
Fight this body to fight the ice and snow, and vow to ensure that spring comes! He stood firm day and night to protect the peace of the party | Spring Festival micro-story

author:Hunan Highway Police
Fight this body to fight the ice and snow, and vow to ensure that spring comes! He stood firm day and night to protect the peace of the party | Spring Festival micro-story

Safe Spring Festival, traffic police peers! Since the start of the Spring Festival in 2022, our province has experienced many rounds of low-temperature rain, snow and freezing weather. Bad weather combined with peak traffic has brought great challenges to highway travel. Hunan high-speed police face the difficulties, fight day and night, and go all out to escort everyone's Spring Festival journey and protect everyone's travel safety.

In the near future, we will successively introduce to you the "most beautiful high police" who scrupulously fulfill their duties and work hard in various posts, and tell the story of the Spring Festival Festival in Hunan high police who love their posts and dedicate themselves to their work.

Fight this body to fight the ice and snow, and vow to ensure that spring comes! He stood firm day and night to protect the peace of the party | Spring Festival micro-story


What we're going to tell you is

Captain of the Xiangxi Detachment of the High Police Bureau - Pi Hua

The Story of the Spring Festival

At the beginning of the Spring Festival, the Xiangxi Detachment of the High Police Bureau once again faced the problem of rain, snow and freezing bad weather in their Spring Festival examination, which was the seventh ice and snow invasion encountered by the Xiangxi jurisdiction this year. The windows of the detachment office building were covered with snow and the lights inside the house were bright, while the door of the detachment leader's office was locked. "There's no pizz in the office, he's either in the command center or on patrol on the road, and he's not sitting in the office for a moment." The detachment police all quipped. Pi Hua has been holding out for a full month since January 8, when he took up his post in the Xiangxi detachment, facing the coldest winter since 2008. In the face of the huge pressure of accident prevention and control, dredging and blocking, Pi Hua took the lead in setting an example, charging ahead, and practicing the duties and responsibilities of high-speed traffic police with day and night efforts.

forward! He is the leader and the stormtrooper!

After coming to the Xiangxi detachment, Pi Hua had not yet returned home. An old colleague once joked with him: "The high-speed in Xiangxi, that is all set up in the sky, in the face of ice and snow, you are afraid that you will not be able to eat it." He responded: "This is the task given to me by the organization, and I have to complete it even without sleeping!" "Therefore, he is more energetic with the ice and snow, and when there is snow, he will not retreat, and when the snow melts, he will rest."

Fight this body to fight the ice and snow, and vow to ensure that spring comes! He stood firm day and night to protect the peace of the party | Spring Festival micro-story

On January 26, the Xiangxi detachment received a warning of rain, snow and freezing bad weather, and the party committee of the detachment locked the key areas on the Fenghuang junction section of the Baomao Expressway and the Fengda section of the Hangrui Expressway through accurate research and judgment, because this is an important passage for the return of traffic to return to the hometown during the Spring Festival, and there are many bridge and tunnel sections in these two sections. How to ensure that the daily average of 40,000 vehicles passes through this area safely and smoothly under bad weather is a major test for the Xiangxi detachment.

Fight this body to fight the ice and snow, and vow to ensure that spring comes! He stood firm day and night to protect the peace of the party | Spring Festival micro-story

Pi Hua took the lead in planning and scientifically commanding, and "registered" key road sections such as easy ice, long downhills, bridges, and entrances and exits of service areas, and the leaders of the detachment took the lead in concentrating the vanguard of party members and elite forces, and stationed at key points respectively. The first is to rotate in batches, implement 24-hour all-weather snow and de-icing, and send personnel from the traffic police, road industry and maintenance departments to form a "de-icing and spreading working group" in the Fenghuang junction section of the Baomao Expressway and the Fengda section of the Hangrui Expressway, respectively, to make preparations for the first-line de-icing at any time. The second is to set up a "Fengda evacuation and blocking commando team", the commandos focus on the maneuvering effect, repeatedly patrol back and forth in the Fengda section of the Hangrui Expressway, step out of the slow-moving section of the legs interspersed between the traffic, accurately find the "blockage point" and "slow point", through shoveling snow and paving the cart, etc., to help the vehicles trapped by ice and snow and faults to quickly eliminate dangerous situations, and use the simplest and simplest but hardest methods to fully unblock and ensure smoothness.

Fight! He linked up with many parties to form an anti-ice front!

The Xiangxi Expressway jurisdiction is 478 kilometers, the proportion of bridges and tunnels is as high as 39.6%, and most of the bridges are high in altitude, once they encounter rain, snow and ice, the bridges are easily covered with snow and ice. In order to maximize the effectiveness of anti-ice and snow removal on the road surface, during the rain, snow and freezing weather, Pi Hua often invited the responsible persons of the road administration and maintenance departments of the jurisdiction to the detachment command center to carry out real-time linkage dispatch. On the evening of January 26, a new round of rain, snow and freezing weather struck, Pi Hua and the responsible comrades of the road administration and maintenance departments stared at the monitoring of road conditions in various sections from the first snowflake in the jurisdiction from the beginning of the landing, where it snowed, they accurately dispatched the police force on the road and the staff to carry out snow removal operations in a timely manner, and the three of them sat from the "white road" to the "sky blank".

Fight this body to fight the ice and snow, and vow to ensure that spring comes! He stood firm day and night to protect the peace of the party | Spring Festival micro-story

On the second day of the Chinese New Year, Xiangxi ushered in heavy snow weather, and Pi Hua and the head of the road administration department of the jurisdiction ran throughout the jurisdiction to ensure that the roads were removed in time. At the same time, the brigades of the Xiangxi Detachment are on the same road as the maintenance, bridge, tunnel, and road industry brigades in the jurisdiction, and strengthen the patrol and control of key sections such as bridges, tunnels, culverts, and air outlets at key times such as night and early morning, so as to ensure the safety of road traffic.

Hold! He is both a "duty officer" and a "patrolman"

At about 21:00 on January 18, the Xiangxi detachment received an alarm call from the staff of the dwarf village toll station, saying that a female passenger on a large truck was unwell and suddenly fainted, and the driver was very anxious. After receiving the police information, Pi Hua immediately dispatched police forces, quickly rushed to the scene to assist, and contacted the medical department to dispatch an ambulance in time. In the end, after timely treatment, the female passenger turned the crisis into safety. "Our Spring Festival work is a big test for serving the people, and we must regard the obstructed drivers and passengers as our own relatives and the difficulties of the people on the way home as our own difficulties!" When encountering difficulties, everyone can't wait, we must exert our subjective initiative and grab more time! Afterwards, Pi Hua told his colleagues.

Fight this body to fight the ice and snow, and vow to ensure that spring comes! He stood firm day and night to protect the peace of the party | Spring Festival micro-story

In the "examination room" of the Spring Festival, Pi Hua is both a "duty officer" and a "patrolman". In the early morning of February 9, Xiangxi ushered in the seventh rain, snow and freezing weather of the year, and in just two hours, the highway instantly turned snow white, and the maximum snow depth was nearly 20cm. Pi Hua "smelled the snow and moved", and he quickly rushed to the aid of the Phoenix Brigade jurisdiction with the most serious snow conditions. On the way, while passing through the Longji High-Speed Dam Tunnel, two trolleys had a rear-end accident and could not move. Pi Hua immediately got out of the car to do safety protection, and then helped the driver to push the vehicle to safety, while the driver and passengers were safely transferred.

Fight this body to fight the ice and snow, and vow to ensure that spring comes! He stood firm day and night to protect the peace of the party | Spring Festival micro-story

In the walkie-talkie of the Xiangxi detachment, as long as Pi Hua was on duty, his voice was almost uninterrupted. Whether on duty at the command center or on patrol on the road, he was always concerned about the situation in every "corner" of the jurisdiction. "Sometimes his throat has been completely muted, but he will still insist. With him, we feel particularly grounded. The police officer of the detachment said.

Hail to the Spring Festival Guardians!

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