
The 3 signs of emotions that are not exposed

The 3 signs of emotions that are not exposed


Capricorn's feelings are largely influenced by personality. In fact, Capricorn is more like an iceberg, there is seriousness in personality, there is high coldness, there is no smile, less temperature, less expression and easy-going, full of stability, some stereotypes, not too much fantasy, no romantic thinking, naturally, less "mood". They are more pragmatic, more advocating real things, think that the truth is more pure and more convincing than falsehood, Capricorn does not think that what is said on the lips represents what the heart thinks, does not think that the romance of the sky is how profound, in their place more talk than to do more, only practical action is the best way to prove a person.

Therefore, in the feelings, it is difficult to see Capricorn talking sweetly like others, it is difficult to whisper love words, it is difficult to create more gorgeous romance, and rarely expose feelings. But the depth of every look, the care of every detail of life, the tenderness of every inadvertent moment, will penetrate silently in practical actions, and sometimes the clumsy sincerity, the affection under the high cold, is purer, more profound, more into the bone. Yes, Capricorn never deliberately says anything, creates something, suppresses and does not expose the character, even if you think of the other party will not be like "plaster", sticky, but the love in the heart is more focused, especially when together, although rarely say love words, but with deep affection.


Aquarius's feelings are also "swayed" by personality. In fact, when it comes to a water bottle, there are many more calm and rational than others, so that they will not have too extreme emotional expressions, be filled with indifference, as if everything can not really stir the heart, unlike others, happy will appear extremely happy, sad will deduce extreme sadness, water bottle more advocating a balance under self-control, self-control under the suppression, do not show the true heart and self, this kind of personality, not only have a self-protection, but also a strong and proud, let them show no weakness, even if they fall in love, they will control expression, I will not whisper love words all day, I will not be sticky, I will not take "I love you" and "I miss you" as a daily routine, and my feelings will not be exposed.

Therefore, in the emotional world, the water bottle is equally indifferent, it is difficult to express it as unsparingly as the warm personality, and, many times, the arrogant personality makes the water bottle think that it is better to say more than to do more, and many things need to be experienced with the heart. Yes, the water bottle never deliberately shows anything, the good repressive side makes them more indifferent, but their hearts are full of persistence and profundity, full of love A person will infiltrate warmth and care in actual action, not to create much romance, but the heart expects a lifetime of eternity, especially the high cold under the indifference, the depth in the high cold, although it is difficult to say love words, but with deep affection.


Taurus' feelings are swayed by character full of stability and caution. In fact, speaking of taurus, not romantic people, they belong to the earth elephant, pragmatic and practical, there is not too much brilliant thinking, no romantic cells, can not instantly mobilize the mind to reach a certain height, especially in the feelings, it is difficult to stage the drama of love at first sight, even in the face of people with good feelings and heartbeats, they can not do regardless of the possession and expression, they are more willing to understand, through contact, find tacit understanding, stimulate the depth of the heart, in order to identify each other, in order to really love to have, the process is slow, Full of caution and seriousness, the result is extremely pure.

Therefore, after confirmation, let the love of the Golden Bull be more profound than others, so that they are more willing to use all their strength to cherish and have, but the pragmatism and pragmatism of the earth elephant, so that the Golden Bull does not have too much sweet words, can not do much romance, it is difficult to be stimulated, feelings are not exposed, but they will give meticulous warmth and care in actual action, will use real touch to interpret sincerity and sincerity, will interpret endless tolerance and tolerance, although can not say too much "I love you", can not do too many unexpected surprises, but in the eyes of Taurus, Love is the real pay, not the illusory light to say and do, only with the heart to support love, therefore, taurus is difficult to say love, but with deep affection.

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