
Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Fist released a new version of the knife sister to the best game model

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

12.4 version changes

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Auxiliary equipment modifications

Knife Repair Punishment: Now in the first 5 minutes, you can only make up 2 creeps per minute, if you exceed it, you can only get a small amount of revenue, and after 5 minutes you can make up 4 per minute (the current version of the game is 4 per minute)

Replenishment earnings will now be adjusted based on your party's number of auxiliary equipment

When a team has more than 1 auxiliary equipment, the strategic point bounty will be halved

When the situation pulls back, the stay time before the strategic point bounty disappears: 15 seconds and 5 seconds

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Mummy of Death Amumu

[E] Damage Reduction: 2/4/6/8/105/7/9/11/13

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Dark Knight Attox

【Q】Area-specific damage: 150% 160%

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Ice Shooter Ash

【R】Skill flight speed: 16001500, increased by 200 per second (maximum 2100)

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Sea Beast Sacrifice Oroy

Base Attack Speed/Attack Speed Gain: 0.5710.625

【W】 Attack Damage Bonus: 2% max health damage increased for every 100 attack damagemax damagemax damage per 100 attack damage

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Holy Gun Ranger Lucian

【Q】Mana cost: 50/60/70/80/9048/56/64/72/80

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Kaleidoscopic Niko

In-game hit size :8065

【Q】Subsequent explosion damage: 40/60/80/100/12040/65/90/115/140

【W】Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 seconds 16/15/14/13/12 seconds

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Zuan fireworks Ze li

Magic Damage Incidental to Zelip Attack: 15-40 (+4% Spell Strength) 10-25 (+3% Spell Strength)

Bonus Magic Damage to Low Health Targets: 4x 6x

General Attack Slowdown Duration: 1.5 seconds and 1 second

General attack and deceleration effect: 20/25/30/35/40% 14/23/32/41/50%

【Q】Active Effect Base Damage: 10/15/20/25/309/13/17/21/25

Q base damage can now be critical hit

Overflow Attack Speed Conversion Attack Damage Ratio: 50%60%

【W】Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 seconds Full level 10 seconds

【E】Cooldown: 23/21.5/20/18.5/17 seconds 23/22/21/20/19 seconds

Reduced cooldown by hitting a hero with an attack or skill: 1.5 seconds and 1 second

【R】Attack speed bonus: 30/35/40% full level 30%

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Elemental Queen Chiana

【Passive】Bonus Attack Damage Bonus: 55%40%

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Evil Little Mage Vega

Base Armor: 2321

Growing Armor: 3.754

【E】Cooldown: 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds20/18/16/14/12 seconds

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Spear of Vengeance Calista

Base Armor: 2124

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Reverse Feather Kasumi

【E】Critical Strike Chance Bonus: 0.5% damage per 1% critical strike chance increases damage by 0.75% per 1% critical strike chance

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Wrist Hauserti

Growth Health: 93100

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Mechanical enemy Rambo

Base Armor: 3136

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Summoning The Tide Fish Ji Nami

[E] Bonus damage: 20/35/50/65/8025/40/55/70/85

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Zuan Madman Mondo

Grow Attack Damage: 4.23.5

【R】Cooldown: 110/100/90 seconds Full level 110 seconds

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Steam robot Britz

Base Health Regen/sec: 1.71.5

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Snow Gemini Nunu and Willamp

【Q】Healing effect when casting on heroes: 80% 60%

Version 12.4 Hero changes detailed and new version of the Knife Girl To the Best game model

Infinity Sword Saint Yi

In order to find a more risky and targeted change direction, it was postponed for the time being

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