
Rural consumption is booming every day, and peasants' lives are getting higher and higher

author:Bright Net

Rural consumption is booming every day, and peasants' lives are backgammon (the things around the villagers (10))

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The Spring Festival is the peak consumption season and a window for observing rural consumption trends. In the vast countryside, the farm yard is equipped with smart electrical appliances, the family table pursues healthy and green, online orders have become a new trend, from the Spring Festival "shopping cart" of thousands of households, feel the heat of rural consumption, reflecting the good momentum of rural revitalization in an all-round way.

Consumption is upgrading, from "what to buy" to "what to buy"

"Drinking is the water of the Yangtze River, and it is the mountain wind that blows." My family's oranges are sweet and juicy, so I can buy them safely and eat them healthily. Xiang Changyu held up his mobile phone, laughing heartily. The floating clouds of the Three Gorges people's water, orange and red trees and greens were recorded in the camera, and netizens called out freshness.

A mobile phone changes lives. Xiang Changyu's family lives in Wangjiaqiao Village, Shuitianba Township, Zigui County, Hubei Province, and live streaming with goods is an indispensable "farm work" every day: "In the past, I could only answer the phone with an old man's machine. Switching to a smartphone, I can chat on WeChat, take videos, and let oranges go from the mountains to the big cities. Xiang Changyu is particularly concerned about the "new agricultural tools" of the mobile phone, "the picture is taken well, netizens like it a lot, recently I took a picture of a strong shooting function, and I will buy it back in a few days." ”

The village's optical fiber network and mobile signal are fully covered, and many villagers have hitched a ride on the Internet express. "I used to go to my neighbor's house to rub the internet, but now I am connected to the Internet cable, and the internet speed is very fast, and I can access the Internet anytime and anywhere!" Xiang Changyu said.

Consumption upgrading is reflected in the life moments. During the Chinese New Year, Xiang Changyu was busy greeting relatives, and Qing Shui stewed chicken, braised fish, wax pig's trotters... The table was packed. "The local chicken tastes fresh and nutritious, and I bought 5 chickens a few years ago." On the shelves of her home, meat, eggs, milk, fresh vegetables are dazzling, and there are many popular health products.

Looking at the quality, looking at the brand, but also looking at the personality, Xiang Changyu's consumption concept has also changed: "The style of clothes is new, the shoes are soft, and we now not only want to wear warm, but also want to wear well." ”

From eating and wearing to furniture and appliances, the upgrading trend of rural consumption is obvious: the structure is constantly optimized, not only the quantitative growth, but also the qualitative improvement. The data shows that in 2021, the per capita consumption expenditure of rural residents will be 15916 yuan, an actual increase of 15.3%. Among them, the expenditure on transportation and communication was 2132 yuan, an increase of 15.8% over the previous year, and the expenditure on education, culture and entertainment was 1645 yuan, an increase of 25.7% over the previous year.

Farmers' "shopping carts" are connected to the income-increasing ledger. "Honey sweet potato soft glutinous sweet, a box of 8 pounds 88 yuan, good taste, good meaning, orders continue." Liu Yanxia, a villager in Houduanzhai Village, Qiu County, Hebei Province, was busy from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and the cooperative sold more than 7,000 tons of sweet potatoes a year.

"The belt is bulging, the days are good, we have to be bright and lively for the festival." Liu Yanxia said happily, "Years ago, I couldn't spare my hand, so I made an appointment with a housekeeping company, and the inside and outside of the house were cleaned." I also bought more than a dozen boxes of gift packs to visit relatives and friends. Candy melon seeds, fresh vegetables, milk snacks, bought in the county supermarket enough. ”

Liu Yanxia is also fascinated by online shopping. "I bought seafood under an order, and I tasted it with my relatives during the Spring Festival." There are many styles of home appliances on the Internet, and the price is cheap, so I bought a water purifier and a rice cooker. A variety of products to pick arbitrarily, within a few days of express delivery arrived, it is really convenient. ”

Behind the good momentum of rural consumption is the "pocket bag" of farmers who are getting more and more drummed. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the retail sales of rural consumer goods in 2021 will be 5,926.5 billion yuan, an increase of 12.1%; the per capita disposable income of rural residents will be 18,931 yuan, an increase of 10.5%. "The policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting peasants and rich peasants has been continuously implemented, and rural industries have developed rapidly, so that farmers can consume, are willing to consume, and dare to consume." Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, analyzed.

Consumption is more convenient, from "looking forward to catching up" to "buying at any time"

Renovating new houses and moving into new homes, this year's Spring Festival, Cao Jingping, a villager in Caobei Village, Liangbaosi Town, Jiaxiang County, Shandong Province, continued to celebrate: "My two sons like simple wind, and the home looks comfortable and lives open. ”

Cao Jingping's new home is warm and tidy, 3 meters long gray cloth sofa, 2 meters wide bed, three or four kinds of net red wall paint... "There is a furniture city in the town, delivery to the door, I bought it all in one go." This was not okay before, and it took too much effort to find a big car to go to the county town more than 40 miles away. Cao Jingping said frankly.

"There are a lot of shopping malls in the town, and there are everything that sells everything." The discount is large, the maintenance is managed, and the purchase is assured. Cao Jingping said, "I bought a four-door inverter refrigerator, the TV was replaced by a large screen, and the microwave oven and air fryer were lined up." The decoration of the new home cost a total of more than 30,000 yuan. ”

"Buy large items to the town, usually use the food, you can solve it at the doorstep." There are several convenience stores in the village, including rice, flour, grain and oil, melons, fruits and vegetables, and hardware and department stores. Cao Jingping rode a small tricycle and arrived in a few minutes. "There is also a 24-hour supermarket in the village, and if you encounter a shortage of salt and vinegar, you will no longer have to worry."

"In the past, if you wanted to buy something, you had to pinch your fingers to catch the market, buy vegetables for several days at a time, and then the first dishes were put away." Buy now anytime and eat fresh. Cao Jingping sighed.

In Jiaxiang, there are large shopping malls in the county, general stores in the town, convenience stores in the village, and the commercial circle covers more and more villagers. "Combined with population distribution and consumption habits, the county town has been transformed and upgraded to a comprehensive commercial and trade service center, the township has improved shopping and entertainment facilities, the rural areas have strengthened the ability to provide convenient services, and the county and rural areas have been linked to weave dense commercial outlets." Zhu Zhenhu, deputy director of the Jiaxiang County Bureau of Commerce, introduced.

Looking at the whole country, the construction of the county and rural commercial system has been continuously promoted, further stimulating consumer enthusiasm. The Ministry of Commerce proposed that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, efforts should be made to establish and improve a rural commercial system based on county-level overall planning, county-level cities as the center, townships and towns as the focus, and villages as the basis, to make up for the shortcomings of rural commerce and improve the level of rural commercial development.

While the "hard conditions" of rural consumption are optimized, the "soft environment" is also constantly improving.

"The supermarket in the village has complete goods and the purchase channels are assured." Go to shopping malls, specialty stores to buy things and after-sales service. Song Sipeng, a villager in Wu Village, Mantong Town, Jiaxiang County, said of the changes, "In the past, we were all rushing to large markets, buying unsatisfactory, unable to find people, often 'chasing a chicken, building a cow'. ”

Set up a "collective chief", a market supervision office for regular inspections... A series of measures have been introduced to reassure the peasant masses. "Food, tobacco and alcohol, clothing, shoes and hats, etc. are the key sampling varieties, before and after the festival is the key supervision period, and the farmers' market is the key prevention area." We make a list of problems and crack down on the sale of counterfeit and shoddy products. Wang Kexin, deputy director of the Jiaxiang County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, introduced that last year, 2830 batches of county-level food sampling were completed, and 12 rural large collections were standardized.

Strike hard everywhere to create a clean rural consumer market. Since October 2020, the State Administration for Market Regulation and other departments have carried out special law enforcement actions for fake and shoddy food in rural areas across the country, and as of now, a total of 162,000 illegal cases have been investigated and handled, and 4,369 tons of illegal products have been seized.

Infrastructure upgrading, logistics network replenishment chain, release rural consumption potential

To build a new development pattern and put the strategic base point on expanding domestic demand, rural areas have huge space and can make great achievements. The consumer market at the township and village levels accounts for 38% of the total consumer market on the mainland, and the consumption potential is large.

Ticking, the clear sound of horns echoed in the small mountain village, and the passenger car came. "Go out on the cement road, lift your legs to the bus, take the car to the town, 20 minutes to get there." Liao Xiufen, a villager in Liaodian Village, Zhangchang Town, Danling County, Sichuan Province, carried a large bag and a small bag, "Went to the town to buy some fresh food and greeted relatives." ”

Mountains stacked, roads bend, Liaodian Village is hidden deep in the mountains. "I haven't been able to get out of the door a year." Every New Year's Festival, Liao Xiufen climbed over the mountains, walked 11 kilometers of mountain road to catch the market, and the bamboo basket on her back was stuffed with a sharp point, "Buy furniture and appliances, the car can't drive in, you have to find strong labor to carry home." ”

Don't let the mountains block farmers' enthusiasm for consumption. Danling County has promoted the passage of rural roads through village groups, improved the rural passenger transport system, and built rural passenger stations in all townships and towns in the county, and the passenger transport coverage rate of established villages has reached 100%. The passenger car of Mercedes-Benz on the mountain road connects the urban and rural areas and connects the supply and demand.

"Two trips a day, when you want to buy, large goods can also be delivered to the door." Liao Xiufen sighed, "The bus terminal is built near my home, and a few days ago, I went to the market and bought new clothes." ”

The improvement of infrastructure such as water circuit networks in rural areas provides solid support for activating rural consumption. At present, 100% of the qualified organized villages on the mainland have realized hardened roads, buses and postal roads. As of the end of November 2021, the existing administrative villages on the mainland have achieved "broadband access from village to village", and the rural Internet penetration rate has reached 59.2%.

To tap the potential of rural consumption, smooth logistics is the key. Various places continue to explore, open up the express into the village "last kilometer".

As the sky was bright and the headlights illuminated the winding mountain road, Peng Zhihao, a logistician from Nancun Village, Yantian Town, Anfu County, Jiangxi Province, drove a van to a warehouse 9 kilometers away. Scanning, typing, sorting, piece by piece of express delivery from here, will be delivered to more than 50 nearby rural stores.

"From the general warehouse, the sub-warehouse to thousands of households, the transit is small, the speed is fast, and the closest one is ordered the day before and can be received the next day." Peng Zhihao introduced.

Piece by piece, showing the fiery heat of rural consumption. "Learn your smartphone and sit at home and 'walk' around the country." Peng Qiuqiang, a 54-year-old villager in Qingqiao Village, Yantian Town, sighed.

At present, 98% of the townships in the country have express delivery outlets, and the express service access rate of the established villages continues to increase. By the end of last year, the proportion of direct express delivery in administrative villages across the country exceeded 80%. "Let the villagers truly enjoy the convenience of the Internet, continue to promote the construction of logistics infrastructure, improve the layout of express delivery points, develop cold chain logistics, integrate resources such as transportation, postal services, and express delivery companies, and continuously dredge the last kilometer of rural consumption." Li Guoxiang suggested.

Reporter Wang Hao

Source: People's Daily

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