
Sing the protagonists of the three rural areas to gather the taste of the New Year and depict a beautiful life to pay tribute to the revitalization of the countryside

——The innovative idea of CCTV's agricultural and rural channel "The New Year in the Farmhouse"


Abstract: The 2022 CCTV Agricultural and Rural Channel New Year special program "The New Year in the Farmhouse" takes culture as the core, innovation as the feature, and farmers as the main body, adopts the form of live performances and off-site connections, and uses Internet technology to interact with the national audience, which not only creates a festive and cheerful holiday atmosphere, but also shows the great achievements of rural revitalization in the new era.

Keywords: rural variety shows; rural revitalization; cloud connection

In recent years, due to the positive guidance of government policies and the transformation of people's life concepts, the number of programs with rural themes has increased day by day, and the countryside has become an important shooting scene for outdoor variety shows, gradually constructing from a "low-level" image to a "utopian" ideal state of life, and the value of the countryside has been maximized. In September 2019, the CCTV-17 Agricultural and Rural Channel of the Central Radio and Television Corporation was officially launched, which is committed to showing the new face of the socialist new countryside in the new era and maximizing the value of the countryside. The channel deepens integration and dissemination, strengthens program innovation and upgrading, closely focuses on the main theme lines such as poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, publicizes the national policy of the three rural areas, tells the story of the three rural areas, and shows the new appearance of the three rural areas in the new era.

Sing the protagonists of the three rural areas to gather the taste of the New Year and depict a beautiful life to pay tribute to the revitalization of the countryside

During the Spring Festival in 2022, the Agricultural and Rural Channel of CCTV General Station has continuously broadcast the "Village Evening" exhibition program "The New Year in the Farmhouse" from the first to the third day of the first year, and the ratings and influence have achieved excellent results. The program takes culture as the core, inherits and creates the cultural landscape of traditional Chinese festivals in the new year customs, annual scenery and annual fun; the program is characterized by innovation, investing in novelty in the scene, visual effects and form, and creating a high-quality audio-visual cultural experience; the program takes the peasants as the main body, tailors the New Year program for the farmers, and shows the achievements of rural revitalization from the taste of the farm, the new year, and the taste of the country; the program uses technology as a means to experience the customs and customs of various places from the scene, interaction, and cloud, depicts the picture of a better life, and drives hundreds of millions of farmers to feel the gratitude of the party!

First, take culture as the core, and create New Year literary and artistic masterpieces in the new year customs, annual scenery and annual fun

The Spring Festival has gone through thousands of years, and is still the most grand traditional festival and folk activity in the mainland, the Spring Festival is grown from the farming culture, is a rest and comfort for people to work hard for a year, and is also the starting point for the next year to forge ahead. The taste of the new year that modern people are most looking forward to is still in the simple and sincere countryside. "New Year in the Farmhouse" returns to the countryside and takes root in the countryside, in the courtyard with local characteristics, the program uses simple and sincere techniques to aggregate the local customs, annual tastes, annual scenery, annual rhymes, annual fun, and annual feelings.

The program closely follows the grand festival of the Spring Festival, focusing on creating a festive atmosphere of "reunion, reunion, and homecoming". The opening chapter of each program carries out the "admission ceremony" in the farm courtyard that symbolizes the reunion and reunion, and the tables, chairs, dishes and chopsticks are set up, and the hosts and guests have entered and prepared the reunion dinner, vividly restoring the most familiar reunion picture of every household during the New Year. The program focuses on highlighting the "Chinese Year" culture that gathers together, and the distinctive gastronomic cultures of various places are also presented through the main venue and the connection of time and space. Through food production and on-site tasting, combined with the form of reunion dinner, the program reflects the happy life of rich civilization.

Sing the protagonists of the three rural areas to gather the taste of the New Year and depict a beautiful life to pay tribute to the revitalization of the countryside

In order to convey the beauty of the atmosphere and culture of the Spring Festival, the program "New Year in the Farmhouse" focuses on the traditional games and theme interaction in the core links, and puts unique folk performances and literary and artistic programs on the screen, so that the New Year culture can be spread and inherited everywhere. In Songpan County, Sichuan Province, hospitable ethnic minority villagers sing and dance, serving special delicacies such as barley wine, butter tea, hand-grabbed beef, and yak beef hot pot. Hui compatriots brought the Songpan folk song "Guan Lantern", and the beautiful melody carried the attachment to this land, expressing the affection for their hometown. "It doesn't matter if you are a sorghum flower on your head, if you are covered in red peppers, if you can wave is beautiful, if you can dress up, you can dress up is funny", Liu Liang and Li Jing improvised to sing the Northeast Duo's "Little Bye Nian" witty and humorous, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to the climax. In Shicheng County, Jiangxi Province, the national intangible cultural heritage Shicheng lanterns are colorful and colorful, and every household dance lantern has become a characteristic festival and folklore. The Hakka marriage custom "cave room" has a variety of forms, and it is interesting to sing, explore flowers, acrobatics, guess puzzles and so on. The Hakka wedding sitcom "Cave House Flower Candle" is even more lively. In the courtyard of Beijing, folk performances such as the entrance ceremony, the women's middle flag, and the flying fork took turns to appear, allowing people to feel the characteristic atmosphere of the Northern Spring Festival. Listen to Wuzara Tao sing "Xibe Wine Song" and Ana sing "Mongolian Wine Song" and feel the annual customs behind the New Year wine songs of different ethnic minorities.

Sing the protagonists of the three rural areas to gather the taste of the New Year and depict a beautiful life to pay tribute to the revitalization of the countryside

The program also focuses on local history and culture, folk customs and customs, and fully demonstrates the implementation of the policy of "strengthening the guidance of village style, protecting traditional villages, traditional houses and famous historical and cultural villages and towns, and increasing the protection of cultural heritage sites in rural areas". In the program, the rich natural landscape and colorful ethnic customs constitute the charming songyuan ancient city, and the "important starting point of the Central Red Army", "the hometown of Chinese lanterns" and "the hometown of Chinese folk art" constitute a colorful stone city. And "New Year in the Farmhouse" shows the spiritual outlook and beautiful quality of rural people through a series of intangible cultural heritage displays, folk performances, and interviews. The Yellow River Hanzi who "backed the ice" in front of the Stork Tower fully demonstrated the iron bone spirit of the people of Yongji, Shanxi, who are fierce and brave, and who are not afraid of cold and difficulties. The dingnanrui lion with a bald forehead, a hanging nose bone and a lion's mouth is wide open symbolizes the Hakka people's spiritual concept of forging ahead, harmony and tolerance.

Second, with innovation as the feature, it leads the aesthetics of audiovisual culture in scenes, visual effects and forms

The use of television art means to dig deep, inherit and innovate the excellent traditional local culture, and combine the protection and inheritance with the development and utilization, will give the Chinese agricultural civilization a new era connotation. Festival folklore not only adds endless beauty to ordinary life, but also contains rich ritual beauty, atmosphere beauty and cultural beauty, which is an important part of China's excellent local culture. "Celebrating the New Year in the Farmhouse" led hundreds of millions of farmers and national audiences to celebrate the Spring Festival, using three-dimensional and diversified audio-visual means to not only create a festive atmosphere of joyful celebration of the New Year and the new year in the countryside, but also strengthened the construction of rural spiritual civilization in the new era.

In the IP of the Spring Festival TV literary and artistic programs with a hundred flowers, it is not easy to break the old and create new ones, and innovate the content and form. "New Year in the Farmhouse" first shifted from the core idea and expression perspective to innovation, and the program team rushed to the villages with the most regional characteristics, the most festive atmosphere and the most cultural charm in various parts of the motherland to focus on the characteristics and vivid festival scenes. The program really goes out of the studio, takes the heaven and the earth as the shed, turns the rural farmhouse into the main space of the activity, truly leads the public back to the familiar fields and farm courtyards, and uses the most pyrotechnic, grounded, and adventurous ways to let modern urbanites pin their pastoral local plots, weave modern nostalgia, and lead the public to look back at the agricultural cultural traditions.

"The New Year in the Farmhouse" innovates the cheerful and flexible program form, in the way of "gala interaction + wired external shooting", based on the locality, radiating the whole country, combining points and surfaces, and talking about the festival together. In the form of "Party Interaction + Short Filming", the three phases of "New Year in the Farmhouse" are respectively based on the theme of "going home, getting together, and reuniting", combined with news and storytelling, and displaying the new customs, new year taste, new year scenery, annual rhyme, annual fun, and annual love in various places through the techniques of variety entertainment. The program creates a strong rural literary and art brand of "grounding gas, steaming heat, and fireworks", and creates a new spring of literary and artistic programs on the agricultural and rural channels.

Sing the protagonists of the three rural areas to gather the taste of the New Year and depict a beautiful life to pay tribute to the revitalization of the countryside

In the choice of venue, the program abandons the traditional closed recording studio, and sets the stage in the farmhouse courtyard, shortening the distance between the stage and the audience. The hosts Xiao Bige, Fu Yulong and Xiao Bailu appeared as "farm owner", "shop small two" and "most beautiful kitchen lady" respectively, which not only fit the scene setting of "the farm yard is too big", but also can interact with the audience more closely and naturally. This mode of de-stageization, de-hostization, and the role of the host allows the host to grasp the rhythm and process of the program while narrowing the distance with the audience. There is no host on the stage who only knows the stereotypical curtain, and some are just characters who are transformed into "farmers", "shopkeepers", "the most beautiful kitchen lady", Xiao Bige, Fu Yulong, and Little Egret. They greet guests warmly, shout hard, and advance the process through the identities and lines of the characters they play. With the assistance of "relatives and friends" such as Chen Beibei, Liu Yuanyuan, Yan Dangdang, UlanTuya, Chu Haichen, WuZara Tao, etc., folk performing artists from all regions and nationalities gathered together. While celebrating the New Year, we also presented three interesting and full-year small courtyard events.

For such a large-scale and complex large-scale party, de-staged and de-role model is undoubtedly a bold attempt. Once a certain link is wrong or the host's skills are insufficient, it is easy to cause stage accidents. But the "New Year in the Farmhouse" program not only achieved a complete success, but this immersive recording method made the audience more natural and more engaged in the activity.

Sing the protagonists of the three rural areas to gather the taste of the New Year and depict a beautiful life to pay tribute to the revitalization of the countryside

In order to cater to the festive atmosphere in the festival, "New Year in the Farmhouse" is also quite ingenious in the design of the visual effects of the stage. In addition to the real scene effect of the farmhouse, the program takes the festive and lively as the main tone, creating a rich New Year flavor effect, presenting a happy rural farmhouse scene. The selection of the program venue is in line with the characteristics of the regional and cultural landscape, with a high degree of recognition and representativeness, moderately building the stage, supplemented by props and decorations, and striving for a real and atmospheric effect. The program uses 5G + cloud recording to radiate the overall atmosphere of the national celebration of the festival, and uses the innovation of scenes, choreography and form to create a festive and vivid audio-visual cultural landscape for the audience.

Third, with farmers as the main body, show the achievements of rural development from the taste of agriculture, the taste of the year, and the taste of love

CCTV-17 Agricultural and Rural Channel focuses on in-depth publicity of rural revitalization, poverty alleviation and the construction of a beautiful China, focusing on the general requirements of industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance, affluent life and industrial revitalization, talent revitalization, cultural revitalization, ecological revitalization, and organizational revitalization, telling the Chinese story well, and creating a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to, care for and support the cause of "three rural areas". The program "New Year in the Farmhouse" is an artistic practice activity of CCTV-17 Agricultural and Rural Channel based on the strategy of all-round revitalization of rural areas and the creation of agricultural and rural New Year literary and artistic brands. The "Vigorous Implementation of Rural Construction Action" in the No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2022 reflects that the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas is the coordinated revitalization of "hardware" and "software", and is an organic and unified process of industrial revitalization, talent revitalization, cultural revitalization, ecological revitalization and organizational revitalization, and is moving towards the strategic goal of strong agriculture, rural beauty and farmers' prosperity. The Chinese culture that has lasted for thousands of years is the "root" and "soul" of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, and cultural revitalization can provide a steady stream of impetus for the all-round revitalization of the countryside.

Using artistic means to help rural revitalization, establish firm cultural self-confidence for the people, and show the new appearance of the three rural areas in the new era are the important functions and responsibilities of today's television literature and art. "Let every villager build up self-confidence, sing in the field, dance outside the village, the rural culture can be truly rejuvenated, the people can feel happy and rich from the culture and spirit, and jointly write a beautiful chapter in the revitalization of rural culture." The third "New Year in the Farmhouse" really moves the stage to the most agricultural and agricultural rural land, walks into the homes of the peasants, walks to the yard where they live day and night, and cultivates the fields day and night, and uses the original ecological program to show the New Year festival that truly belongs to the peasants, record the development and changes of the peasants' lives, and tell the story of the farmers' own happiness.

The program "Over the New Year in the Farmhouse" takes farmers as the main body, whether it is the condensed review program of "Happy Cooperative" or the interactive program of "The New Year in the Farmhouse", it is "watching folk customs, saying happiness, singing beautiful, and celebrating the New Year" with the national audience. The program pays attention to strengthening the newsworthiness of the program, excavating touching stories from the topic of the three rural areas, looking for typical examples of rural revitalization in the annual news, so that television literature and art can be organically combined with current affairs, so that the audience can see the vivid and realistic rural appearance. In the transmission of rural stories, the program selects rural revitalization figures such as "returning to the hometown to start a business" and "getting rich leaders" typical of various regions, and organically integrates them into the literary and artistic forms through exhibitions, narrations, interviews, etc., which not only deduces the highlight moments of rural poverty alleviation figures, but also enhances the authenticity and appeal of the program. In addition, "New Year in the Farmhouse" is also closely integrated with the current hot spots, integrating the Mascots of the Beijing Winter Olympics "Ice Pier" and "Snow Rongrong" in the scene setting, and adding the game link of ice hockey to the content setting.

Integrating public welfare attributes into program production, using variety shows to drive poverty alleviation and prosperity, and building the countryside into a beautiful life shared by urban people and rural people, this is an important development goal of rural theme variety shows. Each episode of "Rural Big World" goes to the countryside to set up an outdoor "party scene" to promote and publicize local characteristic agricultural products and tourism resources, and promote the revitalization of local rural areas. The Special Chinese New Year program "New Year in the Farmhouse" is no exception, the program shows the natural scenery, history and culture, characteristic customs of several ethnic groups in various regions of China, not only highlighting China's vast land and vast territory, but also carrying out fruitful cultural tourism publicity for 3 main venues and 16 sub-venues.

Fourth, use technology as a means to experience the customs and customs of various places from the scene, interaction and cloud

In order to adapt to the content demand that does not fall in the epidemic and rises, in the context of online office from home, the form of media work is changing with the times, and the new program model with "cloud connection" as the main body should be "epidemic" and born four. Under the normalization of the epidemic situation, "New Year in the Farmhouse" uses the Internet as a network and through the form of "cloud connection", which has unique characteristics and has its own thousands of annual customs and literary and artistic activities inherited by several ethnic groups in various regions of China, so that the audience can immerse themselves in local characteristics of annual customs.

In 2022, the program "New Year in the Farmhouse" selected typical farmhouses in three regions as the actual shooting scenes, namely Songpan County in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, Changxi Village in Pingshan Town, Shicheng County, Ganzhou County, Jiangxi Province, and Farmhouse at the foot of Beijing Xiangshan Mountain. The program radiates the whole country in one place, showing the panoramic picture of universal celebration, so that the program can really go out and be grounded. In addition to the main venue, the program also connects time and space through the clouds, bringing together the customs and cuisines of the southeast, southwest and northwest, such as Dingnan in Jiangxi, Yongji in Shanxi, Wangqing in Jilin, Pujiang in Zhejiang, Dongshan Island in Fujian, Tangyuan in Heilongjiang, and Lijiang in Yunnan, inviting people throughout the country to appreciate folk customs and taste the New Year. "New Year in the Farmhouse" takes advanced technology, innovative intentions and diversified forms as the medium, and takes the thick and colorful traditional Chinese culture as the core, making the program full of artistic charm worth tasting.

Sing the protagonists of the three rural areas to gather the taste of the New Year and depict a beautiful life to pay tribute to the revitalization of the countryside

In order to make the transition between the links coherent and enrich the content of the program, the "off-site connection" link plays a linking role. With the "farmhouse" as the core, it radiates the whole country, shows the festive atmosphere of the New Year in rural areas across the country, and highlights the richness and variety of rural life in the new era. In the off-site connection between beijing farmhouse and Shanxi Xiaoyi, a "community village night" specially performed for the elderly in nursing homes is being presented, and through the screen, two evening parties far apart interact over the air. It not only showed the national audience the exemplary power of Xiaoyi City's insistence on "supporting the old, relying on the old, doing something for the old, and enjoying the old", but also spread and praised the traditional Chinese virtues of respecting the old and loving the young. In the connection with the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the audience followed the camera to enjoy a unique social fire performance. In the connection with the Dalat Banner of Inner Mongolia, the audience and the local people gathered together in the yurt to enjoy special food and ethnic dances.

In the past, it was not that there was no such emphasis on the "village evening" that presented its own unique folk performances, but once the culture left the land that nurtured and nourished it, the strength was inevitably weakened, and the long-distance travel also made the performers physically and mentally exhausted, and it was difficult to play their best state. Now all you need is a mobile phone, and the tap of your finger can solve the problem of distance and time. Farmers can tell stories and complete the program locally, maximizing the audience's perfect program. The audience does not need to go out of the house to immerse themselves in the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland, appreciate the customs and customs of various places, so that more people can understand Chinese their own traditional culture.

Sing the protagonists of the three rural areas to gather the taste of the New Year and depict a beautiful life to pay tribute to the revitalization of the countryside

The countryside is a rich cultural treasure house, the roots of Chinese and Chinese culture are in the countryside, and the farming culture in the countryside still nourishes the identity of the public in contemporary times, so that people can have a poetic habitation even if they are in the midst of complexity. There are ingenious crafts in the countryside, and those quiet and solid peasant crafts are becoming splendid treasures accumulated in the process of civilization development. There are rural cultural landscapes with green waters and green mountains in the countryside, and those villages with unique intelligent production methods and regional customs are beautiful landscapes created by nature and humanities on the earth. There are festivals and customs in the countryside, so that no matter how far people go, they still have a memory and a strong sense of nostalgia.

The No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2022 pointed out that "we must persist in solving the problem of 'three rural areas' as the top priority of the whole party's work, take the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization as a major task to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and use the strength of the whole party and society to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, so that the vast number of farmers can live a better life." "The New Year in the Farmhouse" is rooted in the local culture, and the rich cultural elements such as farming culture, craftsmanship, rural landscape, and festival customs are included in the program, enthusiastically highlighting the sense of honor, happiness and sense of gain of farmers in the new era, paying tribute to rural revitalization with literary and artistic masterpieces, and condensing a powerful cultural driving force to promote the all-round revitalization and development of rural areas.

(The author is secretary general and researcher of the World Media Research Center of the Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Source: Guangming Network

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