
Jimu Sharp commented| people everywhere worship the martyr Chen Yannian: the ideal red light, in the heart, illuminate the future

author:Jimu News

Jimu News commentator Qu Jing

On July 4, 1927, the young revolutionary Chen Yannian died heroically at the age of 29. Over the past few days, netizens have spontaneously come to Hefei Yanqiao Road, Anqing Chen Yannian statue and other places to offer flowers and leave messages to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs and comfort the revolutionary martyrs. (According to The Jimu News on July 4)

I can't remember exactly, but this is the first time this year that I have seen the collective remembrance of chen yannian and Chen Qiaonian on social media. Different from the more serious and solemn commemoration of martyrs in the past, these men, women and children from the south of the sky and the north of the sea, surging feelings online and offline, came very warmly and sincerely, turned into heartfelt thanks and tributes, turned into a piece of flowers and letterheads under the road signs of Hefei Yanqiao Road, and bowed deeply again and again in front of the tombstones of longhua martyrs' cemetery. Everyone really loves the martyrs, because more and more people know how much they love Huaxia, the motherland, and everyone.

The deeds of chen yannian and chen qiaonian were not very widely circulated among the young generation before, and from last year to this year, due to the popularity of the TV series "The Age of Awakening", many young viewers learned that it was a century ago, in such a chaotic world in which the great powers were looking at the tiger, the warlords were in chaos, the people were in distress and withering, and the old and the young were displaced, there was such a group of young people, so full of vigor and spirit, so outstanding, in order to adhere to their inner ideals and beliefs, they were willing to suffer hardships and seek from top to bottom. Saving the life of the adult is the only goal of life, and giving everything for it, until the young life is sacrificed.

The names seen in the books suddenly became vivid and full, and the cultural relics and deeds seen in the museum suddenly became amiable and touching. Excellent literary and artistic works make the image of the martyr vivid and three-dimensional. We know that they are martyrs, historical figures, but in their hearts, unconsciously, they are regarded as ordinary young people in their 20s, to experience their joys and sorrows, to feel their love and righteousness, to understand their awe-inspiring righteousness, to admire their upright bones, naturally, they will be heartbroken by their bloody sacrifice, they will admire their purity and greatness, and they will not help but look up at the same starry sky they have seen. They have also turned into stars, and are watching the mountains and rivers of this year, and the lights of thousands of homes.

This seems to be seen as a look, a dialogue, and an exchange through a hundred years. The body of the martyr has been transformed into a mountain, river and earth, and the spirit of the martyr is still as bright as a star. Born in youth, died in youth, go forward and do not care about the back, turn your back on the darkness and turn to the light! The times have undergone great changes, but this enthusiasm for ideals, the firmness of faith, and the love for the country have been passed on and carried forward forever with the praise of the deeds of martyrs. Every time, when the country is in danger and the people are in distress, they shine on us, inspire us, do not fear, do not shrink back, become warriors, become pioneers!

Today's young people, commemorating the martyrs Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian, is not only to express their own heart, but also to inherit the spirit that belongs to the Chinese, the gentleness and tenacity of both the heart of a child and the thoughts of adults, and the courage and courage that can not only be surging with blood, but also unswerving. At this moment, the sonorous words of the revolutionary predecessors ring in our ears, and we are excited to do something for them, what to do for everyone, what to do for this country, this is to tell the story of heroism, the most moving, the most real, and the deepest meaning.

Today's young people, write letters to the martyrs Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian, telling them how happy and free the days are today; telling them that we are enjoying the happiness they have exchanged for cutting through thorns and thorns; telling them how young people rushed to the front line and bravely retrograde when the flood was raging and the epidemic was critical; telling them that on the border of the motherland, at the peak of scientific research, in ordinary posts, there are young people's efforts and deeds everywhere, and there are youth dedication and responsibility at all times, which is the most sincere letterhead that we can write to the martyrs across a hundred years. It is also the best consolation for the heroic soul.

The martyr Chen Yannian immersed himself in hard work, was not good at speaking boldly, had a deep spirit, did not smile, and was not passed down to the world without too many generous words, and many people used a poem by revolutionary writer and poet Jiang Guangci to reflect and remember his spirit: May my hard work turn into a bright red light and illuminate the dark earth brightly! This bright red light will also hang higher and shine brighter.

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