
Although the exercise is good, if you do not pay attention to these 5 points, it will be counterproductive and affect the effect of exercise

Everyone knows the benefits of exercise for physical health, but there is no time to exercise, too lazy to exercise. Regular exercise can not only improve the body's immunity, but also promote blood circulation and regulate nervous emotions.

For those who are busier at work, the fast-paced life makes the psychological overdraft more and more serious, and exercise can alleviate people's psychological pressure and achieve the effect of weight loss, so we must develop the habit of regular exercise.

Although the exercise is good, if you do not pay attention to these 5 points, it will be counterproductive and affect the effect of exercise

Although exercise has many benefits, when exercising, do the following things, the exercise effect will be greatly reduced.

First, exercise unprepared before and after meals.

When exercising, be sure to pay attention to exercise time. Usually do not exercise one hour before meals, otherwise, the digestive function of the intestines will be affected;

If you exercise without resting after meals, it is easy to have symptoms of indigestion, and abdominal pain will occur in severe cases, so the exercise time should be arranged half an hour after meals.

Although the exercise is good, if you do not pay attention to these 5 points, it will be counterproductive and affect the effect of exercise

Second, do not warm up before exercise

Many people do not have the habit of warming up before exercise, and sports injuries occur when they do not warm up. The main reason for warming up before exercise is to move the joints and stretch the muscles. Warming up before exercise prevents muscle strain and reduces sports injuries.

The main purpose of warm-up refers to improving physical functions through low-intensity exercise in a short period of time, such as abdominal movements, lunge leg movements, and wrist joint exercises. Immediately after warm-up exercises, relax your body and move your neck, waist and limbs to eliminate fatigue in your body.

In addition, after strenuous exercise, do some soothing and relaxed exercises, such as walking or jogging, which can speed up the circulation of blood around the heart, increase blood flow in the human body, eliminate metabolites accumulated in the body during exercise, alleviate the fatigue caused by exercise, and accelerate the recovery of human body functions.

Although the exercise is good, if you do not pay attention to these 5 points, it will be counterproductive and affect the effect of exercise

Third, choose the inappropriate amount of exercise

Some people who exercise regularly do not know how to choose the amount of exercise, they believe that as long as the exercise, no matter how long, is good for physical health, so the time of each exercise is inconsistent, such exercise is easy to cause the opposite effect.

Everyone's physical condition is different, so the exercise time is not consistent. When choosing the amount of exercise, be sure to combine the actual situation, according to gender, physical condition and age to choose.

Although the exercise is good, if you do not pay attention to these 5 points, it will be counterproductive and affect the effect of exercise

Fourth, drink carbonated drinks during exercise

Some people do not drink mineral water or warm boiled water after exercise, they will choose to drink carbonated drinks, which is a very bad habit. After exercise, dry mouth and dry tongue, at this time drink carbonated drinks, the symptoms of dry mouth and dry tongue will be aggravated, so mineral water or warm boiled water after exercise is the best choice.

After exercise, the body loses water, at this time, we must replenish the water needed by the body in time. In addition, before exercising, do not drink too much water, which will not be conducive to the progress of exercise, and abdominal pain will occur severely.

Although the exercise is good, if you do not pay attention to these 5 points, it will be counterproductive and affect the effect of exercise

Fifth, take a shower directly after exercise

Many people sweat a lot after exercise, at this time, they will choose to take a shower immediately. Although it is very comfortable to take a shower after exercise, it is easy to take a shower immediately after exercise, and it is easy to cause a cold.

In general, if you want to exercise better, don't do the above things. Although exercise is good for physical health, but bad exercise habits hinder health, so do not blindly exercise, exercise should be gradual, do not over-exercise, and stop exercising when the body is not timely.

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