
Diabetic blood glucose is prone to heart failure, remember these 8 early warning signs

author:Endocrinologist Li Aiguo

The data confirms that more than 70% of patients with type 2 diabetes are also concomitant with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and more than half of diabetics eventually die of heart disease.

According to the survey results, the higher the blood glucose value of diabetic patients, the higher the proportion of hospital admissions due to heart failure. The older a person with diabetes is, the greater the chance of heart failure!

Suffering from diabetes, the most feared thing is not the high blood sugar itself, but various complications, resulting in death, disability, and impaired quality of life. Among the various complications, cardiovascular disease is the most numerous and the most terrible. Many people with type 2 diabetes have heart failure, keep these 8 warning signs in mind!

Diabetic blood glucose is prone to heart failure, remember these 8 early warning signs

1. The body is puffy and feels that the clothes become tighter

Body puffiness is the first symptom of heart failure, and it can occur in every part of the body.

If you feel that your clothes are tightening for a short time, your waist suddenly increases, your face and neck become round and fat, you should be careful that your body is puffy and you should seek medical examination in time.

2. There is a feeling of pressure in the chest, and sometimes chest pain

Many sugar friends feel that there is something pressing on the chest, just like drowning, and sometimes chest pain, which may also be heart failure.

3, always wake up in the middle of the night

If a diabetic person has heart disease or high blood pressure, there is always an unexplained awakening in the middle of the night, and it is necessary to sit up to relieve it, at this time it is necessary to be vigilant for early heart failure.

4. The frequency of nocturia increases

If the sugar buddy has heart failure, the amount of blood output and effective circulating blood output by the heart is reduced, and the blood flow in the kidneys is insufficient, which will reduce the amount of urine urinated in 24 hours.

However, when lying flat at night, the workload borne by the heart is lighter than during the day, and the blood output of the heart increases, so the amount of blood perfusion by the kidneys also increases, resulting in an increase in nocturia.

High blood sugar, kidney disease, urinary tract infections, etc. may also cause increased nocturia, which needs to be distinguished by sugar friends.

Diabetic blood glucose is prone to heart failure, remember these 8 early warning signs

5. Shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat

Sugar friends feel short of breath and pulse faster when they move slightly, reaching more than 100 times per minute, showing alternating pulses or intermittent pulses with different strengths and weaknesses, accompanied by panic tension.

6. Loss of appetite, nausea and constipation

There is still a feeling of fullness a few hours after a meal, sometimes accompanied by stomach upset, constipation and nausea, and pain.

7. I always feel tired and weak, and I can't improve when I sleep and rest

Some sugar friends if the old feel tired, even if there is enough sleep can not improve, after going up a few flights of stairs to catch the breath or panting difficulties, at this time need to be highly vigilant heart failure.

8. Dizziness

Dizziness is also a common manifestation of heart failure. Sugar friends always feel that every object around them is following the rotation, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Diabetic blood glucose is prone to heart failure, remember these 8 early warning signs

Prevent heart failure, sugar friends remember these 3 points

Diabetes is a systemic disease, can lead to systemic vascular lesions, involving coronary arteries will affect the blood supply of cardiomyocytes, coupled with diabetes itself caused by myocardial metabolic disorders, will make the cardiomyocyte pumping function decreased, which is an important cause of heart failure. If diabetics have high blood pressure and high blood lipids, the risk of vascular damage and heart failure is greatly increased.

1. Strictly control blood sugar: scientific medication, healthy lifestyle, and self-monitoring

Persistent hyperglycemia may have invaded the blood vessels long before symptoms are apparent, causing irreversible damage. Sugar friends must usually pay attention to adjusting diet, balanced nutrition, proper exercise, regular work and rest, follow medical advice, rational medication, control their blood sugar, and do a good job of self-monitoring.

Diet low salt, low oil and low sugar, away from foods containing saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids. Eat more grains and fresh vegetables containing potassium and vitamins.

Some drugs that may affect the heart, such as gliclidone hypoglycemic drugs, tend to aggravate the patient's edema. Sugar friends with heart failure should not take it, so as not to make the heart failure worse.

Diabetic blood glucose is prone to heart failure, remember these 8 early warning signs

2. While controlling blood sugar, control blood lipids and blood pressure

Type 2 diabetes should control blood pressure below 130/80, LDL should be controlled below 2.6 mmol/L (cardiovascular risk factor glycophile should be controlled within 1.8), HDL should be greater than 1.0 mmol/L.

3. Go to the hospital regularly for re-examination, do ECG, B ultrasound or angiography

Diabetics do not feel as sensitive as normal people, and it is very likely that they will not be able to detect chest tightness, chest pain and other symptoms caused by coronary heart disease. Once something goes wrong, it may have reached a very serious level.

Therefore, diabetic patients should regularly go to the hospital for re-examination of ECG, cardiac ultrasound, etc., and if necessary, undergo coronary CTA, cardiac MRI or coronary angiography.

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