
33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

author:High Cold Planet 2

Li Ming stood in the kitchen, holding the juicer that had been used for many years in his hand, and the roar of the machine spread with a bitter taste. It's become a part of his daily routine – a fresh glass of bitter gourd juice every day is undoubtedly an innovation in his healthy lifestyle.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

"Does this really work?" Mother always involuntarily expressed worries and questions, and whenever she saw Li Ming pick up the green bitter gourd, her brows would tighten.

"Mom, this is my own choice, there are studies that show that bitter melon is good for the body." Li Ming patiently explained that he was ready to persist for a long time.

This decision caused a lot of repercussions in the family, especially the father's attitude towards him has always been difficult to change. In his opinion, Li Ming's lifestyle is simply a subversion of the traditional concept of health. Whenever that glass of green foaming liquid appeared on the dinner table, my father always shook his head and sighed.

"This young man always wants to try something new, but sometimes traditional things are the real cure." Father commented on Li Ming's cup of bitter gourd juice.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

The atmosphere at the dinner table became delicate as a result. Li Ming knew that this might be because of the difference between the two generations, or maybe his father was just out of concern for him. Although he didn't have many words, Li Ming could read worry and incomprehension in his father's eyes.

"Can you guarantee that this thing will really make your medical report better?" Once, at dinner, my father finally couldn't help but ask about his concerns.

"Yes, Dad. I believe in science, and I believe in my feelings. Li Ming replied firmly and briefly.

Compared to the doubts and worries of family members, colleagues have a different attitude. In the company's lounge, someone joked: "Li Ming has now become the company's 'bitter gourd spokesperson', haha, look at his bitter gourd juice with relish." "

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

"Hey, Li Ming, are you innovating healthy drinks? I see that you are like this, not long ago we turned our pantry into a bitter gourd area. One of the colleagues teased.

Li Ming could only respond with a wry smile: "Health is good." Maybe you don't understand it now, but I hope that one day you can try it and really improve your body. "

It is not easy to drink bitter gourd juice every day, not only to face the doubts and reproaches of family members, but also to endure the jokes and ridicule among colleagues. But Li Ming believes in his choice, whether it is in the face of the high pressure of work or the incomprehension in life, he is firmly on his own path to health.

Time flies, and the bitterness seems to be no longer difficult to accept in the continuous persistence. Li Ming looked at himself in the mirror who was becoming more and more energetic and ruddy, and felt the affirmation brought by those changes.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

Until one day, he stepped into the hospital and went for a physical examination with the changes he had made in the past six months. That calmness and confidence were recognized by the doctor the moment he stepped into the consultation room. Dr. Wang looked at his report and couldn't help but exclaim, "Mr. Li, how did you do it?" "

Since Li Ming started his bitter gourd juice life, the whole person seems to be glowing with new vitality. In the office, he used to look a little tired, but now he has become energetic. The change was not just felt by myself, but even the attentive boss noticed it.

"Li Ming, have you changed any health regimen recently? How does it look more energetic than before? The boss asked jokingly.

Li Ming smiled and responded: "Where is there any health regimen, just drink some bitter gourd juice every day, nothing special." "

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

However, such a change did not win everyone's approval. Especially his father, who still adheres to traditional eating habits, is still incomprehensible to Li Ming's persistence.

"Do you do this with nutrition? It's so bitter all day, and it's not good for the stomach. "My father couldn't resist persuasion at the dinner table.

"Dad, I know you're worried about me, but I feel like my body is really getting better, and it's good for me." Li Ming patiently explained, hoping that his father would understand his choice.

There was constant controversy in the family, but Li Ming did not give up his approach. Even in the face of those incomprehensible and even ridiculous eyes, he still persevered every day. And this persistence gradually brought about changes, and he began to feel the freshness and strength that drinking bitter gourd juice brought him.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

The attitude of colleagues has also changed, the original ridicule has now turned into inquiry, and they have begun to be curious about Li Ming's change.

"Li Ming, do you really think it's useful to drink bitter gourd juice?" Xiao Zhang, a colleague who usually has a good relationship, asked.

"Yes, at least it worked for me." Li Ming replied confidently.

Some colleagues have even begun to follow suit, and it is not uncommon to see others in the company's lounge trying to drink a glass of green juice.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

But the conflict in the family is becoming more and more intense, the father's opposition is almost stubborn, and the mother, although she supports him without words, is also clearly worried between the words. At the family gathering, relatives also questioned Li Ming's healthy life, which added a bit of pressure to his persistence.

Li Ming learned that there would always be all kinds of doubts and incomprehension on the road to health, but he still chose to conduct a comprehensive physical examination, hoping to prove to his family in the most direct way that his choice was beneficial.

On that day, everything in the hospital was so ordinary, but for Li Ming, it would be a special verification. Dr. Wang took his medical report with a surprised expression, and the results exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Mr. Li, such data is unbelievable! What is your secret to being so healthy?" Dr. Wang couldn't help but ask.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and he knew that this would be a new starting point for the development of his relationship with his family.

The pace of life is as fast as ever, and Li Ming's days are also passing in a hurry, but fate sometimes likes to make little jokes. Just when Li Ming thought that his efforts had slowly gained the understanding of his family, an unexpected minor illness forced him to be admitted to the hospital.

The news quickly spread to everyone's ears, and Li Ming's parents and relatives came to the hospital one after another. Their expressions were a mixture of worry and complexity. After all, this was the first time they had gathered in such a place because of Li Ming's affairs.

Dr. Wang, Li Ming's attending doctor, was particularly interested in the bitter gourd juice health method that Li Ming had been insisting on after checking on his physical condition.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

"Mr. Li, the results of your medical examination have improved a lot compared to before," Dr. Wang said with a smile, "Tell me, what did you do during this process?" "

"Actually, it's nothing special, the main thing is to insist on drinking bitter gourd juice every day." Li Ming replied calmly.

The conversation quickly caught the attention of the family members present. A look of unease flashed across his father's face, but it was quickly replaced by his own forceful questioning.

"Bitter gourd juice? Just that crooked thing? Li Ming, are you okay, you were so healthy before, why are you hospitalized now? There was an unconcealed reproach in his father's tone.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

"Dad, I was hospitalized this time because I was too tired from work and had a small cold, and it has nothing to do with bitter gourd juice. In fact, after drinking it, my body is healthier. Li Ming quickly explained.

"Yes, Li Ming has indeed become more energetic, we can all see it." The nurse who was taking care of Li Ming interjected when she heard the conversation and added.

On this special occasion in the hospital, Li Ming once again explained his choice to his family. Every word he said embodies the hardships and grievances in his heart in the past six months.

"I just want to live a healthy life and I want to prove to you that maybe I chose a different way, but I hope you can understand." Li Ming's eyes were slightly red.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

These words seemed to touch everyone's hearts. The tense atmosphere in the private room slowly eased. Although his father still did not respond directly, his stern gaze slowly softened, and he seemed to realize something in the silence.

The aunt came over and patted Li Ming's shoulder, and said in her rough voice: "Xiao Ming, you can have today's results, we all see it." As long as you're healthy, we're at ease. "

Family affection is like a dawn, shining into Li Ming's heart through the haze. Although his father did not speak, Li Ming knew that his family was always concerned about his every step. The closed door of his heart gradually opened under Dr. Wang's words, and the pressure and contradictions he experienced were released in the understanding of his family.

Dr. Wang smiled, relieved by Li Ming's persistence and his family's understanding. The heavy place of the hospital became full of warmth because of a glass of bitter gourd juice and the understanding of the family.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

After a few days of recuperation, coupled with the doctor's meticulous treatment, Li Ming quickly recovered under the care of relatives and friends. The short hospital life was an unpleasant memory, but it unexpectedly became a bridge of understanding and communication between Li Ming and his family.

Dr. Wang's questioning and Li Ming's meticulous explanation caused the originally stubborn father to re-examine his son's choice. On that day, the walls of the hospital witnessed a rare reconciliation between father and son.

"Dr. Wang has said so, it seems that I am dizzy with old eyes." Father finally posted a message in the family group and said a little apologetically. Although he didn't talk much, it was enough for every family member to feel the change in his attitude.

Li Ming knows that every effort to persevere to the end has not been in vain. His physical health was likewise spiritually healed. More importantly, he understands that even in the face of incomprehension and opposition, as long as it is the right thing, it is worth sticking to.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

His story is not only about the persistence of bitter gourd juice, but also about the demonstration of determination and perseverance. Now he is more confident and no longer worries about the eyes of others, because he knows that he is right.

All these changes have been shared by Li Ming with colleagues and friends in the company. Colleagues were impressed by Li Ming's changes, and some even began to ask him for health secrets.

"Thanks to you, I now drink bitter gourd juice every day, and I do feel a lot better." A colleague who was usually quite skeptical of Li Ming's bitter gourd juice now said to him with a smile.

This small life change was initially just a personal health choice for Li Ming, but gradually, it influenced and changed the attitude of the people around him.

33-year-old man with a glass of bitter gourd juice a day, half a year later to go for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it

When he looked back on the hardships along the way, Li Ming's heart was full of gratitude. I would like to thank my family for their support, my colleagues for their understanding, and Dr. Wang for their affirmation. These have made him what he is today, an advocate of healthy life, and an ordinary person who has found self-sublimation in ordinary life.

"It's only when you stick to what you think is right that the world starts to turn in your direction." This is Li Ming's motto, and it is also his advice to everyone around him.