
23rd Anniversary! Tencent QQ sent a video to commemorate the birthday: launched a blockbuster new feature

author:Ray Technology

February 10 news, today is QQ's 23rd birthday, QQ specially sent a creative video to commemorate. Tencent "revealed" the world behind a QQ chat box, when the user is sending a red envelope, there will be a penguin to help stuff the gold coin into the wallet, and when sending a voice message, there will be a penguin to manually help transport.

23rd Anniversary! Tencent QQ sent a video to commemorate the birthday: launched a blockbuster new feature

Of course, this is just the idea of the video. What is more worthy of people's attention is that QQ announced the launch of the super QQ show, which has been converted from 2D to 3D high-definition exquisite model, and also supports facial AI face pinching.

AI will automatically establish a virtual image based on the features recognized by the user's face. In this way, QQ can automatically generate a virtual image similar to the user's facial features, on this basis, if the user feels dissatisfied, you can also fine-tune on this basis and choose your favorite virtual image.

23rd Anniversary! Tencent QQ sent a video to commemorate the birthday: launched a blockbuster new feature

In order to achieve this function, Tencent directly stuffed an Unreal 4 engine into QQ, so it can easily generate vivid virtual shapes. QQ has added a variety of interactive methods to the super QQ show, which can be seen as an attempt by Tencent to the meta-universe. Tencent is discussing acquisitions with Black Shark, and the future is likely to involve the manufacture of VR glasses, etc. In the future, Tencent's actions in the meta-universe are worth paying attention to.

The super QQ show also includes the living room, the kitchen, and users can use avatars to socialize. In Xiao Lei's view, this is an upgraded version of the earlier QQ show + QQ space, users can socialize with a more intuitive perspective, and the gameplay is more diverse, which may attract some two-dimensional enthusiasts.

23rd Anniversary! Tencent QQ sent a video to commemorate the birthday: launched a blockbuster new feature

In the era of mobile Internet, QQ's position in the Tencent Group is increasingly being replaced by WeChat. Xiao Lei rarely opens QQ now, and chats are mostly conducted through WeChat. If it is to transfer large files, the network disk is sometimes more convenient than QQ, especially several gigabytes of video files. If it is an office, there are also more professional tools such as Feishu.

Although the status of QQ is not as important as before, it can still form some complementarities with WeChat. WeChat is more of an acquaintance social, QQ has now been used by Xiao Lei as a tool for strangers to socialize, adding some groups is still much more convenient to use QQ.

Moreover, As a national social software, WeChat has a built-in Unreal 4 engine of several hundredMB, which is bound to encounter some opposition. QQ can be used as a test field to make advance deployment for Tencent's meta-universe strategy.

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