
If a person wants to stay active, there are generally three ways

If a person wants to stay active, there are generally three ways

Text/Sully Lily

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Hawking said: "The wonderful thing in life is adventure. ”

Do you have some dreams that you really want to fulfill? What kind of life do you want to have?

Life is inherently colorful, and life has many possibilities and plasticity, and it is precisely because of this that our lives are more desirable and expected.

If you really like something and want to do, then don't hesitate to take action from now on to experience the excitement of your life.

Take a brave step and risk your dreams to meet an unexpected and brilliant life.

If a person wants to stay active, there are generally three ways

Take a brave risk and your dreams are right in front of you

There is a popular saying that goes like this: If people do not have dreams, what is the difference between them and salted fish?

I believe that everyone has a dream, so how many people have realized their dreams?

There is such a woman, the first female pilot of China's civil aviation, the first Chinese female parachute jumper, and the only Chinese female pilot who has done a long-distance flight in North and South America.

She is the woman who has a legendary life - Li Xiaqing.

You may not believe that she was once 14 years old and a bright new star in the Shanghai film industry. But she went to study in the UK at the age of 16, and at a young age, she already had a plan for her life.

If a person wants to stay active, there are generally three ways

While she was in Paris, she watched an air show. At that time, her entire human cells were awakened by the various flying movements of the plane in the sky, and she found the thing she loved all her life. Soon, she enrolled in a flight school in Switzerland and began her life of flying.

When the invigilator asked her why she had come to register for the study, she replied firmly that she was going to do what other women did not dare to do, and she wanted everyone to see that Chinese women could also soar in the sky.

Eventually, she became the only Oriental woman in Switzerland to receive a flying license. Later, she went to the Flight School in the United States to continue her studies. In 1935, after returning to China, she quickly obtained a domestic flight license and became the first female pilot in China. At this time, she was only 24 years old.

Such a legendary woman who dared to take risks created countless miracles in her life and realized her dream of flying.

Firm faith, strong action, sincere dreams, dare to take risks, created her brilliant life.

If we also want to have a different life, we must be like her, first of all, to become a brave adventure, for the dream of hard work.

There are many things in life that need to be risked. But that's not to say that if we take a risk, we'll be absolutely successful.

In fact, we face far more failures than successes, and we can even be misunderstood and put into difficult situations because of this.

But even so, we should bravely take risks, break through ourselves, and usher in a colorful life for the dream in our hearts.

Because success will only favor those who are willing to take risks for their dreams and make the ultimate effort.

If a person wants to stay active, there are generally three ways

Constantly challenge and try, live a wonderful life

Carly Klaus, the first American model, signed a contract with a modeling agency at the age of 15 and embarked on the road of supermodel, becoming one of the most gold-sucking models in the world.

In fact, in the industry of supermodels, she has achieved the highest level in the world. She has countless advertisements and endorsements, her own exclusive investments, rich and handsome boyfriends and so on. It can be said that her life has been very brilliant, and it can be said that she is a winner in life.

But she has never been satisfied with her current situation, and has been constantly challenging and trying various new lives. She never thought her modeling career would be hindered by age, but instead thought she should learn more. So, in her 20s, she decided to go to Harvard for further study.

If a person wants to stay active, there are generally three ways

In her opinion, she is not satisfied with her profession of only modeling. So she took three other courses, computer science, cooking, and business management, which she believed would become new paths in her future life.

Successful and outstanding people are often people who are willing to constantly challenge and try new things.

They are full of curiosity about life, but also have the courage and mind to accept new things. They are willing to take the time to learn about new things, enrich their lives, and know how to multiply the value of their lives.

Of course, in the process of challenging and trying new things, they will inevitably encounter failures or accidents. But this does not prevent the truly strong, they can face their own mistakes, adjust the strategy in time, so they are more likely to achieve greater success.

People who like to take risks and try new things often have a larger pattern, they can constantly discover new things, and they will also inject a variety of different colors into their lives.

Keep a sincere curiosity, bravely challenge and try what you are interested in, you can live your own wonderful life.

If a person wants to stay active, there are generally three ways

No need to wait, make life passionate

In the movie "Bucket List", a black worker and a billionaire are both admitted to the same ward because of cancer. They have a lot of regrets, so they desperately try to make up for it in the last moments of their lives: skydiving, driving a sports car, getting tattoos, traveling around the world, and so on.

Because they know that their time is running out. So, what about us?

A lot of people will say, when I'm ready, do what I like again.

But in fact, how long do you have to wait?

We have a lot of things we want to do every day. We always want to lose weight and lose weight, but our fitness card has always been quietly left in the drawer and has never been opened; we want to protect our eyes, but the eye massager we bought before has long been unknown where to put it; we want to come out with friends to get together, but we are always disturbed by the busyness of life.

So, we stay in the stage of "thinking" and do not really practice it.

If a person wants to stay active, there are generally three ways

We always say, when we have time, we will do this or that, so when exactly will we have time? Is it true that you don't have time, or do you not want to do these things from the bottom of your heart?

Time never stops for anyone, and life is only once.

We always think that time is very long, we can squander it as we want, and live in this world with a fluke mentality.

It wasn't until we saw that we had white hair, the corners of our eyes were wrinkled, and our lives were full of regrets, that we suddenly realized that life was so short that time would never stop for anyone.

Don't wait any longer, life is a wonderful adventure and should be spent with passion.

Everyone's future path is rich and colorful, and life is a journey of constant attempts and explorations.

Seriously live in every moment, seize every opportunity, no regrets about their every choice, do not leave too many regrets, will not live up to this life.

Take advantage of the fact that it is still too late, love yourself well, cherish the people around you, treat every second of time well, and do what you really like to do.

Do whatever you think, don't be afraid, summon up courage, time will never fail to live up to every effort we make.

May we go against the wind and let our lives play out the most exciting adventure life.

If a person wants to stay active, there are generally three ways

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