
18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

In clinical work, although the basic operations are consistent,

But each specialty has its own characteristics,

Here's what we've collected

Summary chart of common specialist procedures in obstetrics

Four-step palpation procedure

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Fetal heart rate monitoring operation procedure

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Procedures for auscultation of fetal heart sounds

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

examination procedure

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Vaginal examination procedure

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Perineal rinsing and disinfection procedures during childbirth

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Procedures for lateral perineal resection and suture

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Operation process of anterior occipital assist technology

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Neonatal asphyxia resuscitation procedures

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Procedures for neonatal umbilical care procedures

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Neonatal bath procedure

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Neonatal caress procedures

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Breastfeeding procedures

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Use a baking lamp to operate the process

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Perineal wet compress procedure

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Procedures for newborn BCG vaccine procedures

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Neonatal hepatitis B vaccine procedure

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Procedures for screening for newborn diseases

18 common operating flow charts are required for the delivery room

Pay attention to nursing faxes

Deliver the nurse's voice

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