
Whale bones were dug up from the ruins of Yin Ruins, and it was not expected that the ancients had been exposed to marine life 3,000 years ago

Yin Ruins is located in Anyang, Henan, the most famous is the Yin Ruins Site, which is the ruins of the capital city of the Shang Dynasty on the mainland, which has a history of more than 3,000 years, and a large number of oracle bones and bronzes have been excavated at the first excavation. Beginning in 1928, archaeologists began excavations of the Ruins, during which a total of 15 excavations were carried out and many ancient remains were discovered.

After the founding of New China, the excavation of Yin Ruins has not stopped, most of the cultural relics unearthed in the site are precious cultural relics of the mainland, of which the largest number of pottery, there are some rare jade, bronze, etc., which are mainly used as ornaments, works of art, etc. The excavated cultural relics show the superb craftsmanship of the Shang Dynasty.

Whale bones were dug up from the ruins of Yin Ruins, and it was not expected that the ancients had been exposed to marine life 3,000 years ago

In addition to pottery and bronzes in the site, experts have also found some bones, in addition to human bones, that is, animal bones, the most surprising is whale bones, whales only live in the vast ocean, it can be seen that the tentacles of the ancients' life have touched the ocean.

The whale bones, which were taken to the museum by experts for study, are quite large in size and can be imagined as an adult whale. Experts also found some shells and conch not far from the whale bone, which reflects the high standard of living at that time.

Whale bones were dug up from the ruins of Yin Ruins, and it was not expected that the ancients had been exposed to marine life 3,000 years ago

Judging from the territory of the Shang Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty already controlled the East China Sea, so these whale bones may have been given to the imperial court by coastal people as offerings. In modern times, it is normal for whales to run aground, so it is not difficult to obtain whale bones, so whale bones are often picked up from the sea.

Judging from the classics of the ancients, as early as the pre-Qin period, people already knew that there was a whale creature, and in the Qin and Han Dynasties, there were often small stories about whales in the folk. Judging from the whale bones unearthed in the Yin Ruins, it can be speculated that whales have been studied during the Shang Dynasty.

Whale bones were dug up from the ruins of Yin Ruins, and it was not expected that the ancients had been exposed to marine life 3,000 years ago

In the tomb of The Lady of Yin Ruins, more than 7,000 sea shells were unearthed, and these sea shells were taken from the distant seashore, which was a huge wealth at that time. Sea shells are used as ornaments, while whale bones are more rare, so they are often used as tributes and ornaments.

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