
Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

author:Baihe Forest District Grassroots Court

On February 24, 2021, the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China posthumously awarded Comrade Zhou Chunmei the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Hunan Province".

"Why did I join the party?" For every Communist Party member, this is a lifelong soul questioning and inner introspection.

How much does the word party member weigh in Zhou Chunmei's mind? It is not just a 12-sentence, 80-word short oath to join the party.

The answer is in her words and deeds, between the lines...

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

She has spent her life writing this answer

Seeds of childhood

In 1976, Zhou Chunmei was born into an ordinary worker family in Longshan, Xiangxi Province. Longshan is one of the most remote counties in Hunan and a deeply impoverished county. Zhou Chunmei knows that only reading can change her destiny, she cherishes this hard-won learning opportunity, works hard, and has been serving as the class leader during primary school, ranking in the top five of the grade. The ancestors experienced the hardships of old China and the joy of the founding of New China, and planted the seeds of patriotism in Chunmei's young soul, and the Communist Party of China is a bright and shining banner. In Chunmei's autobiography, he wrote: "In my young soul, I sprouted the ideological feelings of loving the party and the socialist motherland. ”

Chunmei's junior high school and high school were guaranteed all the way, the results of biology and physics competitions were among the best in the school, and English won the first place in the statewide competition in the third year of high school, which can be described as a hanging "school bully". Although her grades are very good, Chunmei is not the kind of student who does not hear anything out of the window.

She has patriotic feelings and great ambitions. Chunmei has a natural sympathy and compassion for the weak, and has a strong view of right and wrong, honor and disgrace.

In 1995, on the eve of the college entrance examination, 19-year-old Zhou Chunmei wrote: "Although I am now 'humble', I am determined not to forget the aspiration of serving the country." "The boldness of the ambition.

In her graduation appraisal, her class teacher did not hide her pity for this proud disciple: "This is a student with the greatest development potential. ”

Faith grows

Chunmei's parents have been laid off, and her uncle is a legal practitioner, and under his influence, Chunmei has developed a deep interest in the law. When choosing a university major, Chunmei did not hesitate to choose the dominant discipline of Xiangtan University, law, and gradually had a clear life goal and a sense of social responsibility for legal people.

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

Although Chunmei, who has just entered college, is not very clear about the basic theory of the party and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, Chunmei knows that only the best people can join the party, and she must work toward this goal.

In November 1995, Chunmei, who had just been a freshman, submitted her first application to join the party and expressed her ideals and aspirations to the party. "The party cares for and cares for every Son and Daughter of China with such a broad mind, what do we do to repay the party?" Only by devoting one's life's energy to the party and seeking greater welfare for the masses of the people can we repay the party's kindness to the people and to me. She wrote in her application to join the party.

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

"After submitting the application for joining the party, I will demand myself according to the standards of party membership." Since then, Chunmei has set stricter demands on herself ideologically and in study, taken the initiative to report her thoughts to the party organization, was identified as an active member of the party, and participated in the class of active members who joined the party and the training class for backbone members who joined the party.

Good things grind more. The high standards and strict requirements of the party organization constantly test Chunmei and lead Chunmei to make continuous progress.

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

Chun Mei in the university dormitory

As a college student who came out of the mountains, college was like opening the door to a new world, allowing her to see the bigger world and making her suddenly feel small. Chunmei was once inferior and depressed, and when she seemed confused, she still chose to believe in the organization and took the initiative to report her ideological situation to the secretary of the party branch. Encouraged by the organization's care, she regained her confidence and courage, believing that "it is gold, and it will always shine." She set a strict schedule for herself, getting up at six o'clock in the morning and running for twenty minutes in the morning and reading English for half an hour, taking every class carefully during the day, studying in the evening and further expanding her knowledge on weekends in addition to consolidating what she had learned.

Day after day, kung fu pays off. During her university years, Chunmei was awarded the third class scholarship or above for three consecutive years and successfully passed the fourth and sixth level examinations. After graduating with honors, she chose to become a teacher of intellectual property law at Jishou University.

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

During her teaching at the university, Chunmei worked diligently while not giving up her dream of a higher career. In Chunmei's heart, becoming a judge who upholds justice is her ultimate career dream of studying law. In order to work towards this goal, in 2000, Chunmei chose to continue her studies and pursue a master's degree in civil and commercial law.

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

When she was in graduate school, Chunmei smiled brightly and was more confident and cheerful

Chunmei's graduate career continued. In 2000, he passed the national bar qualification examination, and in March 2002, he passed the first unified judicial qualification examination in China, and published 7 papers and 3 national core journals.

At this stage, Chunmei has achieved fruitful results in learning and is more mature in thinking.

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

In 2002, Chunmei once again participated in the training class for key members of the party, once again improved her understanding of the party's purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and was determined to hand over her life to the party.

In 2003, Chunmei underwent many tests by the party organization and was finally accepted as a preparatory member of the Communist Party of China. It was a day she would never forget, her life seemed to be injected with fresh blood, she experienced organizational life for the first time, and heard the pertinent advice given to her by her comrades.

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime
Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

Opportunity never slacks off those who are prepared. On the occasion of graduation, Chunmei was awarded the "President's Award" with excellent scientific research results, and was admitted to the Hunan Higher People's Court with the first place in open recruitment. This year, her love with her brother Chen Wenqu also came to fruition.

The person who is bent on moving towards her goal, the whole world gives way to her.

Chunmei is one step closer to her career dreams.

No regret vows

Her identity has changed and her position has changed, but Zhou Chunmei's original intention as a Communist Party member has not changed, and her posture of struggle has not changed.

Zhou Chunmei's first stop at the Hunan Higher People's Court was the discipline inspection team. Chunmei, who has just stepped out of the ivory tower, faced for the first time in this post the sharp contradictions between the parties and the judge and the trial work, which also had a profound impact on her future trial work. In the report on the application for the exchange of trial posts, she wrote: "I was born in a mountainous area, have a kind nature, bear hardships and stand hard work, and in addition to receiving strict integrity education in the discipline inspection team, I believe that I will be able to make a modest contribution to the trial work in line with the concept of justice for the people, and become a clean and honest professional judge to realize my legal ideals for many years." ”

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

There are several eye-catching big characters on the Chunmei computer desktop wallpaper - "Tell the truth, do practical things, the spine is not bent", which is her husband Chen Wenqu's honest government message to her.

As a party member and judge, Zhou Chunmei always has a high commandment in her heart, and she has respect in her heart, fear in her heart, and caution in her heart, and she loves trial work and cherishes this work incomparably. Perhaps related to the work experience in the inspection team, Chunmei regards the honor of a party member and judge as more important than the mountain, and in the annual work summary, De Neng is diligent and honest, and she never goes through the scene when she writes about "honesty".

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

Zhou Chunmei has always taken absolute loyalty to the party and firm belief in the rule of law as the direction of guiding and the source of strength to lead the trial of cases, and has been implemented in every case trial and every small matter, and she believes that the advanced nature of party members is reflected in the work of the court, that is, to improve judicial capacity.

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

Zhou Chunmei's previous civil court, many of the cases involved financial, real estate, construction projects and other disputes, the legal relationship is complex, the subject amount is often calculated in hundreds of millions, the parties to the case often try to win her over or put pressure on her, or even personal threats, but she has always been unmoved, insisting on facts and laws as adjudication standards, and daring to adhere to principles.

Later, Zhou Chunmei grew into vice president of the first trial supervision division, and the work function of the trial supervision division is to correct erroneous judgments and rulings that have taken legal effect in accordance with the law, which can be said to be "a judge among judges", which requires higher professional ability and comprehensive quality of judges. In the trial supervision procedure, the parties' disputes have gone through several lawsuits, and the retrial has become a relief procedure, and the contradictions between the two sides are often relatively prominent, and the emotions are easy to be fierce. Zhou Chunmei believes that although judges take it their duty to settle disputes and stop disputes, the resolution of disputes should not only stop at the legal judgment of right and wrong, but should pay attention to the real resolution of conflicts between various subjects, and with the judicial wisdom of the integration of feelings, reason, and law, fully channel the psychological burden of the parties, and strive to achieve the best case-handling effect of "solving the legal knot and dissolving the knot of the heart".

Zhou Chunmei dissected her own voice in "I Am a Communist Party Member" in "I Am a Fat Mud Under the Flowers":

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

The original intention is easy to get, and it is always difficult to keep. Zhou Chunmei did it, and she practiced the responsibility and responsibility of a party member and judge with her long-working night in public service, selfless work, and fair trial.

Until the last moment of her life, she did not hesitate to defend the bottom line of the principles she adhered to in her heart with her blood, and abided by fairness and justice.

After Chunmei left, some Weibo netizens wrote down such a paragraph:

"Someone asked what is legal belief?

Is it a belief that the law can always be fair?

Or do you believe that the law can solve all problems?

Or is it a happy life that people who believe the law can bring, or at least believe in it?

Legal belief is precisely that even if you are now under pressure, do not understand, and take risks, you still believe in the law, still pursue social justice, are not afraid of not giving in, and adhere to and act for it. "

Party member Zhou Chunmei: A vow to practice for a lifetime

A commitment, a responsibility

A vow, a mission for a lifetime

The road to rule of law construction is arduous and the road is long

There are no guns and bullets, and there are also bloody sacrifices

Zhou Chunmei uses her life to practice the "three regulations"

With his life, he fulfilled the oath of the party flag

We live in a time that is changing rapidly

Every day, there is a huge amount of information and different values

Why did you join the party?

Chunmei gave her own answer

And the reason why so many party members become party members

It is precisely because they have generations of role models in front of them

Hearts that glow like gold

Therefore, the power of party members is endless

Source: Hunan Provincial High People's Court

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