
A 4,000-year-old cultural site was discovered in Inner Mongolia, and a large number of jade and shell ornaments were unearthed

Recently, according to media reports, in November 2021, archaeologists found a 4,000-year-old Zhukaigou cultural site in Yijinholo Banner, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and cleaned up and found a variety of cultural relics such as house sites and tombs.

This 4,000-year-old Zhukaigou cultural site, named Shari Tara Site, is located in Shari Tara Village, Yijin HoloQi, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, with a site area of about 500,000 square meters.

A 4,000-year-old cultural site was discovered in Inner Mongolia, and a large number of jade and shell ornaments were unearthed

The upper limit of the Zhukaigou site dates back to 4200 years, belonging to the late primitive society, and the lower limit is 3500 years ago, which belongs to the early Shang Dynasty and lasted for about 800 years.

The Zhukaigou ruins are distributed in the palm of Zhukaigou, which is long from east to west and 1 kilometer wide from north to south, and there are intermittent sites distributed.

The site here was discovered in 1974, between 1977 and 1984, archaeologists have carried out four excavations of the site, the excavation area of about 4,000 square meters, archaeology found living sites, ash pits, tombs, urn coffins, stone tools, bone tools and bronze tools. A large number of animal bones such as pigs, cattle and sheep have also been unearthed, indicating that there is already a well-developed livestock industry here. In the late period, there were also bronze goblets, short swords, knives, hammers, protective plates and other weapons and tools, and bronze casting technology was acquired.

A 4,000-year-old cultural site was discovered in Inner Mongolia, and a large number of jade and shell ornaments were unearthed

According to archaeologists, the site has also unearthed a large number of jade and shell ornaments, but they are not endemic to the local area and are exchanged from distant areas.

The discovery of the Zhukaigou site proves that from 4200 to 3500 years ago, in the area centered on the Ordos region, a human community with obvious characteristics was gathered.

These living historical facts show that the human groups living in the Zhukaigou site, while maintaining the cultural genes of the region, absorbed the cultural factors from the human groups in the neighboring areas and created a "Zhukaigou culture" with great local characteristics.

A 4,000-year-old cultural site was discovered in Inner Mongolia, and a large number of jade and shell ornaments were unearthed


Ijin Holo Banner is an ancient and magical land, translated in Chinese as "the courtyard of the Holy Lord", because the mausoleum of Genghis Khan, the "generation of heavenly pride", is located in the world, his conquest footprints throughout Eurasia, but his soul forever left in the water and grass rich Ijin Holo grassland.

Speaking of grasslands, many people will always be haunted by dreams, it is a symbol of the vastness and a carrier of culture. After years of ecological protection and construction, Yijin Holo Banner has become one of the more complete ecological protection areas in western Inner Mongolia, and there are many grassland scenic spots with different scenery to show the unchanged beauty of grassland for thousands of years.

A 4,000-year-old cultural site was discovered in Inner Mongolia, and a large number of jade and shell ornaments were unearthed

Among them, The Subohan Grassland Tourist Area is not only a typical example of the circulation of rural pastoral grasslands, but also a model driven by rural tourism, and the brilliant culture has given the Subohan Grassland a good charm, wedding culture, court culture, grassland culture, sacrifice culture, etc. Inherit and carry forward here, and many cultural labels make this grassland mysterious and historically thick.


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