
Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

When visiting foreign museums, it is customary to go directly to the Chinese Pavilion after getting the tour guide map. (If foreign museums do not hide Chinese cultural relics, they are basically not strong!) There are very few exceptions, such as the Getty Center in Los Angeles. Every time it's amazing! Amazing! Amazing! This amazement also often laments the loss of a large number of cultural relics; hey, but if, who knows. Now they are at least alive and can show the world that brilliant culture.

The Harvard University Museum is made up of the Fogg Museum of Art, the Boothch Lessinger Art Museum, and the Arthur Sackler Museum of Art, all under one roof, collectively known as the "Harvard Art Museum" to the outside world.

Room 1610 of the Harvard University Museum is dedicated to the display of statues of The Buddha in China (there are also a few pieces sporadically from other East Asian countries). If you have the opportunity, you must not leave room 2740, where there are Dunhuang cultural relics.

Here you will appreciate the stone statues in Room 1610.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Stone statue in Room 1610 of the Harvard Art Museum.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Seated Buddha, early eighth century, Tang Dynasty.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Statue of a monk, circa 570, six facing Northern Qi.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Statue of a Bodhisattva, 534-550, Six Dynasties northern Wei, Tianlong Temple.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Feitian, 534-550, Six Dynasties northern Wei, Tianlong Temple.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Seated statue of Shakyamuni, late sixth century, Six Dynasties period northern Qi to Sui dynasty.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Statue of Guanyin, 581-618, Sui Dynasty.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Guanyin standing statue, about 570, six facing Northern Qi.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Buddha Head, 550-577, Six Dynasties of Northern Qi.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Seated statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Dashizhi Bodhisattva, 581-618, Sui Dynasty.

Amazing! Ancient Chinese statues in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museum

Statue of the Heavenly King of the Tang Dynasty.

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