
How to care for baby jaundice, new parents look over!

After the birth of the newborn, due to the difference between the external environment and the uterine environment, the newborn has a process of adaptation after leaving the mother, and the most common phenomenon is neonatal jaundice.

Neonatal jaundice, also known as neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, is caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the body, such as yellow staining of the skin, sclera, mucous membranes and other organs, and severe diseases such as dyspnea, apnea, and convulsions.

Neonatal jaundice can be divided into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice, which has different types, different manifestations and treatment methods.

How to care for baby jaundice, new parents look over!

As soon as many mothers and fathers hear that their children have jaundice, their nerves immediately tense up and their brains think of 100,000 Why will children have jaundice? How to help your baby get rid of jaundice? Why does your baby's jaundice persist? Will it affect your baby's health? ......

How to care for baby jaundice, new parents look over!

What is neonatal jaundice?

Neonatal jaundice can be said to be the first problem that plagues new parents. Almost every baby is born and goes through the stage of becoming a "minion".

In medicine, jaundice in babies under the age of one month (within 28 days of birth) is called neonatal jaundice. The main symptoms are yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera, and the baby's loss of appetite, restlessness, and body temperature may also rise.

More than 70% of newborns develop jaundice in the early stages, including physiological and pathological jaundice. No matter what kind of jaundice, there is no harm to the body at a low level, but when it is too high and reaches a certain level, there is a risk of brain damage.

How is neonatal jaundice cared for?

1. Fetal stool is discharged as soon as possible: increasing the baby's circulating excretion is conducive to yellowing. To see if the stool is clean, mainly to see if the stool has changed from dark green to yellow.

How to care for baby jaundice, new parents look over!

2, give sufficient water: generally normal newborns urinate 6-8 times a day, if the number is insufficient, it is possible that his fluid intake is not enough, and urinating too little is not conducive to the excretion of cholinin.

3. Follow-up diagnosis of jaundice baby after discharge: after discharge, we should also pay attention to observing the baby's systemic symptoms, whether there is poor mental response, loss of appetite, milk refusal and other symptoms, and timely follow-up to measure the baby's jaundice value.

How to care for baby jaundice, new parents look over!

If the baby is only yellow in the face, head, chest, and thighs, you can take care of it at home, but if the baby is yellow on the knees or below the knees, the palms of the hands and feet, and the whites of the eyes, you need to take the baby to the hospital.

How to care for baby jaundice, new parents look over!

New parents in the care of how to make the baby quickly yellowing at the same time, must be as calm as possible, physiological jaundice generally does not need special treatment, and pathological jaundice is recommended to follow the doctor's advice.

When neonatal jaundice occurs, new parents must remain calm, deal with it rationally and scientifically, pay attention to hygiene, do not abuse drugs, and it is best to prevent it from the beginning of pregnancy. Do not listen to the advice of others and take home remedies for treatment, so as not to delay the treatment of newborns and cause irreparable damage!

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