
Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

author:Wind and Smoke Food Record

Dog meat as food dates back to the Neolithic period. At that time, in order to survive, people would use the resources around them, and dogs, as one of the first domesticated animals, naturally became one of the food sources. By the pre-Qin period, dog meat had officially entered the Chinese diet and had a special significance on some occasions. For example, dog meat was once used as a sacrificial offering, showing its importance in ancient food culture. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, dog meat was an indispensable delicacy in court banquets and sacrificial activities.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Interestingly, over time, the status of dog meat has changed in different historical periods and regional cultures. For example, in the Song Dynasty, dog meat was not popular among the upper class, which is in stark contrast to the pre-Qin and Han dynasties. The spread of Buddhism and Taoism also had an impact on the consumption of dog meat, both of which were opposed to the consumption of dog meat as unclean or unfit for consumption, thus deepening the resistance of some people to eating dog meat.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

As for the cooking of dog meat, there are different practices in different places, such as carrot and dog meat pot, which will use ingredients such as minced garlic, ginger slices, carrots, etc., and add cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, noodle sauce and other seasonings to cook dishes with aroma and rich flavor. So, do you know where the best "dog meat" in China is? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

1: Yanbian, Jilin. The history of dog meat consumption in Yanbian can be traced back to a long time ago, and it is in line with the traditional food culture of the Korean Peninsula. In the cold winter months, dog meat is a good product to withstand the cold due to its warm and replenishing properties. The Korean people believe that dog meat can nourish the body and warm up the body, and there has been a saying of "winter tonic" since ancient times, and this tradition has continued to this day.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

When it comes to dog meat in Yanbian, I have to mention the dog meat hot pot. The essence of dog meat hot pot lies in its soup base, which is usually made from dog bones boiled for a long time, and the soup is milky white in color, rich but not greasy. The meat is carefully processed in advance to remove the fishy smell, cut into thin slices or small pieces, and boiled with various vegetables, bean skins, mushrooms, etc. When eating, people will dip special sauces, such as chili paste, garlic paste, etc., to enhance the flavor and flavor.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Dog meat is presented in various forms in Yanbian, in addition to hot pot, there are also stewed dog meat, roast dog meat, etc. Stewed dog meat is usually simmered over a slow fire; And grilled dog meat is. The taste of dog meat is delicious, the meat is delicate, with a unique mellow aroma, different from the common pork or beef, it has an indescribable game, but it does not lose the delicacy, especially the combination with spicy seasonings, it is endlessly memorable.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

2: Guizhou Huajiang, Huajiang dog meat has a long history, it is said to be traced back to the Three Kingdoms period, after thousands of years of inheritance and development, it has long gone beyond the simple food category, has become a unique food culture. In Huajiang Town, dog meat is not only a good winter tonic, but also contains good wishes for health and longevity.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

When it comes to Huajiang dog meat, it has to be mentioned that its unique production process is not. Select one and a half years old, weighing less than 30 pounds of young dogs, deboning and leaving meat, this step is extremely testing the master's knife work, not only to ensure the integrity of the meat, but also to ensure that there is no trace of meat on the bones. Subsequently, the picked dog meat is simmered in the same pot with more than 40 kinds of spices and herbs over low heat for 10 hours until the meat is crispy, the soup is clear and fragrant. Before serving, cut the meat into thin slices like cicada wings, serve them with hot dog broth, or use the form of hot pot to let diners feel the delicacy and mellowness in the tasting.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Huajiang dog meat, after careful cooking,. The soup is even clearer. When eating, first drink a mouthful of soup to moisten the throat and warm the stomach, and then pick up a piece of meat, lightly dip it in a special sauce, the taste, both the mellow of the meat, and the sweetness of the soup, the layers are clear, and the aftertaste is long.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

3: Pei County, Jiangsu, a small city with a long history, is not only famous for being the hometown of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, but also for its traditional Peixian dog meat.

Peixian dog meat has a long history, dating back to the Han Dynasty. According to legend, Fan Xu, a friend of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, was originally a dog butcher in Pei County, selling dog meat for a living. Liu Bang has a soft spot for Fan Xu's dog meat, and often goes to taste it, and over time, the reputation of Pei County's dog meat spreads.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The most famous method of dog meat in Pei County is "turtle sauce dog meat". The uniqueness of this dish lies in the addition of turtle juice (actually a special sauce that takes its name from the ancient legend of the turtle and symbolizes nourishment and preciousness) during the cooking process, which gives the dog meat a mellow flavor and aroma. The meat is washed and cut into pieces, marinated with a variety of spices and spices, and then simmered for several hours until it is made.

Peixian dog meat has a variety of forms, and its biggest feature is that it tastes like both meat and unique sauce, and has a long aftertaste.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

4: Yulin, Guangxi. Yulin dog meat has a long history of consumption, according to folklore, dating back to the Ming Dynasty or even earlier. In Yulin, eating dog meat with lychees on the summer solstice is a long-standing traditional custom.

Yulin's dog meat cooking techniques are diverse, the most representative of which is the "Lychee Dog Meat Hot Pot". This is the perfect combination of fresh dog meat and seasonal lychees, which are carefully selected and processed to remove fishy smells, cut into thin slices and simmered in a hot pot with the lychees. The sweetness of lychee and the freshness of dog meat penetrate each other, and with the special dipping sauce, the taste is rich in layers, both fresh and slightly fruity, and has a unique flavor. In addition, there are traditional practices such as braised dog meat and dog meat pot, each with its own characteristics to meet the taste needs of different diners.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Yulin dog meat comes in a variety of forms, from slices to chunks, and varies according to different cooking methods. In taste, it is unforgettable.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

5: Hengyang, Hunan, as the hinterland of Huxiang culture, is not only famous for its profound historical heritage and rich food culture, but also shows a unique regional characteristic in terms of eating habits.

In Hengyang, dog meat is cooked in a variety of ways, but it may not have as clear a "signature dish" as other, more popular Huxiang dishes. Traditionally, dog meat may appear in the form of braised or stewed, focusing on removing the fishy smell and adding spices such as chili, ginger and garlic to enhance the flavor and flavor.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The form of Hengyang dog meat is usually stewed meat pieces or slices, the meat is firm and elastic, after a long time of stewing, the meat aroma and seasoning are fully integrated. In terms of taste, you can feel the sweetness of the meat itself.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

6: Zhanjiang, Guangdong, in Zhanjiang, dog meat, as a special delicacy, carries the memory of history and the flavor of the place, although this eating habit is facing more and more controversy and reflection in modern society.

Zhanjiang dog meat pot is one of the most well-known ways to eat in the region, and this cooking method fully demonstrates the uniqueness of Zhanjiang people in handling ingredients. The dog meat is carefully selected and processed, with a variety of spices and seasonings, such as tangerine peel, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, etc., and simmered in a clay pot over a slow fire. After a long time of stewing, the dog meat becomes extremely soft and rotten, the soup is rich and fragrant, with both the mellow aroma of meat and the layering of spices, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

In addition to the dog meat pot, the white chop dog is also another popular way to eat, pay attention to the original taste, the meat is fresh and tender, and it is eaten with a special dipping sauce, which has a unique flavor.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Zhanjiang's dog meat dishes, whether it is a dog meat pot or a white chopping dog, strive to maintain the integrity and deliciousness of the meat. Person;. In terms of taste, Zhanjiang's dog meat dishes tend to be fresh and slightly spicy, with moderate spiciness, which not only retains the original taste of dog meat, but also incorporates the unique freshness and spice fragrance of Cantonese cuisine.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

7: Leping, Jiangxi, the history of Leping dog meat can be traced back to the Han Dynasty, and it has been inherited for more than 2,000 years. After a long period of development and improvement, Leping dog meat has formed a unique and fine production process, and has become one of the representatives of local specialties in Leping and even Jiangxi.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Leping dog meat pays attention to "glutinous skin, fragrant meat, crispy bones". Traditional Leping dog meat retains the skin of the dog meat when cooking, because the meat quality of the skinless dog meat is not easy to solidify after cooking, which affects the taste. In appearance, Leping dog meat usually presents an attractive yellow and oily color, which makes people appetite greatly.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The taste of Leping dog meat is unique, with the word "fragrant" as the core, pork may be too fatty, beef may have a slightly fishy smell, mutton may have a smell, and dog meat has the characteristic of "fragrant". Its cooking methods are varied, among which "steamed dog meat" is a traditional method with the most local characteristics of Leping, through slow simmering, so that the fresh aroma of dog meat is fully released, while maintaining the tenderness and original taste of the meat. In addition, Leping dog meat is also very particular in seasoning, often using a variety of spices and seasonings, so that the final dish is fragrant, the taste is rich, both the meat aroma is rich, there is also the flavor of spices, and the aftertaste of food is endless.

Where is the best "dog meat" in China? After selection, these 7 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Okay, that's it for today, I'm Fengyan Shilu. In a complex and ever-changing world, we must stick to our beliefs and dreams, move forward bravely, not afraid of difficulties and setbacks, strive to pursue ideals and goals, and write wonderful life stories for ourselves. After the baptism of wind and rain, you can enjoy the beauty of the rainbow. Stranger, come on!


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