
A word of thanks to the United States and the West: Thank you

author:Wei Min longitudinal

Writing this topic is not sensationalism and pretense, but a heartfelt statement from the heart, a sincere statement. I think most Chinese people have the same feelings as me after watching it.

I have been listening to my ears for more than a year, and I have a personal feeling for the changes in people's ideological concepts in the process of reform and opening up. In the early days of reform and opening up, the country's door was wide open, and people were surprised to find that compared with the developed countries in the world, the gap was quite large, and in the intertwined mood of inferiority and envy, they could not help but ask: Is our backwardness a system- reason, or is it a difference in human race, or is it caused by culture? For various reasons, the answer was once plausible and did not get a correct solution. In this environment, a considerable number of people more or less light or heavy suffering from the sublime external disease, the United States, naturally has become a beacon of desire, really a bit of "high mountains up, scenery to stop." Although it cannot be reached, the heart yearns for it" feelings. At that time, I was also young, and I was often debating and observing and thinking about this topic. Looking up to the United States, freedom, democracy, and human rights are so high, big, and up; learning from the West and connecting with the international community once became the mainstream consciousness. Soon, the Soviet Union, the world's largest socialist country, collapsed (an event that was a key point in my understanding of the United States, too, but it was only a few years later that it really changed). When we were discussing it, we naively thought that Russia's difficulties were caused by history, and it did not matter, as long as the capitalist system was implemented and integrated into Western society, in less than twenty years, Russia would certainly be a superpower again (and what happened later, we all saw).

A word of thanks to the United States and the West: Thank you

Although I affirm the United States and advocate the West, I am by no means a hardcore admirer, and at least I still have national self-esteem. I have also scolded and hated the United States in the event of the bombing of the mainland embassy and the plane collision in the South China Sea, but there is also a kind of idea in my heart when I see two people who are about to become good friends have undeserved contradictions and estrangement.

Entering the new century, the mainland has shown a strong momentum of development in all aspects, as a civilian, of course, I hope that the motherland is good, when Trump launched a trade war, on the one hand, I hated the United States, on the other hand, I was also worried about the country: the United States has a strong economic, military, scientific and technological hegemony, can we resist? The opponent is the only superpower in the world, can we do it?

With the outbreak of the new crown virus sweeping the world, so that people can see the "paper tiger" essence of the world's superpowers, the United States has given all Chinese a vivid patriotic education lesson, both theory and practice, in-depth and simple, one example and three, easy to understand, so that the Chinese people have benefited a lot. In ancient times, there was the indignation that "listening to the words of the king is better than reading ten years of books", and now there is the sigh of "Watching Er performance to see through the red dust of a hundred years". An epidemic has pulled down a beautiful fig leaf; one case after another, puncturing the myth of universal admiration. The temple of human rights has collapsed, the myth of democracy has been shattered, the beacon of freedom has fallen, and its face is abominable, its image is ugly, its behavior is dirty, and its mentality is obscene, which is rare in the world. In the past, many Chinese people always thought that state propaganda was "preaching," "indoctrination," and "the needs of ideological struggle." They could not believe it or believe it completely, and some of them still thought backwards and did not believe it at all. The United States and its West tore off their masks and put one fact after another in front of them, just like an empowerment, which made people suddenly enlightened. Finally, Chinese woke up.

A word of thanks to the United States and the West: Thank you

The collapse of the temple of human rights. Human rights are an important weapon for the United States and its West to interfere with other countries, and they regard themselves as "teachers" and "apologists", describing their own country as heaven and temple, and portraying the interfering country as purgatory and darkness. As of February 8, the total number of infected people in the United States reached more than 76 million, and more than 920,000 people died, which was a disgrace in front of people all over the world. If fate does not exist, will the right be attached? The beautiful human rights fairy tale is shattered, "the emperor has no clothes". All this, or the dead duck has a hard mouth, shamelessly claiming to be "the first in the fight against the epidemic" and becoming a global laughingstock.

The beacon of liberal democracy is bleak. The democratic election did not go according to people's wishes, so they violently organized people to storm and occupy the Parliament, and Speaker Perrohi had to flee in the wilderness, not even taking care of the laptop. Shootings are frequent, and if you are not careful, you will die, and in 2021, more than 47,000 people will fall under the muzzle of the gun. Racial discrimination is serious, blacks and Asians and other people of color have suffered discrimination, black people have been "kneeling" and shooting by the police in an endless stream, the huge "black life is expensive" movement is constantly staged, and "beautiful landscapes" appear frequently everywhere, so that the self-proclaimed "beacon" of freedom and democracy suddenly lost its dazzling light.

A word of thanks to the United States and the West: Thank you

The epicenter of disaster. Looking at the whole world, it is not difficult for people to find that wherever there is a wave of protest violence, there is a figure of the United States; where there is a war, there are American soldiers; where there is smashing, looting, burning, and killing, it is certainly a masterpiece of the US CIA. Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan are devastated and displaced; Yemen, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan are suffering from internal and external troubles and social turmoil; Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela are suffering from humiliation and sanctions, and so on. It can be said that the United States is a rogue and robber country: there is no international morality, lying, cheating, infiltration and manipulation, repeatedly breaking through the bottom line of human morality; "long-arm jurisdiction", assassination, sanctions, and robbery, in order to achieve the goal of doing everything to the extreme. Some netizens sighed: It is really a veritable "mold and treachery and misfortune to all countries". When you think about it, it's real.

America is a rare good teacher. What he has done, his classic cases, let us have a completely new understanding of the United States: we know that "human rights" are tools for interfering with other countries, "freedom" is a beautiful lie, "democracy" is a fig leaf for self-deception, and as for smearing, slandering, suppressing, and harvesting, it is the essential expression of the rogue robbers.

Writing this, I can't help but be excited, I don't know the height of the sky on behalf of the people, sincerely to the United States and Western countries to say: thank you!

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