
Dalian University of Technology Organic Chemistry Examination Preparation Detailed Experience Guide

author:Beijing Xinxiangxu postgraduate examination

1. About school selection and major

  (1) First of all, it is about the choice of majors and colleges. Personally, I like organic chemistry, quite like to do organic synthesis, and even a little excited. In addition, I didn't like to study analytical chemistry very much, so I chose which school among the various colleges did not take analytical chemistry. At the beginning, I chose a 211 college in Shanghai, but under the encouragement of my brothers and sisters, combined with my own factors, I chose Dalian University of Technology, a 985 college, and took organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry in professional courses.

  (2) Secondly, the application situation and difficulty of the organic chemistry major of Dalian University of Technology are introduced.

For the examination and research in the northeast region, the cost performance is still relatively high, and the difficulty is OK. Everyone's political English score is still relatively high, there is no pressure on the score, the gap is not too large. So this is the time to fight for professional courses, and better professional courses can get higher grades. My English is not very good, but also in the graduate school is a more worrying problem, but the line of Dalian University of Technology is still relatively friendly, no single subject English score card people, basically can cross the line.

  (3) Finally, in the past few years, the examination subjects of Dalian University of Technology can be selected, such as the examination of organic chemistry, and the examination subjects can be selected from organic chemistry + physical chemistry, analytical chemistry and inorganic chemistry, English and politics. However, the reform began in 2021, and the organic chemistry major could only take organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry; inorganic chemistry could only take physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry. The reduction in selectivity increases the difficulty of the exam to a certain extent. Organic chemistry enrollment of about 15 each, inorganic recruitment of a few more 18, materialization and analysis of about 10, each year will have some small fluctuations.

  The score line is not very high overall, and the situation of 320 and 330 in previous years has appeared, and the organic professional recruitment dissatisfaction in 2021. Although the four major chemistries are enrolled separately, they are drawn together, which will make the score line relatively low, which is more advantageous for candidates.

2. Initial test experience

  (1) Organic Chemistry: The book is the third edition of the Organic Chemistry Book published by Gao Zhanxian of Dalian University of Technology. "Exercise Guidance" is published by Dalian University of Technology, written by Jiang Wenfeng Gao Zhan, and the second edition of Exercise Guidance. There is also a book called "Organic Chemistry Study Guide and Examination and Examination And Refinement", published by Dalian University of Technology, edited by Jiang Wenfeng and Chen Hongbo. The study guide is mainly based on the exercises summarized in the content of the textbook, which is relatively simple, but according to the content of the book, you can capture the focus of the exam, such as its content on heterocyclic compounds, and the synthesis of carbon positive and negative plates is relatively simple. Personally, I think that the book "Examination and Research" is quite good, corresponding to each one before the corresponding knowledge summary, and the exercises summarized above are relatively difficult than "Study Guide", and the extension is wider.

  For review, it is recommended to react according to the nature of the substance, that is to say, to clarify the reaction mechanism, not just for some memory skills. If there is a mechanism that you can't understand, it is recommended to read the third and fourth editions of "Xing Qiyi Basic Organic Chemistry", and the above content is more complete.

  It is recommended to "fine" read the book before October and do the questions again, and then brush the exercises again, do the real questions, and the content of the professional courses should be done in time, do not delay to the later stage and grab time with political English.

  (2) Inorganic Chemistry: The book is the fifth edition of "Inorganic Chemistry" of Dalian University of Technology, and compiled by the Inorganic Teaching and Research Department of Dalian University of Technology. The fifth edition of "Inorganic Chemistry Learning Guide", published by Dalian University of Technology, compiled by the Inorganic Teaching and Research Department. Exercise guide must pay attention to buying a new version, that is, the version with multiple choice questions (466 pages), and must be verified before purchasing. There is a version that looks similar but has no multiple choice questions. The exam is multiple-choice, and it is a loss not to practice.

  The first few calculation questions of inorganic chemistry must be well looked at, and the proportion of this piece of knowledge points in the examination paper will be relatively large, almost a chapter of a big question. The element part accounts for a relatively small amount, and the difficult points are mainly assigned when reviewing. The content of the element part is indeed difficult to remember, and the knowledge points can be memorized according to each ending tree map after the book, and the knowledge is expanded to facilitate memory.

  (3) English one: English words must be memorized every day, otherwise they will develop inertia and less and less love to memorize words after a long time. You can find a more convenient word software for your own use, queue up at the door of the library every morning, look before going to bed, memorize the first round of new words more difficulty will be relatively large, the later will be more and more convenient. The second is the English real question, reading to do intensive reading, do not finish it, carefully write and carefully analyze the long and difficult sentences in it, and analyze the translation application of the same word in different sentences. Leave 2-3 sets of papers from the latest year to do before the exam to find a sense of language. It is recommended to finish the first round before November, and do not have to worry about whether the second round will have a memory of the previous answer, because it will definitely be forgotten. You can read essays from November onwards, watch videos, and master your writing skills, but you still have to have a few formed essays in your head before entering the exam room, just in case you need it.

  (4) Politics: In the middle of October, it is best to read the book once, you can follow the teacher's video to see, easily do not read the book stupidly, one is boring and some will not understand, the second is that the class teachers will add some content according to the actual situation. Recommend Teacher Xu Tao, I think he is more interesting. After the content of the corresponding chapter is studied, do the exercises, and recommend Xiao Dada's "1000 Questions". After reading all the knowledge, brush it twice, because at that time, after learning the knowledge points, it must be more efficient to do the questions, and there are more things to learn, and it is inevitable that there will be confusing content, which is equivalent to a stage of summarizing and summarizing. After a round, the "Recitation Manual" issued by various teachers also began, and you can start to memorize it. In the later period, I backed Xiao Si Xiao Eight. If you feel that it is difficult, you can look at the answering skills explained by the teacher on the Internet, how to deal with different topics, do not memorize hard, and have skills to memorize. Due to time reasons, i did not back a set of Xiao Dada, because the foundation of the early stage was very solid, so the final results were not bad.

3. Re-examination experience

  The content includes self-introduction in English, ppt display, short answers to the sample questions, and random questions from the teacher. Because the 2021 examination is an online re-examination, so whether the network is good or not is also a very important factor, do not be overly nervous because the network is not good, and feedback your problems to the teacher to let them solve. Review the professional knowledge in the early stage, ask a little more, if you have sent an article yourself, it is best to show it, and the calm and calm performance will not be very bad.

  In the end, although it is a very hard process, I hope that the students will persevere, because when you look back, you will find that the scenery behind you is very beautiful. I wish you all the best of luck with your ideal school!

  The organic chemistry major is drawn along with analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and inorganic chemistry, which means that the score lines of the four majors are the same. This is still more advantageous, because the major with a low score will lower the overall score line.

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