
Why did the jia house, which was extremely rich and noble, cause the disaster of raiding the family? These four reasons should not be underestimated

author:Red Chamber Night Thoughts

"Dream of the Red Chamber" at the beginning of the book borrowed Leng Zixing and Jia Yucun's small talk to mention that Jia Fu has long been hollow in the inner bag, and the Jia Fu in Leng Zixing's mouth is only the outer shelf that has not fallen, but the inner bag has long been up, "Although the outer shelf has not fallen, the inner bag has also come up (the first time)". The so-called inner bag refers to family property and wealth, and Leng Zixing's words reveal the inside story of Jia Fuyin's eating of grain for a hundred years.

Why did the jia house, which was extremely rich and noble, cause the disaster of raiding the family? These four reasons should not be underestimated

In the scattered manuscripts of the Red Chamber, Jia Fu was mostly raided. In the first eighty times, whether it was the things that Qin Keqing confessed to Wang Xifeng before his death, or the heartfelt words that Tanchun sighed after inspecting the Grand View Garden, or on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Madame Wang and Jia Mu's common words, mentioning that the Zhen family was copied, were either explicitly or implicitly pointed to the end of the Jia family's raid. As for the reason for the raid, there are many factors.

In the 106th time, the Jia family's relatives, friends, and other people once revealed relevant information to Jia Zheng, and it can be seen that Jia Fu's raid on the family is not only related to the master, but also inseparable from the slaves.

Why did the jia house, which was extremely rich and noble, cause the disaster of raiding the family? These four reasons should not be underestimated
Just as the so-called tree has deep roots, the internal and external relations in Jia Province are intertwined, the old slaves and old families who have been old slaves for many years have given birth to people, and those slaves with heads and faces have relied on Jia Fu for generations to live, and it is inevitable that they will follow the master to cause trouble:

Jia Zheng... Speaking: "The family is unfortunate because I can't discipline my children and nephews, so this is the end of it." Some said, "I have long known that Brother Ling's forgiveness of the elder master's behavior is inappropriate, and Brother Zhen over there is even more arrogant..." Some said: "There are many people making trouble, and I have not seen the imperial history to participate in the music." It's not that Zhen Boss offended his friends, why so! Some said, "I don't blame Mishi, we heard that it was the family of the government and a few mud legs outside shouting out... I think the most lenient people in the house, why is there still this thing. Some said, "The great mortal slaves are a non-viable one." I am here today with good relatives and friends, I dare to say. Even if the honorable driver is outside, I can't guarantee it. You don't love money, and the wind outside is not good, it's all the slaves, you should make some embankments. Although you have not touched your home now, it will be inconvenient if you encounter the Lord again and become suspicious. ”
When Jia Zheng heard this, he said busily in his heart: "How did everyone hear my wind sound?" The people said, "Although we have not heard the evidence, we have only heard outsiders say that you are on the grain road, how to ask your family at the door to ask for money." Jia Zheng listened and said, "I am right to heaven, and I never dared to think of asking for money." It's just that the slaves are out swindling and making trouble, and I can't eat it. The crowd said, "Now it is useless to be afraid, so we have to strictly investigate the current housekeepers, and if there are slaves who resist the master, find out and strictly handle it." ”

From this dialogue, it can be seen that there are many reasons for Jia Fu's home raids.

Why did the jia house, which was extremely rich and noble, cause the disaster of raiding the family? These four reasons should not be underestimated

First of all, Jia Yu and Jia Zhen acted inappropriately and acted arbitrarily.

Those things that Jia Zhen did, just a few of them, may be played by people with ulterior motives and put on charges.

When Qin Keqing died, Jia Zhen bought a board from Xue Pan, and the board was prepared by the offending prince. Qin Keqing's funeral was a big deal, there were many relatives and friends, and Xue Pan did not have a door in his mouth, so it was inevitable that this matter would not spread out. Can the hereditary Princess Qin of Ningguo afford to use this board? Is there a possibility of trespassing in terms of the ceremonial system? These questions, Jia Zhen will not consider at all. When there is no one in sight, it is inevitable that when you lose, you will be grabbed by people and hit with one blow.

As for Jia Yu, his account in terms of silver money is also a mess. Jia Yu was profligate, he could spend eight hundred taels of silver to buy a concubine in one breath, and he coveted Jia Mu's private property, wanted to get the Mandarin duck, and then saw that he promised his own daughter Yingchun to Sun Shaozu at will because of five thousand taels of silver, and it can be known that his greed and absurdity eventually caused disaster.

What's more, because he coveted a few antique fans, he didn't give up until he got his hands on them, so he gave Jia YuCun an opportunity to take advantage of. Jia Yu Village actually got a fan, but with Jia Yu Village's character and cunning, this price, Jia Yu must not be able to pay. Later, the owner of the fan, Shi Duzi, was uncertain of his life and death, but it was conceivable that once a human life lawsuit occurred, Jia Yu would become convicted, and was kicked by Jia Yucun at the door and kicked to the door of the YanWang Hall.

The various incidents caused by Jia Yu and Jia Zhen through their power and jia fu's momentum are the starting point for the disaster of raiding the family.

Why did the jia house, which was extremely rich and noble, cause the disaster of raiding the family? These four reasons should not be underestimated

Secondly, the principal steward was ineffective, resulting in the poor voice of The Jia government officials and the suspicion of the imperial court.

Compared with Jia Zhen, Jia Yu and others, although Jia Zheng is a gentleman with good character, he is "not accustomed to vulgar things", which is very similar to Zhen Shiyin before the loser. Zhen Shi was idle and only took care of watching the flowers and repairing bamboo, and when the disaster came, he panicked, and could only take his family members to his father-in-law to fengsu, but he had no other survival skills, "not accustomed to physiological crops and other things (the first time)", so he was deceived into a lot of silver money.

Although Jia Zheng was not as obscure as Zhen Shiyin, he and Lady Wang had been deceived by the housekeeper's daughter-in-law Wang Xifeng for a long time, and they were in the dark, and there were willful acts of diao slaves on the outside, and Wang Xifeng on the inside to take over the lawsuits, resulting in Jia Zheng's official voice being affected and being suspected by the imperial court.

On the other hand, although Jia Zheng has been an official for many years, his talent is mediocre, and his political achievements are not remarkable. Such officials are too weak to counter political risks. In this way, it is naturally very easy for a red-eyed person or a rival of the Jia family to sue the Jia family for being black.

Why did the jia house, which was extremely rich and noble, cause the disaster of raiding the family? These four reasons should not be underestimated

Third, Sister Feng lends money, breaks people's marriages, and forces people to die.

Wang Xifeng has been lending usury for a long time, according to Feng Jie's greedy and ruthless personality, she should offend many people, even the slaves who help run errands at home, she is also mean, it is difficult to ensure that people do not feel resentment.

Moreover, Wang Xifeng took over the lawsuit in the name of Jia Lian and others, and the original text mentioned that she had accepted three thousand taels of silver to interfere with the marriage of the daughter of the Cai family and the son of the garrison under the quiet and vain, which eventually led to the martyrdom of the lovers, and Sister Feng was sitting on three thousand taels of silver, and afterwards Sister Feng was "more courageous", and there were similar things that were also willful, it can be known that regardless of whether other people's lives were later caused, but at least in the folk, the reputation of Jia Fu has been badly heard.

Looking at Sister Feng's handling of Sister You's affairs, she was determined to kill Sister You's fiancé Zhang Hua at that time, if it were not for the fact that her subordinates could not bear it, I am afraid that Zhang Hua would not be able to escape death.

From what Feng Jie has done, it can be seen that under the influence of greed, people can completely do whatever they want, in the long run, paper can't keep the fire, and Feng Jie has received too many benefits, how could she have thought that in the future it would inevitably be retribution from Yin Si? Yin Si retribution may be superstitious, but everything has a cause and effect, there must be gain and loss, what Feng Jie did was originally illegal and unreasonable, and once those things were reported to the imperial court, the Jia family was punished more than enough.

Why did the jia house, which was extremely rich and noble, cause the disaster of raiding the family? These four reasons should not be underestimated

Fourth, the domestic slave rebelled, did too much evil, and left a handle.

The slave relationship in Jia Province is intertwined, and it is said that Lady Wang's housekeeper Zhou Rui's family, her daughter married the antique dealer Leng Zixing. The Jia family is an official, and Leng Zixing is a businessman, and this relationship is inevitable that the officials and businessmen will collude, and this is not a random suspicion.

At the time when Aunt Xue sent palace flowers to Sister Feng at Zhou Rui's house, her daughter just happened to be dressed up and came to Jia Mansion, she came not for anything else, but her son-in-law "was put on an evil fire", she begged her mother, whether it was looking for a wife here or a second grandmother, to bail out her son-in-law:

Zhou Rui's... The head overlooked her daughter dressed up before coming from her in-laws' house... Her daughter laughed and said, "Mom has always been good? ...... What is so busy not to go home..." Zhou Ruijia laughed: "... You're going to come here, there must be something going on. Her daughter laughed and said, "... Your son-in-law's former son-in-law, because he had eaten two more glasses of wine and quarreled with people, somehow was set on an evil fire, saying that he came from an unknown source and was sent to the yamen to be deported back to his hometown. So I came to discuss with your old man, this sentiment, which one can be done? Zhou Rui's family listened, "I just know." What's the big deal! And your house is waiting for me... What's this, busy so. When the daughter heard this, she went back and said, "Mom, come soon." Zhou Ruijia said, "Yes." The little man's family has not gone through anything, and it is anxious for you to do so. (Seventh time)

Looking at the tone of the Zhou Rui family, we can see that this kind of thing she only thinks is a small matter, not worth mentioning, in her eyes, her daughter has never seen anything, from this we can see that these slaves are holding the wealth of the master's family, and they are doing evil outside, not for a day.

Grandma Liu's son-in-law, Dog'er, also mentioned that when the Zhou Rui family first competed to buy land, the dog family had a lot of help. Moreover, Sister Feng's accompanying daughter-in-law Laiwang took advantage of Sister Feng's prestige and told Lady Wang's handmaiden Cai Xia to her son, who was not a weapon, and it is conceivable that this kind of bullying is just ordinary in the eyes of these faceless slaves.

Why did the jia house, which was extremely rich and noble, cause the disaster of raiding the family? These four reasons should not be underestimated

Fifth, the children of the Jia family have a gap in their hearts, people's hearts are not compatible, and there are many gaps within the family.

There are many children in Jia Fu who are gradually marginalized, such as Jia Chun, Jia Huan, Jia Yun, Jia Qin, Jia Qiang, Jia Lan and others. Some of these disciples are side branches, some are outgoing, but some are real descendants of concubines, such as Jia Lan.

It is said that the wall is pushed by everyone, and it is said that things are uneven and sound, and there is also a saying that there is no widowhood but unevenness. The decline of the Jia family is inseparable from these children.

Jia Fu is rich and noble, but the wealth is only concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people, most of whom are children who are as difficult as Jia Yun and others. A polarized family like the Jia family makes it difficult to make marginalized clans and those in power feel the same way. One day, the Jia family will fall, and there will probably not be many people who can read the good of Jia Lian, Feng Jie and others, except for Jia Yun.

Jia Qin can openly gather crowds in the temple to gamble and make friends with bandits and robbers, Jia Huan is deeply hated and has a bad stomach, Jia Chun is unruly, Jia Qiang is cunning and treacherous, Jia Rong is bad enough to pit his uncle, and Jia Lan is indifferent to himself and hangs high.

These people, each with their own careful thoughts, their strength will not come together, let alone work together for the prosperity of the family. Although Jia Lan said that he studied the book with his heart, Li Feng had a cold temperament, and even if the mother and son duo had a golden seal hanging from their chests in the future, I was afraid that they would only save themselves, and would never do their best to help the clan in distress.

References: "Dream of the Red Chamber Fat Collection", by Cao Xueqin, Comments on Fat Yan Zhai, Yuelu Book Club.

Author: Duan Ya. Welcome to my headline number: Red Chamber Night Thoughts. From the book, look at the broader life.

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