
"At the end of the slope is orthopedics"? Expert: Snow sports are not for everyone

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics lasted for a week, and a wave of ice and snow fever was also set off in China, behind the carnival of sportsmanship, the topic of sports medicine and sports injuries also entered everyone's sight, and even the Internet joked that "the end of the snow track is orthopedics", is this really the case? How can ice and snow sports be carried out safely and scientifically?

"At the end of the slope is orthopedics"? Expert: Snow sports are not for everyone

Yang Tieyi, a craftsman in Shanghai and director of the Department of Orthopedics of Gongli Hospital, said: "First of all, it is certain that ice and snow sports are a very good sport, but no matter what kind of sports you engage in, it may bring certain damage, especially for some high-risk sports, for professional athletes, in fact, his injuries are not so obvious, many injuries are mainly for amateurs, ice and snow sports are like this, the speed is very fast, people on the snow or ice surface of the entire muscle core coordination requirements are very high." ”

"At the end of the slope is orthopedics"? Expert: Snow sports are not for everyone

In response to the recent online rumors that "the end of the snow slope is orthopedics", "ski injuries are in 15% of the population, 300 million people live in orthopedics", Dr. Yang said that although it is slightly exaggerated, the probability of sports injuries caused by ice and snow sports is indeed greater than that of other sports.

"At the end of the slope is orthopedics"? Expert: Snow sports are not for everyone

Yang Tieyi said: "The world's most famous fracture trauma internal fixation tissue is in Davos, Switzerland, Davos this place is a skiing holy land, where there is a fracture internal fixation of the most advanced organization called AO internal fixation association, because there are many fracture patients in that place, most of them are caused by skiing, the end of the ski resort is the hospital, indicating that his sports injuries patients are very many, ten years ago when I went to Davos to study, there was a Korean student, himself a semi-professional ski enthusiast, He arrived in Voss with his skiing tools, only to rush down and hit the trees with his head and neck during the skiing, and he was paraplegic. Because the ice and snow movement is very fast, damage anywhere is possible, depending on where it falls, what part it falls, the light one may twist the foot, twist the knee joint, and the heavy one may fracture or even the head injury cervical spine injury. ”

"At the end of the slope is orthopedics"? Expert: Snow sports are not for everyone

However, although the probability of this sports injury is larger, you do not have to choke on the next time. Born in the north, Dr. Yang, who has adapted to the ice and snow environment since childhood, is also an ice and snow sports enthusiast, combined with his own sports experience, he said that as an amateur, when participating in ice and snow sports, he must do what he can. Especially for children in non-northern areas such as Shanghai, in the absence of ice and snow environment adaptation, participation in ice and snow sports must receive professional guidance.

Yang Tieyi also reminded everyone to pay attention to protection, some chronic injuries need to be cold after medical treatment, but also need to understand which sports they are suitable for, and then step by step, first adapt to and then carry out such sports, to avoid injury to the greatest extent.

(Source: Pudong TV Editor: Bai Bai)

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