
She was a famous anti-Japanese heroine, who was skinned by the Japanese army for betrayal by traitors, and tortured for many days

author:The Wrapped Guard says history

Grandma Bingxin once left us a classic quote: "As long as a person loves his motherland and has a patriotic heart, he can solve anything." Whatever suffering, all grievances can bear."

Indeed, in ancient times, Hua Mulan went to join the army for her father, and now there is a girl army carrying a gun for the people. Throughout the ages, at the time of national crisis, some female patriotic heroes have emerged, and for the sake of the country, these heroines have sacrificed their precious lives, better interpreting the patriotic feelings of "the world rises and falls, and the husband has the responsibility".

She was a famous anti-Japanese heroine, who was skinned by the Japanese army for betrayal by traitors, and tortured for many days

In the eight years of the Anti-Japanese National Liberation Movement, we must not forget Chen Kangrong, a Xiamen university student, a revolutionary martyr, and a communist party member who sacrificed her life for righteousness for the people; she was a leader in the anti-Japanese national salvation movement and a famous heroine of the last century, who experienced the betrayal of traitors, the live skinning of Japanese soldiers, and finally the tragic end of being buried alive.

However, she still did not succumb to the Japanese, and used her life to preserve the revolutionary force, Chen Kangrong's death was heavier than Taishan, leaving a continuation of the patriotic spirit for future generations, and at the same time prompting future generations to understand her glorious life with a feeling of admiration.

First, a good educational environment is the guide for Chen Kangrong to embark on the revolutionary road

As the saying goes: when people are young, the educational environment of school and family is crucial. For Chen Kangrong, the educational environment at school and at home was the precondition that drove her to the revolutionary road.

Chen Kangrong was born in Burma to a family of overseas Chinese, her father Chen Ximei, who studied in Japan in his early years, once participated in the Alliance Led by Sun Yat-sen, and some patriotic advanced ideas deeply influenced the young Chen Kangrong.

She was a famous anti-Japanese heroine, who was skinned by the Japanese army for betrayal by traitors, and tortured for many days

Chen Kangrong returned to the motherland with his father when he was 15 years old, and the studious Chen Kangrong was soon admitted to Xiamen University, which was a well-known university at that time, which could be described as a promising future, but Chen Kangrong did not embark on this smooth road of study, but participated in the underground party organization of Xiamen University, and under the cultivation and education of this revolutionary and progressive organization, he eventually became a Communist Party member, laying a solid foundation for the future road to anti-Japanese resistance.

Second, interpret patriotic feelings with life - what did Chen Kangrong, who embarked on the road of resisting Japan, experience?

In 1937, when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in full swing, Chen Kangrong saw that the Japanese invading army wantonly trampled on the good mountains and rivers of the mainland, angrily terminated her studies, refused the comfortable road paved for her by her father in Burma, and threw herself wholeheartedly into the anti-Japanese movement.

She was a famous anti-Japanese heroine, who was skinned by the Japanese army for betrayal by traitors, and tortured for many days

With the emergence of some so-called "traitors," such as the Nationalist government officials headed by Wang Jingwei, which made the aggressive momentum of the Japanese army even more high, after the cowardly Wang Jingwei defected to the Japanese, he established the Wang puppet National Government and began to arrest anti-Japanese fighters, causing many underground revolutionary anti-Japanese organizations to be hit hard, and in order to minimize the loss rate of revolutionary forces, they were transferred one after another

In 1940, Chen Kangrong and her underground comrades were unfortunately arrested on a transfer mission due to the betrayal of traitors, and Chen Kangrong, who was in a hurry, decisively tore important information into scraps of paper and swallowed it, and the Japanese army tried its best to obtain intelligence from her, so it put forward various attractive conditions, but under the temptation of the enemy, Chen Kangrong unswervingly refused to disclose any information, constantly negotiated with the enemy, and cursed the shamelessness of the Japanese invaders.

She was a famous anti-Japanese heroine, who was skinned by the Japanese army for betrayal by traitors, and tortured for many days

Her actions made the Japanese angry, so she used cruel torture to force Chen Kangrong to confess intelligence, that is, the live skinning torture that made the hearts of the Chinese people ache, whether physically or mentally, for Chen Kangrong, a woman, it can be described as inhumane.

After three days and three nights of torture to extract a confession, Chen Kangrong, who was already dying, still did not compromise, and the angry And corrupt Japanese invaders had to throw her in the mountains and bury her alive, and Chen Kangrong, who was only 25 years old, died.

She was a famous anti-Japanese heroine, who was skinned by the Japanese army for betrayal by traitors, and tortured for many days

Chen Kangrong did not choose the road of stability in the chaotic world, but joined the ranks of the War of Resistance Against Japan, after the traitor betrayed, in the face of all kinds of torture by the Japanese, she did not waver, did not let the underground organization suffer losses, and finally the crazy Japanese army tortured her alive and skinned inhumans, and buried her alive on the mountain, so that this "heroine" of the last century, after a short but brilliant life, exchanged sacrifice for social peace, so that her patriotic spirit will always remain in the hearts of future generations.

People have to go through the cycle of life and death, some people die heavier than Tarzan, some are as light as a feather, we are very fortunate to live in this peaceful era. Let yourself take action, be a screw that will never rust, shine at the forefront of national construction, and inherit Chen Kangrong's patriotic spirit.

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