft players. Thank you all for the privilege of participating in this almost unreal journey. Petersen did not explain the reason for his departure or his next move.

The designer of the World of Warcraft rewards system has left Blizzard

Petersen has a strong place in the modern development of World of Warcraft. He has been responsible for designing World of Warcraft's reward system since the Legion Re-Arrivals, with much of it going behind the scenes.

Blizzard isn't Petersen's first company to work for, having previously designed for the online game Wild Planet at Cabine Studios. Judging from his professional experience, he should join an online game company to continue working.

From Blizzard's perspective, Petersen's departure is a pity. Several star developers have left their jobs since the company became embroiled in the controversy.

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