
Why doesn't the West dare to provoke China? The two wars of the last century have exposed China's true strength

author:Mincha Autumn History

Former U.S. Army General Michael once said: Only a fool will find China as an opponent.

The reason is very simple: after the founding of New China, the evil neighbors looked at the tiger, and wars came to the door one after another. In the battle against different opponents, the mainland has shown real strength, so that the world has seen the heroic and fearless spirit and indomitable faith of the Chinese soldiers, so that those Western countries that are eager to move are completely convinced and dare not easily provoke the mainland. Next, let us go into history and look back at the glory days of New China in the last century.

Why doesn't the West dare to provoke China? The two wars of the last century have exposed China's true strength

In the second year of the founding of New China, the mainland fought a bloody battle against Korea with a 16-nation coalition led by the United States. This Korean War is a war that must be fought, and it is also a contest of great disparity in strength.

At that time, new China had just gained a new life, and its long-term poverty and weakness, coupled with the eyes of other countries, were in the stage of internal and external troubles. At this time, the United States has the most powerful economic and military strength in the world, and before the formal confrontation, the comparison of the two strengths is tantamount to an egg touching a stone. But after the war began, China's performance in the war with the United Nations army impressed the whole world.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea became a national war for the mainland, and the newborn China gained a firm foothold and began to make its own loud voice on the international stage.

Behind the victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is the lives and blood paid by thousands of soldiers of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army. In this brutal war of extreme disparity in strength between the two sides, they fought against the world's strongest enemies, and many of the most tragic heroic deeds emerged, and the United Nations forces that fought with them all felt respect after seeing his bravery.

On June 25, 1950, a civil war broke out between the north and south of Korea, and the United States took advantage of the chaos to join and organize the United Nations army with its own purposes to intervene from it, and the United Nations army quickly crossed the 38th Line and approached the Yalu River. At the beginning of the war, MacArthur arrogantly stated that China did not dare to participate in the war, and even if Chinese troops crossed the Yalu River and came to the Korean battlefield, he would carry out the largest massacre in human history.

However, Macczathur's vision was diametrically opposed to reality, the reality was that in the first battle, the United Nations army tried to occupy all of Korea before Thanksgiving, but under the resistance of our army and the Korean People's Army, the prestigious "Founding Father Division" US Cavalry 1st Division suffered heavy losses and the plan ended in failure.

In the second campaign, the "United Nations Army" was ready to end the war before Christmas, but was beaten back by our army from the Yalu River to the 38th Line; in the third campaign, the "United Nations Army" wanted to take advantage of the respite of the negotiations, but was continued to be repelled by the Chinese and North Korean armies until it reached the vicinity of the "37th Line".

Why doesn't the West dare to provoke China? The two wars of the last century have exposed China's true strength

When the war was over, MacArthur, who was originally invincible, changed his initial arrogance and said frankly: Whoever wants to fight with the Chinese Army must have a disease in his brain.

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Mainland Volunteer Army and the United Nations Army launched many life-and-death contests that shook the world. At the Battle of Chosin Lake, the volunteers braved the cold wind and heavy snow to crush the Ace Polar Bear Regiment of the American Army, shattering MacArthur's desire to end the battle before Christmas and occupy all of Korea.

In this 13-day defensive operation, the Volunteer 63rd Army resisted the repeated attacks of 4 us divisions, and successfully crushed the US attempt to occupy Tieyuan and destroy our bases and lines of communication with less than half of the enemy's strength.

The Battle of Shangganling was the fiercest battle in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In this battle, in order to turn the tide, the defeated US army successively invested more than 60,000 troops, dispatched 3,000 aircraft and more than 170 tanks, and also used 18 artillery battalions to launch a fierce attack on the Shangganling position with an area of less than 37,000 square kilometers.

Although our army's strength is inferior to that of the US army, under the bombardment of 2 million shells and 5,000 bombs of the US army, the fighters have always held their positions, repelled more than 900 US charges, and annihilated 27,000 enemy troops.

There has never been any savior in war, and victory is fundamentally the strength of the people. As long as the bullets can't knock us down and the cannon fire can't crush us, then even if we are a small bird, we can become a phoenix in the flames.

A nation with hope cannot do without heroes, a country with a future cannot do without pioneers, and the strength of China's strength cannot be separated from the selfless contributions of the Chinese heroes who have succeeded in the past and are not afraid of sacrifice.

Why doesn't the West dare to provoke China? The two wars of the last century have exposed China's true strength

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, countless lovely and respectable heroes emerged.

At the critical moment of the battle, the hero Huang Jiguang crawled towards the enemy's fire point and threw a grenade at the enemy's location. However, due to the large point of enemy fire, the power of the grenade is not enough to completely destroy it. Watching his comrades behind him fall one after another, blood staining the earth red, Huang Jiguang jumped up and pounced on the muzzle of the enemy's fierce tongue of fire with open arms. In this way, Huang Jiguang used his young life to win the opportunity for the troops to attack and open up the way for the volunteer army to advance in victory.

On November 29, 1950, the hero Yang Gensi obeyed the orders of his superiors to go to the commanding heights of the Chosin Lake area, Kokolyeong, in order to intercept the enemy's inevitable path when fleeing south. After the battle began, Yang Gensi led a full platoon of fighters to repulse 8 enemy attacks, and the battle was very fierce. In the fierce gunfire, our soldiers died one after another, and finally only Yang Gensi and two wounded people remained on the position.

Soon, the enemy launched the 9th attack, at this moment our army has run out of ammunition, at this critical juncture, Yang Gensi forgot his life and death, resolutely picked up a 5-kilogram explosive package, roared and rushed into the enemy camp. With the sound of an explosion, the position was held, and along with the smoke dissipated yang Gensi's flesh and blood, and more than 40 enemies.

Hero Chai Yunzhen, who participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in March 1951, destroyed more than 100 enemies and captured 5 machine guns in the Battle of Park Dafeng.

Hero Cao Yuhai, in the Fourth Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, led the soldiers of the 342nd Regiment of the 114th Division of the 38th Army to repel 7 enemy attacks with blood and lives and held their positions.

When the enemy launched a surprise attack, he took the lead and led his troops to fight back heroically, and finally unfortunately was shot and killed. There are many more heroic names written on the heroic genealogy of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and perhaps we cannot remember the names of each of them, but the immortal monument they have built with their spirit and faith will forever stand in our hearts.

Why doesn't the West dare to provoke China? The two wars of the last century have exposed China's true strength

On July 27, 1953, the commander-in-chief of the United Nations Army, Clarke, signed the armistice agreement, and the two-year and nine-month War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea came to an end, and the Chinese and North Korean soldiers and civilians won the final victory. Clark became the first U.S. commander in U.S. history to sign an armistice without victory.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a war against aggression and the victory of the weak over the strong, which affected China's future direction and refreshed the understanding of China's strength in all countries in the world.

Van Vleet, commander of the US Eighth Army, said bluntly after the war that Chinese soldiers were a stubborn enemy. Despite their backward equipment, inadequate and crude food, and rudimentary medical equipment, they were always desperate. Another American researcher commented on the Chinese military: their fighting spirit and courage are unimaginable heights in the United States.

Twenty-six years after the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, a self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam began.

During the three decades of Vietnam's War to Resist France and resist the United States, the mainland, as its neighbor with water and water, repeatedly sent air defense troops, engineering units and military advisers to Vietnam, providing selfless assistance worth $20 billion to support Vietnam's war against France and the United States.

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam, troops sent by the mainland fought in Vietnam for three years, shooting down and wounding more than 3,000 enemy aircraft, and more than a thousand PLA fighters were killed on the land of Vietnam. However, as Vietnam ended the War to Resist US Aggression and realized national reunification, it turned its face and did not recognize people, was ungrateful, regarded benefactors as enemies, violated the mainland borders, and seriously threatened the safety of the lives and property of the people on the mainland.

In order to protect the border people from the Vietnamese army, the mainland issued a stern statement warning, hoping that Vietnam would stop the intrusion as soon as possible. However, the Vietnamese army ignored the warnings and violated the mainland border even more brazenly, killing and wounding several soldiers and civilians on the Chinese border.

Under the continuous artillery fire of the Vietnamese army, the people on the mainland border had to hide in the mountains to avoid shell attacks, and the students had to attend classes in narrow and damp caves.

Why doesn't the West dare to provoke China? The two wars of the last century have exposed China's true strength

In addition, Vietnam also expelled overseas Chinese living in Vietnam at that time. Many of these overseas Chinese are old, weak, sick and disabled, and their bodies cannot resist the cruel treatment of the Vietnamese army, so they can only drag their children and daughters away from the place where they live and live a life of upheaval and displacement. There is no need to endure, there is no need to endure, the mainland is bound to teach this ungrateful Vietnam a lesson.

In order to protect the territorial sovereignty of the motherland and the security of the people, on February 17, 1979, the Chinese border guards launched a self-defense counterattack against the Vietnamese army.

In the early hours of this morning, on the northern border from Quang Ninh to Lai Obla, about 500 kilometers, the roar of the tank group broke the silence, and the ballistic tracks of the rocket artillery group broke through the morning light, and thousands of shells flew to Vietnamese territory. With the coordination of tanks and artillery fire, the obstacles under the Vietnamese army were crushed, and about 200,000 Chinese soldiers rushed through the 26 gaps opened by the artillery fire and launched a counterattack.

Although at that time, with the support of the Soviet Union, Vietnam's weapons and equipment and tactical thinking were greatly improved, in the past Vietnamese anti-US and anti-French battles, some of the Vietnamese army's tactics were still taught by hand, such as tunnel warfare and guerrilla warfare.

Therefore, although there is a gap in equipment between our army and the Vietnamese army, in just two weeks, our army has advanced about 40 kilometers to the Vietnamese side and conquered Lang Son with the spirit of daring to fight and the strength of courage and good fighting.

The area south of Lang Son is basically plain, which is very suitable for the mainland's armored forces to fight, even if the Vietnamese army is familiar with its own terrain, they have no danger to defend here. The fighting lasted a month, and the mainland issued a statement that the purpose of fighting against Vietnam had been achieved, and the People's Liberation Army began to withdraw its troops from Vietnam.

However, in the next ten years, the conflict on the Sino-Vietnamese border still did not subside, the two sides stopped fighting, stopped fighting, and our army, in the contest with the Vietnamese army, successively recovered the Koulin Mountain, The Farka Mountain, the Lao Mountain, and the Zheyin Mountain, and won great victories. During this decade, China's major military regions took turns to send troops in this battle, and the Sino-Vietnamese border became a training ground.

Why doesn't the West dare to provoke China? The two wars of the last century have exposed China's true strength

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, many heroes and troops emerged in our army. The 3rd Company of the 2nd Regiment of the 1st Infantry Division was named "Heroic Company of Perseverance" for its heroic combat performance.

One of the soldiers in the company, Yang Qiliang, held the nameless heights alone during the battle, facing the swarming Vietnamese troops, his heart did not have a trace of fear, while constantly throwing bombs at the enemy troops, while facing the walkie-talkie, shouting at his comrades in other positions: Shoot at me! Shoot me!

Under the crazy attack of the enemy, the wounds on Yang Qiliang's body continued to increase, but he did not fall down, under the cover of favorable terrain, he fought with the enemy alone with wounds for more than 4 hours, repelled 4 attacks of the Vietnamese army of different degrees, and killed 18 enemies.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the heroic dedication of the warriors, small animals such as ants and rats have also been used in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam.

In the area of Laoshan, there is a very toxic ant bee, called the slender waist bee, if ordinary people are slightly accidentally stung by it, the rescue is good in time, if the rescue is not timely, it is very likely to lose their lives.

Since 1979, a special task force cultivated by the Vietnamese Army has often sneaked into the Lao Shan position where our army is stationed, and once or twice it is fine, but they seem to be tirelessly invading day and night, and they do not confront our army head-on, disturbing our army's tranquility.

In order to solve this problem, the three soldiers who insisted on a certain position in Lao Shan came up with a solution based on the situation they had discovered in Lao Shan these days, and decided to teach the Vietnamese special forces a good lesson. At the heart of this approach is the slender-waisted bee.

Why doesn't the West dare to provoke China? The two wars of the last century have exposed China's true strength

They searched around, found a total of four boxes of slender-waisted bees, and then carried them to the mouth of the cat's ear hole and placed them in a more hidden place, waiting for the Vietnamese agents to arrive again. Soon, Vietnamese agents arrived as scheduled and came to the Lao Shan position one evening to carry out a sneak attack.

When they were still more than ten meters away from the mouth of the cat's ear hole, the warriors who had been waiting for a long time quickly opened the hive and pushed it in the direction where the Vietnamese agent was.

In this way, the frightened thin-waisted bees rushed out of the hive and quickly stung the Vietnamese agent. The Vietnamese agent did not have time to react, he was stung everywhere, screamed in pain, and remembered the sneak attack mission, and fled in the same way.

Rats also played a big role in the Sino-Vietnamese War, known as sirens. In order to learn in advance of the Vietnamese sneak attack, the soldiers of a certain company of our army placed some dry food in front of the post to lure the nearby rats to eat. Once the rats are found to be suddenly running around, it means that there are people nearby, and our soldiers can prepare for battle in advance.

From an internal point of view, the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam has condensed the unity of the people on the mainland and enabled the mainland to quickly shift to modernization. From the outside, the mainland's punishment of Vietnam's aggressive behavior has allowed the Soviet army on the Sino-Soviet border to see the great strength of our army and dare not act rashly.

In the vicissitudes of the past few decades, the mainland has undergone earth-shaking changes in both economic and military aspects, and the momentum of its rise is unstoppable. Although the mainland has always loved peace and the people are eager for tranquility, once a serious challenge to the mainland's sovereignty and security occurs, the mainland will certainly deal a head-on blow.

Why doesn't the West dare to provoke China? The two wars of the last century have exposed China's true strength

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